Task Reward
Total Reward
1 / 9 |
Send a gift to a friend |
 | Incense * 1 |
 | Ho-Oh Wings * 1 |  | Poke Ball * 50 |  | Lucky Egg * 1 | |
Use an Incense |
 | Poke Ball * 50 |
Catch 20 Pokémon |
 | Nanab Berry * 3 |
Branched Choices |
Totodile |
Cyndaquil |
Chikorita |
Chikorita 3 / 9 |
Claim Reward |
 | Lugia Glasses * 1 |  | Dunsparce Encounter |  | Ledyba Candy * 25 Gold |  | Spinarak Candy * 25 Silver | |
Catch 15 different species of Pokémon |
 | Chikorita Candy * 25 |
Evolve your Chikorita |
 | Poffin * 1 |
Cyndaquil 3 / 9 |
Claim Reward |
 | Lugia Glasses * 1 |  | Dunsparce Encounter |  | Ledyba Candy * 25 Gold |  | Spinarak Candy * 25 Silver | |
Catch 15 different species of Pokémon |
 | Cyndaquil Candy * 25 |
Evolve your Cyndaquil |
 | Poffin * 1 |
Totodile 3 / 9 |
Claim Reward |
 | Lugia Glasses * 1 |  | Dunsparce Encounter |  | Ledyba Candy * 25 Gold |  | Spinarak Candy * 25 Silver | |
Catch 15 different species of Pokémon |
 | Totodile Candy * 25 |
Evolve your Totodile |
 | Poffin * 1 |
4 / 9 |
Defeat 3 Team GO Rocket Members |
 | Revive * 5 |
 | Rocket Radar * 3 |  | Qwilfish Encounter |  | Mantine Candy * 25 Gold |  | Phanpy Candy * 25 Silver | |
Purify 3 Shadow Pokémon |
 | Stardust * 500 |
Earn 3000 Stardust |
 | Super Potion * 1 |
Chikorita 5 / 9 |
Complete 3 Field Research tasks |
 | Poke Ball * 50 |
Make 5 Great Throws |
 | Metal Coat * 2 |
Catch 20 Pokémon |
 | Chikorita Candy * 50 |
Cyndaquil 5 / 9 |
Complete 3 Field Research tasks |
 | Poke Ball * 50 |
Make 5 Great Throws |
 | Metal Coat * 2 |
Catch 20 Pokémon |
 | Cyndaquil Candy * 50 |
Totodile 5 / 9 |
Complete 3 Field Research tasks |
 | Poke Ball * 50 |
Make 5 Great Throws |
 | Metal Coat * 2 |
Catch 20 Pokémon |
 | Totodile Candy * 50 |
Chikorita 6 / 9 |
Evolve your Bayleef |
 | Great Ball * 50 |
 | Egg Incubator * 1 |  | Stantler Encounter |  | Ledyba Candy * 25 Gold |  | Spinarak Candy * 25 Silver | |
Power up Pokémon 5 times |
 | Stardust * 100 |
Earn a Candy walking with your buddy |
 | Sun Stone * 2 |
Cyndaquil 6 / 9 |
Evolve your Cyndaquil |
 | Great Ball * 50 |
 | Egg Incubator * 1 |  | Stantler Encounter |  | Ledyba Candy * 25 Gold |  | Spinarak Candy * 25 Silver | |
Power up Pokémon 5 times |
 | Stardust * 100 |
Earn a Candy walking with your buddy |
 | Sun Stone * 2 |
Totodile 6 / 9 |
Evolve your Croconaw |
 | Great Ball * 50 |
 | Egg Incubator * 1 |  | Stantler Encounter |  | Ledyba Candy * 25 Gold |  | Spinarak Candy * 25 Silver | |
Power up Pokémon 5 times |
 | Stardust * 100 |
Earn a Candy walking with your buddy |
 | Sun Stone * 2 |
7 / 9 |
Send a Gift with a sticker |
 | Ultra Ball * 25 |
 | Lure Module * 1 |  | Hitmontop Encounter |  | Mantine Candy * 25 Gold |  | Phanpy Candy * 25 Silver | |
Hatch 2 Eggs |
 | Upgrade * 1 |
Complete 5 Field Research Tasks |
 | Kings Rock * 2 |
8 / 9 |
Earn 3 hearts with your buddy |
 | Star Piece * 1 |
 | Ho-oh T-Shirt * 1 Gold |  | Lugia T-Shirt * 1 Silver |  | Celebi Encounter |  | Stardust * 1000 | |
Make 3 Nice Throws in a row |
Transfer 20 Pokémon |
 | Rare Candy * 3 |
9 / 9 |
Claim Reward |
 | Lure Module * 1 |  | Celebi Candy * 25 |  | Stardust * 4500 | |
Claim Reward |
 | Stardust * 1500 |
Claim Reward |