Community Day Classic: Totodile

Date Released: March 22rd 2025

As part of the ticketed part of March 2025's Community Day Classic , some new Special Research was released. This research focuses on researching Ralts

This event was time limited. You needed to begin it in the time of the event, but it could be finished at any time.

Research Tasks

Task Task Reward Total Reward
1 / 3
Use 25 berries to help catch Pokémon
TotodileTotodile Encounter
Totodile Totodile Encounter
StardustStardust * 7500
Premium Battle PassPremium Battle Pass * 1
Catch 25 Pokémon
Egg IncubatorEgg Incubator * 1
Make 25 Great Throws
Totodile CandyTotodile Candy * 50
Spin 15 PokéStops or Gyms
IncenseIncense * 1
Explore 1km
Silver Pinap BerrySilver Pinap Berry * 3
Complete 5 Field Research tasks
Ultra BallUltra Ball * 30
2 / 3
Catch 5 Pokémon
TotodileTotodile Encounter
Totodile Totodile Encounter
StardustStardust * 7500
Ultra BallUltra Ball * 30
Catch 10 Pokémon
TotodileTotodile Encounter
Catch 15 Pokémon
TotodileTotodile Encounter
Catch 20 Pokémon
TotodileTotodile Encounter
Catch 25 Pokémon
TotodileTotodile Encounter
Catch 30 Pokémon
TotodileTotodile Encounter
3 / 3
Send 3 gifts and add a sticker to each
CroconawCroconaw Encounter
Totodile Totodile Encounter
10000 XP
Rare Candy XLRare Candy XL * 1
Earn 3 hearts with your buddy
Rocket RadarRocket Radar * 1
Transfer 25 Pokémon
Totodile Candy XLTotodile Candy XL * 5
Evolve 5 Pokémon
Rare CandyRare Candy * 3
Power up Pokémon 20 times
Charged TMCharged TM * 1
Earn 15,000 XP
FeraligatrFeraligatr Encounter