As a concept introduced within the Pokémon Global Link in Pokémon Black & White, Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire continues the a new method of getting events, the serial code. Here, you get given a unique serial code within certain events or releases. When you enter the Serial Code, you're connected to the Internet to download the event. The serial code will then no longer work.
Quick Balls |
Release Dates:
Japan: November 21st 2014 - November 30th 2014
12 Quick Balls
If you buy Pokémon Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire on the Nintendo 3DS eShop in Japan, you will discover a special serial code for 10 Quick Balls. This is only for people who purchase the game on the eShop in the first week..
100 Potions |
Release Dates:
Japan: November 21st 2014
USA: November 21st 2014
100 Potions
In Japan, you had the capability of pre-ordering a special Double Pack. This Double Pack provided both Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire, as well as the special pre-order figures. However, with each of the two games, you will receive a serial code that provides a download of 100 Potions. With the Double Pack, this means you get two codes, one for each game.
In North America, a similar pack was sold in Best Buy and Amazon stores exclusively. Like the Japanese one, this contained two codes for 100 Potions each.
Super Smash Bros. Greninja |
Release Dates:
Japan: November 21st 2014 - January 30th 2015
If you buy both Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Pokémon Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire, and register them on Club Nintendo, you will receive a special Level 36 Greninja based upon the Greninja that was used in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.
ゲッコウガ ♂ |  |
Level 36 |
OT: | スマブラ |
ID: | 09134 |
Ability: | Protean |
Hold Item: | No Item | |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving A lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 36 | |
Eon Ticket |
Release Dates:
Japan: November 26th 2014 - May 31st 2015
North America: February 27th - March 2nd 2015
Europe: February 27th - March 2nd 2015
Eon Ticket
The Eon Ticket makes a return in this game and will receive a distribution through Serial Code in Japan at a later date. This Ticket will give you access to Southern Island through the boat in Slateport City. On this island, you will encounter Latias in Pokémon Ruby and Latios in Pokémon Sapphire. Internationally, the Eon Ticket is given to various Play! Pokémon organisers for StreetPassing. It was later given over a weekend using the shared serial code of 2015LATIOSLATIAS in North America and POKEMON380381 in Europe.
Jirachi |
Release Dates:
Japan: December 1st 2014 - December 31st 2014
In Japan, a special promotion occured in November 2014 that led into December 2014. When you bought a pack of special wristbands, the proceeds of which go to helping children in Fukushima to have a good Christmas, you would get a serial code to gain access to a special Shiny Jirachi.
ジラーチ |  |
Level 15 |
| |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving Pokémon Center. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 15 | |
Pokémon Scrap Distributions |
Release Dates:
Japan: December 5th 2014 - April 30th 2015
Shaymin, Nugget, Super Potion, Keldeo, Luxuy Ball, Rare Candy, Victini, Master Ball
From November 1st you can start collecting clippings which can give you codes to redeem on the campaign site from December 1st to get serial codes for various items in Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire. While most of these are simply items, such as Nugget, Super Potion, Luxury Balls, Rare Candy & finally a Master Ball, three Mythical Pokémon are also obtained through this method. Shaymin, Keldeo & Victini are obtained this way.
This campaign runs in Japan until April 30th 2015. The clippings can be obtained in various merchandise including booster packs for the upcoming TCG set, Gaia Volcano & Tidal Storm, in Pokemon Sandwich packs (Omega Ruby Strawberry Jam/Alpha Sapphire Tuna Bread flavours) and in Pokémon 3D Pencil Cases with more to be announced. There are 50 Pokémon Scrap cards to obtain. Shaymin needs 1, Nugget needs 3, Super Potion needs 5, Keldeo needs 7, Luxuy Ball needs 10, Rare Candy needs 13, Victini needs 16 and finally, to get a Master Ball, you need 20
シェイミ |  |
Level 15 |
| |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving A lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 15 | |
ケルディオ |  |
Level 15 |
OT: | Pスクラップ |
ID: | 12014 |
Ability: | Justified |
Hold Item: | No Item | |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving A lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 15 | |
ビクティニ |  |
Level 15 |
| |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving A lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 15 | |
Master Balls |
Release Dates:
Japan: December 5th 2014
2 Master Balls
If you buy the Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Complete National Pokédex Guide in Japan, you will find that this guide comes with a unique Serial Code. This code provides a gift of 2 Master Balls.
5 Super Potions, 5 Revives, and 10 Quick Balls |
Release Dates:
North America: December 9th 2014
5 Super Potions, 5 Revives, and 10 Quick Balls
If you buy the Pokémon Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire from WalMart in North America, some copies with the special label on it will come with a code to receive 5 Super Potions, 5 Revives, and 10 Quick Balls.
Unova Starters |
Release Dates:
Japan: January 9th 2015 - November 30th 2015
US/Europe: January 22nd 2015 - November 30th 2015 (Serperior) January 29th 2015 - November 30th 2015 (Emboar) February 10th 2015 - November 30th 2015 (Samurott)
Serperior, Emboar, Samurott
. On December 28th, a code for Serperior with Contrary will be given on Pokémon Get☆TV and can be redeemed from January 9th to November 30th. On January 11th 2015, a Emboar with Reckless will also get a code from Pokémon Get☆TV, which can be redeemed from January 16th to November 30th and on January 15th 2015, the new issue of CoroCoro will have a serial code for Samurott with its Hidden Ability of Shell Armor and can be redeemed from January 16th to November 30th. These Serial Codes are said to be Shared Serial Codes, meaning that they may not be unique and can be used on multiple games. The codes are POKEMON497, POKEMON500 & POKEMON503 respectively.
Serperior |  |
Level 50 |
OT: | プレゼント Present |
ID: | 01095 01225 |
Ability: | Contrary |
Hold Item: | No Item | |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving A lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 50 | |
Emboar |  |
Level 50 |
OT: | プレゼント Present |
ID: | 01165 01295 |
Ability: | Reckless |
Hold Item: | No Item | |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving A lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 50 | |
Samurott |  |
Level 50 |
OT: | プレゼント Present |
ID: | 01165 02105 |
Ability: | Shell Armor |
Hold Item: | No Item | |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving A lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 50 | |

Darkrai Event |
Release Dates:
United Kingdom: February 13th 2015 - May 13th 2015
In the United Kingdom, if you go to GAME stores across the country, you will be able to receive a serial code that gives you access to Darkrai. This Darkrai is the same one that made it to Japan in 2014
Darkrai |  |
Level 50 |
| |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving A lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 50 | |
Tyrunt Event |
Release Dates:
Worldwide: February 17th 2015 - April 30th 2015
If you participated within the Battle of Hoenn Online Competition, you will be eligible to receive a special serial code for the Hidden Ability Tyrunt, which wasn't previously available before now
Tyrunt ♂/♀ |  |
Level 10 |
OT: | PGL |
ID: | 01235 |
Ability: | Sturdy |
Hold Item: | No Item | |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving the PGL. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 10 | |
Serena's Fennekin Event |
Release Dates:
Japan: February 26th 2015 - March 31st 2015
Following on from the change in Serena's appearance and the at the time upcoming evolution of Fennekin in the anime, a distribution of the Fennekin has been released on all games using a shared Serial Code revealed with the episode on February 26th 2015. This code is SERENA01. This Fennekin also comes with a high Cute Contest stat.
フォッコ ♀ |  |
Level 15 |
| |
Hardy Nature. Date of Receiving Lumiose City. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 15 | |
Movie Arceus Event |
Release Dates:
Japan: March 7th 2015 - August 31st 2015
To tie in with the movie, The Archdjinni of the Rings - Hoopa, an Arceus is distributed to those who prebook the tickets. All players who pre-book tickets will get a serial code for use in Pokémon X, Y, Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire and this code downloads on of 18 different Arceus. The Arceus comes holding either the Silk Scarf or any of the 17 type plates at random, chosen when you download the Pokémon. There is also a 19th variant which can be downloaded which is the same as the Silk Scarf one, except it is Shiny.
アルセウス |  |
Level 100 |
| |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving Pokémon Movie 15. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 100 | |

Amaura Event |
Release Dates:
Worldwide: March 31st 2015 - April 31st 2015
If you participated within the Enter the Dragon Type Online Competition, you will be eligible to receive a special serial code for the Hidden Ability Amaura, which wasn't previously available before now
Amaura ♂/♀ |  |
Level 10 |
| |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving the PGL. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 10 | |
Shiny Charizard Event |
Release Dates:
Germany: April 1st 2015 - July 3rd 2015
UK: April 3rd 2015 - April 19th 2015 (Code Reemable until July 2nd 2015)
Shiny Charizard
To tie in with a special promotion for Pokémon this Spring, Gamestop in Germany and GAME in the UK are holding special serial code distributions to obtain a special shiny Charizard holding the Charizardite Y item.
Charizard ♂/♀ |  |
Level 36 |
| |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving A lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 36 | |
Shiny Rayquaza Event |
Release Dates:
Japan: March 14th 2015 - April 12th 2015
Singapore: May 6th 2015 - July 31st 2015
In Japan, after the success of the distribution at the World Hobby Fair, the shiny Rayquaza was given in various stores across Japan. In the 7-11 stores, you could get a special serial code to download the Pokémon.
In Singapore, if you bought a box of booster packs for Roaring Skies, you'd be given a special code to get this Shiny Rayquaza
Rayquaza |  |
Level 70 |
OT: | コロコロ SP Summer'15 |
ID: | 03145 |
Ability: | Air Lock |
Hold Item: | No Item | |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving An Event Site. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 70 | |
Spring Kangaskhan Event |
Release Dates:
Hong Kong/Taiwan: April 3rd 2015 - April 9th 2015
To celebrate Easter and Children's Day, the Nintendo Taiwan and Hong Kong Facebook pages offered 1,000 codes for a Kangaskhan each. This Pokémon comes with its Mega Stone and matches the one distributed in Japan in 2014. The code could only be redeemed on Japanese, Korean or European games, and only if the language was Japanese, Korean or English for European games
Kangaskhan ♀ |  |
Level 50 |
| |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving a Pokémon Center. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 50 | |
Master Ball |
Release Dates:
Japan: May 12th 2015 - August 1st 2015
Master Ball
If you participated in the Japan Cup 2015, then you got special access to a serial code for a single Master Ball
Dragonite Event |
Release Dates:
United States: June 22nd 2015 - July 12th 2015 2015
To celebrate the Roaring Skies TCG set, Gamestop will be distribution a special Dragonite with its Hidden Ability and the rare move, Extreme Speed, via Serial Code.
Dragonite ♂/♀ |  |
Level 55 |
| |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving a lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 55 | |
7-11 Movie Events |
Release Dates:
Japan: July 18th 2015 - July 31st 2015 & August 1st 2015 - August 16th 2015 August 17th 2015 - September 15th 2015
Pikachu, Pancham, Lugia, Latios
To coincide with the release of the movie, Hoopa & The Clash of Ages, 7-11 stores in Japan gave access to special serial codes for Pikachu and Pancham, based on Ash's Pikachu and Serena's Pancham respectively in July, and Latios & Lugia in August. These were then later given at Pokémon Centers in Japan.
ピカチュウ ♂ |  |
Level 50 |
| |
Naughty Nature. Date of Receiving A lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 50 | |
ヤンチャム ♂ |  |
Level 30 |
| |
Adamant Nature. Date of Receiving A lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 30 | |
ラティオス ♂ |  |
Level 50 ⬟ |
| |
Modest Nature. Date of Receiving A lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 50 | |
ルギア |  |
Level 50 ⬟ |
| |
Timid Nature. Date of Receiving A lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 50 | |
Gamescom Events |
Release Dates:
Germany: August 5th 2015 - August 8th 2015
Sableye, Malamar, Aromatisse, Bouffalant
At Gamescom, you will receive a code card that gives you access to 2 Pokémon for your Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire games. These Pokémon are selected by Game Freak Battle Director Shigeki Morimoto, competitive ready. Malamar and Aromatisse are obtained by Omega Ruby while Sableye and Bouffalant are obtained by Alpha Sapphire
Sableye ♂/♀ |  |
Level 50 ⬟ |
| |
Relaxed Nature. Date of Receiving A lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 50 | |
Bouffalant ♂/♀ |  |
Level 50 ⬟ |
| |
Adamant Nature. Date of Receiving A lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 50 | |
Aromatisse ♂/♀ |  |
Level 50 ⬟ |
| |
Relaxed Nature. Date of Receiving A lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 50 | |
Malamar ♂/♀ |  |
Level 50 ⬟ |
| |
Adamant Nature. Date of Receiving A lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 50 | |
Galileo Shiny Rayquaza Event |
Release Dates:
Australia: August 10th 2015 to August 31st2015
United Kingdom: August 24th 2015 to September 21st 2015
Germany: August 31st to September 28th 2015
In Australia, if you go to EB Games, UK go to Smyths or Germany go to Müller stores during the designated time, you'd be given a special code to get this Shiny Rayquaza, which differs from the Japanese one
Rayquaza |  |
Level 70 ♠ ⬟ |
| |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving A lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 70 | |
Pikachu Cup Pikachu |
Release Dates:
International: September 1st 2015 - October 30th 2015
When the Pikachu Cup was announced, it was stated that if Pikachu came in the Top 3 most used Pokémon, that a special Pikachu would be distributed. This Pikachu will have the special move Endeavor, which it can't normally learn.
Pikachu ♂/♀ |  |
Level 10 ⬟ |
| |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving the PGL. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 10 | |
Hoopa Distribution |
Release Dates:
Singapore: August 21st 2015 - November 30th 2015
Europe: October 16th 2015 - November 5th 2015 Europe: April 6th 2016 - April 30th 2016
You can get Hoopa when you visit GAME stores in the UK from October 23rd to November 5th, Gamestop stores in Germany, Austria & Switzerland from October 16th 2015 to November 7th 2015 and in Gamestop in Italy from October 27th to November 12th, in Gamestop stores in Denmark & Sweden, and in Alcampo, Blade Center, Canal Ocio, Carrefour, El Corte Inglés, Eroski, Fnac, GAME, Game Over, Gamestore, Hipercor, Hobbymania, Mediamarkt, MXGame, Toys 'R' us. stores in Spain. from December 6th. In addition to that, Maxsoft ran two Serial Code distributions for Taiwan and Singapore to receive Hoopa
A repeat of this event ran in Europe in April 2016 where it was obtained with the serial code HOOPA2016
Hoopa |  |
Level 50 ⬟ |
| |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving A lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 50 | |
Pokémon XY & Z - Legendary Distributions |
Release Dates:
Japan: October 29th 2015 - January 12th 2016
Shiny Xerneas, Shiny Yveltal, Zygarde
To coincide with the release of the new series of the anime, Pokémon XY & Z, a promotion runs in order to provide the three legendary Pokémon of Kalos. However, the unique feature of two of these are that they are distributed as Shiny Pokémon, which has been impossible up to now, since they're based on the Shiny Xerneas and Yveltal that are to appear in the Pokémon XY & Z anime. The Pokémon are obtained via Serial Codes which are distributed during the Pokémon XY & Z episodes set to air on October 29th, November 5th and November 12th respectively. Xerneas is obtained with the password MOKUYO7JI and Yveltal through the code PUNICHAN and finally, Zygarde with the code MEGAMEGA
ゼルネアス |  |
Level 100 ♠ ⬟ |
OT: | XY&Z |
ID: | 10295 |
Ability: | Fairy Aura |
Hold Item: | No Item | |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving Pokémon cartoon. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 100 | |
イベルタル |  |
Level 100 ♠ ⬟ |
OT: | XY&Z |
ID: | 11055 |
Ability: | Dark Aura |
Hold Item: | No Item | |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving Pokémon cartoon. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 100 | |
ジガルデ |  |
Level 100 ⬟ |
OT: | XY&Z |
ID: | 11125 |
Ability: | Aura Break |
Hold Item: | No Item | |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving Pokémon cartoon. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 100 | |
Rare Candy |
Release Dates:
Japan: November 2nd 2015 - December 16th 2015
10 Rare Candy
If you particpated in the Spooky Cup Battle Competition, you became eligible to receive 10 Rare Candy as a gift.
BREAKThrough Zoroark Event |
Release Dates:
UK: November 6th 2015 - November 26th 2015
In the United Kingdom, to celebrate the release of the BREAKThrough TCG set, a Zoroark was made available in GAME for UK via Serial Code
Zoroark ♂/♀ |  |
Level 50 ⬟ |
OT: | Sly |
ID: | 11065 |
Ability: | Illusion |
Hold Item: | No Item | |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving A lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 50 | |
EXPO Gym Event |
Release Dates:
Japan: November 19th 2015 - December 7th 2015
Machamp, Charizard, Smeargle, Zoroark
In Japan, a special EXPO Gym event was held in Osaka. In the attraction, you get the ability to gain serial codes for Pokémon based on the Pokémon running four of the attractions by completion various activities within the real life Pokémon EXPO Gym
ゾロアーク ♂/♀ |  |
Level 45 ⬟ |
| |
Naughty Nature. Date of Receiving a Pokémon Event. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 45 | |
ドーブル ♂/♀ |  |
Level 40 ⬟ |
| |
Jolly Nature. Date of Receiving a Pokémon Event. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 40 | |
カイリキー ♂/♀ |  |
Level 39 ⬟ |
| |
Hardy Nature. Date of Receiving a Pokémon Event. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 39 | |
リザードン ♂/♀ |  |
Level 36 ⬟ |
| |
Serious Nature. Date of Receiving a Pokémon Event. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 36 | |
Delibird Event |
Release Dates:
International: December 25th 2015 - February 29th 2016
If you participated within the Festive Feud Online Competition, you will be eligible to receive a special serial code for the Delibird which holds the Relic Gold item, which wasn't previously available before now
Delibird ♂/♀ |  |
Level 10 ⬟ |
| |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving the PGL. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 10 | |
Mew Event |
Release Dates:
Japan: February 27th 2016 - March 31st 2017
If you download Pokémon Red, Green, Blue or Yellow on the Nintendo 3DS, you'll get given a special Serial Code which, when redeemed, gives you access to the 151st Pokémon, Mew
ミュウ |  |
Level 5 ⬟ |
| |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving Game Freak. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 5 | |
Infernape Event |
Release Dates:
Hong Kong: January 28th 2016 - February 4th 2016
To celebrate the Year of the Monkey, a code for a special Infernape was distributed to players with PAL or Japanese games.
Infernape ♂/♀ |  |
Level 88 ⬟ |
| |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving a lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 88 | |
20th Anniversary - Mew |
Release Dates:
US: February 1st 2016 - February 24th 2016 (Expires May 31st)
Europe: February 1st 2016 - February 28th 2016
To celebrate the 20th anniversary, in February if you go to Gamestop in the US, GAME stores in the UK via Serial Code from February 1st 2016 to February 28th 2016 and Gamestop in Germany from February 4th through to February 24th 2016, Italy at Gamestop from February 1st through February 24th and GAME in Spain from February 1st through February 24th. during the time period, you can get a Serial Code to receive a Mew to your games
In June in Europe, a code was released to give a second chance to get it. The code was MEW2016
Mew |  |
Level 100 ⬟ |
| |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving a lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 100 | |
Pokémon Center Online Pikachu |
Release Dates:
Japan February 16th 2016 - May 22nd 2016
In Japan, to celebrate the opening of the Pokémon Center Online, people would receive a code with their first order for a special Pikachu that knows both Fly and Surf.
ピカチュウ ♂/♀ |  |
Level 10 ⬟ |
| |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving Pokémon Center. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 10 | |
Pokémon Scrap 2016 |
Release Dates:
Japan March 1st 2016 - August 31st 2016
Eevee, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Rare Candy, Master Ball
From March 1st you can start collecting clippings which can give you codes to redeem on the campaign site to get serial codes for various items in Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire. While most of these are simply items, such as Rare Candy & finally a Master Ball, three Legendary Pokémon are also obtained through this method and this is the only way to get these Pokémon with their Hidden Ability
This campaign runs in Japan until April 30th 2015. The clippings can be obtained in various merchandise For the Shiny Eevee distribution, you only need one code. For the Articuno with its Hidden Ability, you need to redeem 4 codes. To get 5 Rare Candies, you need to redeem 8 codes. To redeem the Zapdos with its Hidden Ability, you need 12 codes. To redeem Moltres with its Hidden Ability, you need 16 codes and finally if you redeem 20 codes you will get a Master Ball.
イーブイ ♂/♀ |  |
Level 15 ♠ ⬟ |
| |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving a lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 15 | |
フリーザー |  |
Level 70 ⬟ |
OT: | Pスクラップ |
ID: | 03016 |
Ability: | Snow Cloak |
Hold Item: | No Item | |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving a lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 70 | |
サンダー |  |
Level 70 ⬟ |
OT: | Pスクラップ |
ID: | 03016 |
Ability: | Static |
Hold Item: | No Item | |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving a lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 70 | |
ファイヤー |  |
Level 70 ⬟ |
OT: | Pスクラップ |
ID: | 03016 |
Ability: | Flame Body |
Hold Item: | No Item | |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving a lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 70 | |
Pokémon With You Pikachu |
Release Dates:
Japan March 11th 2016 - April 11th 2016
In Japan, to help people who were affected by the Sendai earthquakes of five years ago, a Pokémon with You campaign is running where donations are given to aid people who were affected by it. If you donate some money at the Pokémon With You campaign between March 11th and 31st, you will be given a Serial Code to get a special Pikachu which knows the move Bestow, a move it can't normally know.
ピカチュウ ♂/♀ |  |
Level 10 ⬟ |
| |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving a lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 10 | |
Hidden Ability Bird Distribution |
Release Dates:
US: May 2016
Europe March 12th 2016 - May 2016
Articuno, Zapdos & Moltres
In Europe, various distributions were held to give away Articuno, Zapdos & Moltres, each with their Hidden Ability of Snow Cloak, Static and Flame Body respectively. The codes will you give you one of the birds at random. In Spain it is given in the Official Nintendo Magazine Issue 283 on March 15th. In Belgium it is given at FACTS on April 2nd & 3rd. In Italy, it's given at VideoGameWorld on March 12th 2016. It's at Smyths Toy Stores in the UK from March 22nd 2016 to April 11th 2016 and then in the UK official newsletter at a later point. In Spain it's also being given at GAME. In the US, it is given in the Pokémon Trainer Club Newsletter. In The Netherlands, it is given at TomoCon on April 9th/10th
Articuno |  |
Level 70 ⬟ |
OT: | Aldora |
ID: | 03116 05026 |
Ability: | Snow Cloak |
Hold Item: | No Item | |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving a lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 70 | |
Zapdos |  |
Level 70 ⬟ |
OT: | Aldora |
ID: | 03116 05026 |
Ability: | Static |
Hold Item: | No Item | |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving a lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 70 | |
Moltres |  |
Level 70 ⬟ |
OT: | Aldora |
ID: | 03116 05026 |
Ability: | Flame Body |
Hold Item: | No Item | |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving a lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 70 | |

Lance's Dragonite Event |
Release Dates:
Worldwide March 15th 2016 - April 27th 2016
Lance's Dragonite
If you participated in the Kanto Classic Battle Competition, you were eligible to receive a special Dragonite based on Lance's Dragonite from Pokémon Red, Green & Blue. This Dragonite is unique in that it has the special move, Barrier, a move Lance's Dragonite had in those games but no Dragonite has been able to know. It has guaranteed maximum IVs in HP, Defense, Special Attack and Special Defense while everything else is random.
Dragonite ♂ |  |
Level 62 ⬟ |
OT: | Lance Peter Siegfried ワタル |
ID: | 03046 |
Ability: | Inner Focus |
Hold Item: | No Item | |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving Pokémon League. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 62 | |
Volcanion |
Release Dates:
Japan: April 16th 2016 - July 15th 2016
When you prebook tickets to the movie, Volcanion & The Ingenious Magearna, you will receive a serial code that gives you access to the 721st Pokémon, Volcanion
ボルケニオン |  |
Level 70 ⬟ |
| |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving Pokémon Movie 16. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 70 | |
Pokémon Scrap 2016 - Course B |
Release Dates:
Japan April 28th 2016 - August 31st 2016
Venuasaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Mewtwo, Master Ball
From March 1st you can start collecting clippings which can give you codes to redeem on the campaign site to get serial codes for various items in Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire. While most of these are simply items, such as Rare Candy & finally a Master Ball, and a shiny Mewtwo is also obtained through this method and this is the only way to get these Pokémon with their Hidden Ability
This campaign runs in Japan until August 31st 2016. The clippings can be obtained in various merchandise If you redeem one code, you'll get a Serial Code for Venusaur with its Hidden Ability of Chlorphyll. It holds the Venusaurite
If you redeem four codes, you'll get a Serial Code for Charizard with its Hidden Ability of Solar Power. It holds the Charizardite Y
If you redeem eight codes, you'll get 5 Max Revives
If you redeem twelve codes, you'll get a Serial Code for Blastoise with its Hidden Ability of Rain Dish. It holds the Blastoisinite
If you redeem sixteen codes, you'll get a Serial Code for a Shiny Mewtwo with its Hidden Ability of Unnerve. It hows the Mewtwonite Y
If you redeem twenty codes, you'll get a Serial Code for a Master Ball
ミュウツー |  |
Level 100 ♠ ⬟ |
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Any Nature. Date of Receiving a lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 100 | |
フシギバナ ♂/♀ |  |
Level 100 ⬟ |
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Any Nature. Date of Receiving a lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 100 | |
リザードン ♂/♀ |  |
Level 100 ⬟ |
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Any Nature. Date of Receiving a lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 100 | |
カメックス ♂/♀ |  |
Level 100 ⬟ |
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Any Nature. Date of Receiving a lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 100 | |
20th Anniversary - Darkrai |
Release Dates:
US: May 1st 2016 - May 24th 2016
Europe May 1st 2016 - May 24th 2016 | September 1st through September 31st
To celebrate the 20th anniversary, in May if you go to various stores during the time period, you can get a Serial Code to receive a Darkrai to your games. The code is redeemable until August 31st. A second chance was later given through the Pokémon Trainer Club Newsletter in North America and through the code DARKRAI2016 for Europe and Australia
United States - Gamestop - May 1st through May 24th
Canada - EBGames - May 1st through May 24th
United Kingdom - GAME - May 1st through May 24th
Australia & New Zealand - EBGames - May 1st through May 24th
Spain - GAME - May 1st through May 24th
Germany - Gamestop - May 2nd through May 24th
France - Micromania - May 2nd through May 15th
Italy - Micromania - May 1st through May 24th
Belgium - FNAC or GameMania - May 1st through May 24th
Netherlands - GameMania - May 1st through May 24th
Sweden, Finland, Norway & Denmark - BR Stores - May 15th through July 31st
Darkrai |  |
Level 100 ⬟ |
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Any Nature. Date of Receiving a lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 100 | |
Xerneas, Yveltal & Zygarde |
Release Dates:
Spain May 5th 2016 - May 8th 2016 (Yveltal) Norway/Finland/Sweden May 13th 2016 - July 17th 2016 (Xerneas) Norway/Finland/Sweden July 18th 2016 - September 30th 2016 (Yveltal) Portugal: May 28th/29th UK : July 19th - August 16th (Xerneas), August 17th to September 19th 2016 (Yveltal)
Yveltal & Xerneas
As part of a trio of events, the Shiny Yveltal & Xerneas were distributed in parts of Europe. Spain got the Yveltal at a convention in Barcelona while Norway, Sweden & Finland got the Xerneas & Yveltal at Gamestop. Portgual received them at the El Carte Inglés stores. The UK got it at Smyths Toy Stores
Yveltal |  |
Level 100 ♠ ⬟ |
OT: | Descartes |
ID: | 05026 |
Ability: | Dark Aura |
Hold Item: | No Item | |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving the Pokémon Cartoon. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 100 | |
Xerneas |  |
Level 100 ♠ ⬟ |
OT: | Descartes |
ID: | 05026 |
Ability: | Fairy Aura |
Hold Item: | No Item | |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving the Pokémon Cartoon. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 100 | |

Hyadain's Landorus |
Release Dates:
Japan May 24th 2016 - June 30th 2016
For those of you with the Japanese games that participated in the recent 2016 Japan Championships Battle Competition, the entry gift is now available to all qualifying players. This gift is a Landorus b
ランドさま ♂ |  |
Level 50 ⬟ |
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Any Nature. Date of Receiving a Pokemon TV program. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 50 | |
Whitney's Miltank |
Release Dates:
Worldwide: June 7th 2016 - August 1st 2016
If you participated in the Johto Classic Battle Competition, you were eligible to receive a special Miltank based on Whitney's Miltank from Pokémon Gold & Silver.
Miltank ♀ |  |
Level 20 ⬟ |
OT: | Whitney アカネ Blanche Bianka Chiara Blanca |
ID: | 05276 |
Ability: | Scrappy |
Hold Item: | No Item | |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving the Johto region. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 20 | |
Kimia's Gardevoir |
Release Dates:
Japan: June 17th 2016 - July 8th 2016
Shiny Gardevoir
To commemorate the release of the movie, Volcanion & The Ingenious Magearna, the Gardevoir based on Kimia's Gardevoir in the movie was distributed via code at Pokémon Centers, Toys 'R' Us, 7-11 and various other stores across Japan
サーナイト ♀ |  |
Level 50 ♠ ⬟ |
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Any Nature. Date of Receiving Pokémon Movie 16. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 50 | |
Jarvis's Gengar |
Release Dates:
Japan: July 9th 2016 - July 16th 2016
Shiny Gengar
To commemorate the release of the movie, Volcanion & The Ingenious Magearna, the Gengar based on Jarvis' Gengar in the movie was distributed via code at 7-11 stores across Japan
ゲンガー ♂ |  |
Level 50 ♠ ⬟ |
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Any Nature. Date of Receiving Pokémon Movie 16. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 50 | |
Play! Pokémon Mewtwo |
Release Dates:
Japan: July 26th 2016 - August 21st 2016
Shiny Mewtwo
If they played in a Play! Pokémon event in the 2016 season, a special codes for Shiny Mewtwo was sent via e-mail to all players opted into rankings. This Mewtwo is unique in that it is shiny and has its Hidden Ability of Unnerve.
Mewtwo |  |
Level 100 ♠ ⬟ |
| |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving a lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 100 | |
20th Anniversary - Arceus |
Release Dates:
US: August 1st 2016 - August 24th 2016
Europe: August 1st 2016 - August 24th 2016
To celebrate the 20th anniversary, in August if you go to Gamestop during the time period, you can get a Serial Code to receive a Arceus to your games. A second chance event then went on in December 2016 with the codes ARCEUS20 in North America and ARCEUS2016 in Europe
Arceus |  |
Level 100 ⬟ |
OT: | GF |
ID: | 08016 |
Ability: | Multitype |
Hold Item: | No Item | |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving a lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 100 | |
Sinnoh Classic - Cynthia's Garchomp |
Release Dates:
Worldwide: August 2nd 2016 - September 29th 2016
If you participated in the Sinnoh Classic Battle Competition, you were eligible to receive a special Garchomp based on Cynthia's Garchomp from Pokémon Diamond & Pearl.
Garchomp ♀ |  |
Level 66 ⬟ |
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Any Nature. Date of Receiving Pokémon League. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 66 | |
Happy Hour Meowth |
Release Dates:
Europe: August 21st 2016 - ?? 2016
This Meowth comes with the special move Happy Hour. It is obtained with the shared code: HAPPY
Meowth ♂/♀ |  |
Level 20 ⬟ |
OT: | Happy |
ID: | 08196 |
Ability: | Pickup |
Hold Item: | No Item | |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving a lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 20 | |
Unova Classic - N's Darmanitan |
Release Dates:
Worldwide: September 6th 2016 - October 24th 2016
If you participated in the Unova Classic Battle Competition, you were eligible to receive a special Darmanitan based on N's Darmanitan from Pokémon Black & White. It has 6 30 IVs
Darmanitan ♂ |  |
Level 35 ⬟ |
OT: | N |
ID: | 00002 |
Ability: | Zen Mode |
Hold Item: | No Item | |
Calm Nature. Date of Receiving the Unova region. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 35 | |
Volcanion |
Release Dates:
North America: October 10th 2016 - October 31st 2016
Europe: October 1st 2016 - November 23rd 2016
Australia: October 10th 2016 - October 31st 2016
To coincide with the movie, Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel, you can go into a store that gives you access to the 721st Pokémon, Volcanion. In the US, it can be found at Gamestop. In the UK & Spain it's at GAME. In Gamestop, Neo Tokyo, Gamzone and Spillsjappa in Norway, Gamestop in Italy, Germany, Denmark & Finland, in Bart Smit, Intertoys & ToysXL in The Netherlands & Dreamland & Broze et Fun in Belgium. In Australia & New Zealand, it's at EB Games
Volcanion |  |
Level 70 ⬟ |
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Any Nature. Date of Receiving a lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 70 | |
Hoopa Distribution |
Release Dates:
North America: October 3rd 2016
A special second chance to get Hoopa was given in North America where it was obtained with the serial code 2016HOOPA
Hoopa |  |
Level 50 ⬟ |
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Any Nature. Date of Receiving a lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 50 | |
20th Anniversary - Genesect |
Release Dates:
US: November 1st 2016 - November 24th 2016
To celebrate the 20th anniversary, in November if you go to Gamestop during the time period, you can get a Serial Code to receive a Genesect to your games. It was then released as a second chance event with the codes GENESECT20 (North America) and GENESECT2016 (Europe)
Genesect |  |
Level 100 ⬟ |
OT: | GF |
ID: | 11016 |
Ability: | Download |
Hold Item: | No Item | |
Any Nature. Date of Receiving a lovely place. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 100 | |