Niantic Birthday Event

Release Dates:

October 4th 2020

To celebrate Niantic's 5th anniversary, a special event was held which had exclusive Timed Research and a variety of bonuses

Timed Research
Timed Research
Shop Box

Event Effects

Effect Type
Team GO Rocket Balloons More Often
Lucky Egg Duration 1 Hour
Star Piece Duration 1 Hour
Catch Experience 2*
Hatch Experience 2*
Egg Distance 50%

Timed Research Introduced in Event

Niantic Birthday Event
1 / 4
Use 3 Berries to help catch Pokémon
Pinap BerryPinap Berry * 3
IncenseIncense * 1
StardustStardust * 1000
1000 XP
Catch 5 Pokémon
Poke BallPoke Ball * 3
Make 3 Nice Throws
Nanab BerryNanab Berry * 3
2 / 4
Transfer 5 Pokémon
StardustStardust * 750
Egg IncubatorEgg Incubator * 1
StardustStardust * 1000
1000 XP
Power up Pokémon 3 times
StardustStardust * 750
Evolve a Pokémon
StardustStardust * 750
3 / 4
Spin 3 PokéStops or Gyms
PotionPotion * 5
Lucky EggLucky Egg * 1
StardustStardust * 1000
1000 XP
Hatch an Egg
Super PotionSuper Potion * 5
Earn a Candy walking with your buddy
Hyper PotionHyper Potion * 3
4 / 4
Defeat a Team GO Rocket Grunt
ReviveRevive * 5
Star PieceStar Piece * 1
StardustStardust * 2000
2000 XP
Win a Gym Battle
Fast TMFast TM * 1
Win a Raid
Charge TMCharge TM * 1

Event Item Boxes

Special Box
1 Coins
Ultra Ball30