Task Reward
Total Reward
1 / 4 |
Explore 2km |
 | Wobbuffet Encounter |  | Razz Berry * 5 |  | Stardust * 7 | |
Catch 2 Psychic-type Pokémon |
Catch 10 different species of Pokémon |
Branched Choices |
Help Research Daytime Pokémon |
Help Research Nighttime Pokémon |
Help Research Daytime Pokémon 2 / 4 |
Catch 20 Grass or Bug type Pokémon |
 | Poke Ball * 10 |
 | Slowpoke Encounter |  | Poke Ball * 15 |  | Stardust * 78 | |
Explore 10km |
Spin 25 PokéStops or Gyms |
 | Pinap Berry * 10 |
Help Research Daytime Pokémon 3 / 4 |
Make 10 Curveball Throws in a row |
 | Stardust * 3000 |
 | Starmie Encounter |  | Mossy Lure Module * 1 |  | Stardust * 789 | |
Catch 50 Pokémon with weather boost |
Earn 10 Candies Walking with your buddy |
 | Great Ball * 15 |
Help Research Daytime Pokémon 4 / 4 |
Hatch 5 Eggs |
 | Silver Pinap Berry * 3 |
 | Cosmog Encounter |  | Ultra Ball * 20 |  | Stardust * 7890 | |
Catch 50 Psychic-type Pokémon |
Earn 7890 Stardust |
 | Star Piece * 1 |
Help Research Nighttime Pokémon 2 / 4 |
Catch 20 Ghost or Dark type Pokémon |
 | Poke Ball * 10 |
 | Slowpoke Encounter |  | Poke Ball * 15 |  | Stardust * 78 | |
Take snapshots of 20 different wild Pokémon |
Use 30 berries to help catch Pokémon |
 | Pinap Berry * 10 |
Help Research Nighttime Pokémon 3 / 4 |
Make 5 Excellent throws |
 | Stardust * 3000 |
 | Starmie Encounter |  | Glacial Lure Module * 1 |  | Stardust * 789 | |
Catch 30 different species of Pokémon |
Complete 15 Field Research Tasks |
 | Great Ball * 15 |
Help Research Nighttime Pokémon 4 / 4 |
Win 5 raids |
 | Silver Pinap Berry * 3 |
 | Cosmog Encounter |  | Ultra Ball * 20 |  | Stardust * 7890 | |
Catch 50 Psychic-type Pokémon |
Earn 7890 Stardust |
 | Star Piece * 1 |