Lunar New Year 2025

Release Dates:

January 29th - February 2nd 2025

This event was the annual Lunar New Year event with a focus on Snake Pokémon

Field Research
Field Research
Timed Research
Timed Research
Collection Challenge
Collection Challenge

Event Effects

Effect Type
Lucky Friend Chance Increased
Lucky Trade Chance Increased
Shiny Ekans Chance Increased
Shiny Nosepass Chance Increased

Spawn Increases In Event

Specific Pokémon

No. Pic Name Type

Shiny Capable

Shiny Capable

Shiny Capable

Shiny Capable

Shiny Capable

Shiny Capable

Shiny Capable

Specific Egg Hatches

No. Pic Name Type
Shiny Capable
2km Eggs
Shiny Capable
2km Eggs
Shiny Capable
2km Eggs
Shiny Capable
2km Eggs
Shiny Capable
2km Eggs

Event Exclusive Field Research

Task Reward
Catch 3 Pokémon (Daily Bonus)
Poke CoinPoke Coin * 5
Power up Pokémon 3 times (Daily Bonus)
Poke CoinPoke Coin * 5
Send a Gift to a friend (Daily Bonus)
Poke CoinPoke Coin * 5
Spin 3 PokéStops or Gyms (Daily Bonus)
Poke CoinPoke Coin * 5
Transfer 10 Pokémon (Daily Bonus)
Poke CoinPoke Coin * 5
Catch 25 Pokémon (Daily Bonus)
Poke CoinPoke Coin * 25
Catch 12 Pokémon
VoltorbVoltorb Encounter
MagikarpMagikarp Encounter
DratiniDratini Encounter
DarumakaDarumaka Encounter
Catch 6 Pokémon while following routes
StardustStardust * 1200
Explore 2km
StardustStardust * 600

Timed Research Introduced in Event

Year of the Snake Timed Research
1 / 1
Walk 1km while traveling Routes
Zygarde CellZygarde Cell * 1
Zygarde CellZygarde Cell * 6
5000 XP
StardustStardust * 5000
Walk 2km while traveling Routes
Zygarde CellZygarde Cell * 1
Catch 10 Pokémon while following routes
Zygarde CellZygarde Cell * 1
Follow a Route
Zygarde CellZygarde Cell * 1

Lunar New Year 2025 Premium Timed Research
1 / 2
Catch 12 Pokémon
EkansEkans Encounter
Lucky EggLucky Egg * 2
4000 XP
StardustStardust * 4000
Catch 12 Pokémon
NosepassNosepass Encounter
Catch 24 Pokémon
EkansEkans Encounter
Catch 24 Pokémon
NosepassNosepass Encounter
Catch 36 Pokémon
EkansEkans Encounter
Catch 36 Pokémon
NosepassNosepass Encounter
2 / 2
Catch 12 Pokémon
EkansEkans Encounter
Egg IncubatorEgg Incubator * 1
8000 XP
StardustStardust * 4000
Catch 12 Pokémon
NosepassNosepass Encounter
Catch 24 Pokémon
EkansEkans Encounter
Catch 24 Pokémon
NosepassNosepass Encounter
Catch 36 Pokémon
EkansEkans Encounter
Catch 36 Pokémon
NosepassNosepass Encounter

Collection Challenge Introduced in Event

Lunar New Year Collection Challenge
Catch a Ekans
StardustStardust * 6000
Catch a Dunsparce
Catch a Snivy
Catch a Onix
Catch a Darumaka