Winter Holiday 2023 Part 1

Release Dates:

December 18th - December 25th 2023

This event was Part 1 of the annual Winter Holiday event and featured a focus on Ice-type Pokémon, including the addition Cetitan and Cetoddle into the game

New Pokémon
New Pokémon
Field Research
Field Research
Timed Research
Timed Research

Event Effects

Effect Type
Catch Experience *2
Catch Stardust *2
Gift Experience & Stardust *2
Catch Candy *2
Pikachu Shiny Rate Increased Raids
Eevee Shiny Rate Increased Eggs

Spawn Increases In Event

Specific Pokémon

No. Pic Name Type

Shiny Capable

Shiny Capable

Shiny Capable

Shiny Capable

Shiny Capable

Shiny Capable

Shiny Capable

Shiny Capable

Shiny Capable

Shiny Capable

Shiny Capable

Shiny Capable

Shiny Capable

Specific Egg Hatches

No. Pic Name Type
Shiny Capable
2km Eggs
Shiny Capable
2km Eggs
Shiny Capable
2km Eggs
Shiny Capable
2km Eggs

New Pokémon in Event

No. Pic Name Type
Pikachu (Holidays)
Raichu (Holidays)
Psyduck (Holiday)
Golduck (Holiday)

Event Specific Raid Battles

No. Pic Name Type Rank Max. CP At Capture
Shiny Capable
Normal: 536
Boosted: 670
Shiny Capable
Normal: 739
Boosted: 924
Shiny Capable
Normal: 550
Boosted: 687
Shiny Capable
Normal: 778
Boosted: 973
Shiny Capable
Normal: 742
Boosted: 928
Dewgong ☆☆☆
Normal: 1134
Boosted: 1418
Shiny Capable
Normal: 1509
Boosted: 1886
Shiny Capable
Normal: 1236
Boosted: 1546
Glaceon ☆☆☆
Normal: 1786
Boosted: 2233

Event Exclusive Field Research

Task Reward
Catch 5 different species of Pokémon
DelibirdDelibird Encounter
SphealSpheal Encounter
Catch 5 Ice-type Pokémon
Poke BallPoke Ball * 5
Pinap BerryPinap Berry * 5
Razz BerryRazz Berry * 5
Ultra BallUltra Ball * 3
Catch 7 Ice-type Pokémon
ShellderShellder Encounter
SnoverSnover Encounter
VanilliteVanillite Encounter
Catch 10 different species of Pokémon
JynxJynx Encounter
CubchooCubchoo Encounter
Open 5 Gifts
PikachuPikachu Encounter
SandshrewSandshrew Encounter
Send 3 Gifts and add a sticker to each
CrabrawlerCrabrawler Encounter
Abomasnow Mega EnergyAbomasnow Mega Energy * 25
Glalie Mega EnergyGlalie Mega Energy * 25
Win a raid
LaprasLapras Encounter
GlaceonGlaceon Encounter

Timed Research Introduced in Event

Winter Holiday Timed Research
1 / 1
Catch 10 Pokémon
CetoddleCetoddle Encounter
Psyduck Psyduck Encounter
Premium Battle PassPremium Battle Pass * 2
5000 XP
Catch 20 Pokémon
SneaselSneasel Encounter
Catch 30 Pokémon
DarumakaDarumaka Encounter
Catch 40 Pokémon
SphealSpheal Encounter
Use 10 Berries to help catch Pokémon
PikachuPikachu Encounter
Use 20 Berries to help catch Pokémon
StantlerStantler Encounter
Catch 4 different species of Ice-type Pokémon
EeveeEevee Encounter
Catch 6 different species of Ice-type Pokémon
CryogonalCryogonal Encounter
Catch 8 different species of Ice-type Pokémon
AmauraAmaura Encounter
Catch 10 different species of Ice-type Pokémon
GlaceonGlaceon Encounter

Winter Holiday Part 2 Timed Research
1 / 1
Catch 10 Pokémon
CetoddleCetoddle Encounter
Psyduck Psyduck Encounter
Premium Battle PassPremium Battle Pass * 2
5000 XP
Catch 20 Pokémon
SneaselSneasel Encounter
Catch 30 Pokémon
DarumakaDarumaka Encounter
Catch 40 Pokémon
SphealSpheal Encounter
Use 10 Berries to help catch Pokémon
PikachuPikachu Encounter
Use 20 Berries to help catch Pokémon
DelibirdDelibird Encounter
Catch 4 different species of Ice-type Pokémon
EeveeEevee Encounter
Catch 6 different species of Ice-type Pokémon
CryogonalCryogonal Encounter
Catch 8 different species of Ice-type Pokémon
AmauraAmaura Encounter
Catch 10 different species of Ice-type Pokémon
GlaceonGlaceon Encounter

Winter Wishes
1 / 2
Catch 5 Pokémon
Glacial Lure ModuleGlacial Lure Module * 1
StardustStardust * 500
500 XP
Spin 3 PokéStops or Gyms
PikachuPikachu Encounter
Power up Pokémon 5 times
Silver Pinap BerrySilver Pinap Berry * 2
Branched Choices
Choose Experience
Choose Stardust
Choose Experience
2 / 2
Catch 10 Pokémon
SphealSpheal Encounter
Mr. Mime Mr. Mime Encounter
Lucky EggLucky Egg * 1
Catch 25 Pokémon
EeveeEevee Encounter
Catch 40 Ice-type Pokémon
LaprasLapras Encounter
Catch 8 different species of Ice-type Pokémon
StantlerStantler Encounter
Earn 25,000 XP
CetoddleCetoddle Encounter
Send 25 Gifts to friends
RaticateRaticate Encounter
Choose Stardust
2 / 2
Catch 10 Pokémon
SphealSpheal Encounter
Mr. Mime Mr. Mime Encounter
Star PieceStar Piece * 1
Catch 25 Pokémon
EeveeEevee Encounter
Catch 40 Ice-type Pokémon
LaprasLapras Encounter
Catch 8 different species of Ice-type Pokémon
StantlerStantler Encounter
Earn 7,500 Stardust
CetoddleCetoddle Encounter
Send 25 Gifts to friends
RaticateRaticate Encounter

Frosty Festivities
1 / 4
Spin 10 PokéStops
CubchooCubchoo Encounter
Mr. Mime Mr. Mime Encounter
Winter PoseWinter Pose * 1
Catch 25 Ice-type Pokémon
SphealSpheal Encounter
Make 20 Curveball Throws
PikachuPikachu Encounter
2 / 4
Use 20 Berries to help catch Pokémon
StantlerStantler Encounter
Lapras Lapras Encounter
Silver Pinap BerrySilver Pinap Berry * 3
Transfer 25 Pokémon
DelibirdDelibird Encounter
Catch 30 Ice-type Pokémon
EeveeEevee Encounter
3 / 4
Make 30 Curveball Throws
CubchooCubchoo Encounter
Glaceon Glaceon Encounter
IncenseIncense * 1
Send 10 Gifts to friends
SphealSpheal Encounter
Catch 40 Ice-type Pokémon
PikachuPikachu Encounter
4 / 4
Transfer 30 Pokémon
StantlerStantler Encounter
Psyduck Psyduck Encounter
Egg IncubatorEgg Incubator * 1
Explore 5 km
DelibirdDelibird Encounter
Catch 50 Ice-type Pokémon
EeveeEevee Encounter

Event Exclusive Stickers

Cetoddle Cetoddle Open Gifts & Spin Poké Stops
Cryogonal Cryogonal Open Gifts & Spin Poké Stops
Psyduck Psyduck Open Gifts & Spin Poké Stops
Seel Seel Open Gifts & Spin Poké Stops
Vanillite Vanillite Open Gifts & Spin Poké Stops