Fuzzy Fighter

Date Released: March 4th - June 3rd 2025

This Special Research was a paid ticket to give players a chance to get a second Kubfu

Research Tasks

Task Task Reward Total Reward
1 / 5
Catch 30 Pokémon
Golden Razz BerryGolden Razz Berry * 2
IncenseIncense * 1
Pinap BerryPinap Berry * 10
StardustStardust * 1000
Collect 500 Max Particles
StuffulStufful Encounter
Spin 10 PokéStops or Gyms
Poke BallPoke Ball * 20
2 / 5
Explore 5km
Golden Razz BerryGolden Razz Berry * 2
Premium Battle PassPremium Battle Pass * 1
ReviveRevive * 5
1000 XP
Spin 20 PokéStops or Gyms
TeddiursaTeddiursa Encounter
Power up Fighting-type Pokémon 10 times
Silver Pinap BerrySilver Pinap Berry * 2
3 / 5
Use 10 berries to help catch Pokémon
Ultra BallUltra Ball * 20
Star PieceStar Piece * 1
Hyper PotionHyper Potion * 5
StardustStardust * 1000
Win 3 raids
TyrogueTyrogue Encounter
Power up Water-type Pokémon 10 times
Kubfu CandyKubfu Candy * 10
4 / 5
Catch 15 different species of Pokémon
Golden Razz BerryGolden Razz Berry * 2
Premium Battle PassPremium Battle Pass * 1
Rare CandyRare Candy * 5
1000 XP
Defeat 5 Team GO Rocket Members
CubchooCubchoo Encounter
Power up Dark-type Pokémon 10 times
Kubfu CandyKubfu Candy * 10
5 / 5
Earn 5 Candies while walking with your buddy
Silver Pinap BerrySilver Pinap Berry * 2
KubfuDynamax Kubfu Encounter
Kubfu Candy XLKubfu Candy XL * 3
StardustStardust * 1000
Make 2 Excellent Throws
PanchamPancham Encounter
Level up a Max Move
Kubfu CandyKubfu Candy * 10