Release Dates:

May 14th 2023 00:00 - May 14th 2023 23:59

The second Pokémon GO Battle Day of the Season of Rising Heroes is focused around Stardust with a paid Timed Research that allows for players to earn more Stardust

Timed Research
Timed Research
GO Battle League
League Cup

Event Effects

Effect Type
GO Battle Tracks a day 20
Stardust Rewards *4

Timed Research Introduced in Event

GO Battle Day May 2023
1 / 1
Battle in the GO Battle League 20 times
StardustStardust * 4000
StardustStardust * 5000
Rare CandyRare Candy * 3
Star PieceStar Piece * 1
Battle in the GO Battle League 40 times
StardustStardust * 4000
Battle in the GO Battle League 60 times
StardustStardust * 4000
Battle in the GO Battle League 80 times
StardustStardust * 4000
Battle in the GO Battle League 100 times
StardustStardust * 4000

Event GO Battle League Cup

Master League

Master League CP RestrictionNo Limits
Pokémon Restrictions

Sunshine Cup

Sunshine Cup CP Restriction1500 CP
Pokémon Restrictions Normal-, Ground-, Fire, and Grass only