Master Ball

Date Released: October 4th 2024

The seventh Masterwork Research is a Research based around giving players a new Master Ball

Research Tasks

Task Task Reward Total Reward
1 / 4
Catch 250 Pokémon
Poke BallPoke Ball * 20
2500 XP
StunfiskStunfisk Encounter
Use 150 Berries to help catch Pokémon
Razz BerryRazz Berry * 15
Make 100 Nice Curveball Throws
StardustStardust * 2500
2 / 4
Catch 300 Pokémon
Poke BallPoke Ball * 20
3500 XP
Farfetch'dFarfetch'd Encounter
Make 100 Great Curveball Throws
Pinap BerryPinap Berry * 15
Transfer 50 Pokémon
Great BallGreat Ball * 20
3 / 4
Catch 350 Pokémon
Great BallGreat Ball * 20
4500 XP
WeezingWeezing Encounter
Defeat 25 Team GO Rocket Members
Charged TMCharged TM * 5
Catch 75 different species of Pokémon
ReviveRevive * 15
4 / 4
Visit PokéStops on 7 different days
2500 XP
5000 XP
StardustStardust * 5000
Master BallMaster Ball * 1
Catch a Pokémon on 7 different days
StardustStardust * 2500
Hatch 20 Eggs
Mr. MimeMr. Mime Encounter
Catch 75 Pokémon in a single day
Ultra BallUltra Ball * 20
Make 50 Excellent Throws
Max ReviveMax Revive * 20
Catch 500 Pokémon
Pinap BerryPinap Berry * 3