

Picture Name Role Base Rarity
Olivia Artwork
Standard Outfit EX Outfit
Olivia Strike ☆☆☆☆☆

Obtaining Methods

Summon Location
Sync Pair ScoutingNate Master Fair Scout (March 25th 2025 - April 25th 2025) - 0.161%
Ortega Poke Fair Scout (March 20th 2025 - April 20th 2025) - 0.111%
Team Star Assemble! Super Spotlight Poke Fair Scout (March 20th 2025 - April 20th 2025) - 0.111%
Special Collaboration Ethan Variety Scout (March 14th 2025 - March 28th 2025) - 0.067%
N Arc Fair Scout (March 10th 2025 - March 31st 2025) - 0.161%
and more...

Pokédex Entry

Flavor Text
OliviaThis kahuna is trusted like a big sister by her island's residents, thanks to her compassion and strength in battle. The jewelry shop she runs also handles fossils.
Olivia Mindscape

Olivia's Pokémon

Olivia & Lycanroc (Midnight Form)

Picture Name Focal Move Type Weakness
Lycanroc Image
English: Lycanroc
Japan: Lugarugan
French: Lougaroc
German: Wolwerock
Korean: 루가루암
Rock-type Grass-type
Passive Skills
Amped Up 1: Raises the user's Speed by 1 stat ranks when it lands a critical hit.
Theme Skills
Rock Strike - Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 15 when using Rock-type attacks
Alola: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 2
Elite Four: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 2
Trial Giver: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 2
Rock Lover: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 2.
Expedition Skills
Fiery + 3
Wistful -1

Standard Max Level (Lv. 150) Stats
HPAttackDefenseSp. AtkSp. DefSpeed
612 467 170 92 170 286
5 Star Max Potential Stats
712 507 210 132 210 326

NameTypeCategoryMax PowerAccuracyMove SlotsTarget
Rock Throw Rock-typePhysical Category Move 23-27 90 1 (Gauge) Opponent
No additional effect
X Attack  Other Category Move   2 (Max Uses) Self
Sharply raises the user's Attack
Stone Edge Rock-typePhysical Category Move 100-120 80 3 (Gauge) Opponent
Critical hits land more easily
Hard as Diamonds!  Other Category Move   2 (Max Uses) Self
Sharply raises the user's accuracy and critical-hit rate. Sharply lowers the user's Sp. Def

Sync Moves
NameTypeCategoryMax PowerTarget
Shining Gem Continental Crush Rock-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 Opponent
No additional effect
EX Sync Effect: Move targets all Opponents

Sync Grid

Name Effect Energy Requirement Sync Orb Requirement Sync Move Level Requirement
HP + 10 HP + 10 0 5 1
Attack + 5 Attack + 5 0 5 1
Defense + 5 Defense + 5 0 5 1
Attack + 5 Attack + 5 0 5 1
Sp. Def + 5 Sp. Def + 5 0 5 1
Speed + 5 Speed + 5 0 5 1
Attack + 5 Attack + 5 2 24 1
Rock Throw: Power Up 5 Rock Throw: Power Up 5 3 36 1
Rock Throw: Accuracy Up 5 Rock Throw: Accuracy Up 5 4 48 1
Wide Awake Prevents the Pokémon from falling asleep. 4 48 1
Rock Throw: Move Gauge Refresh 3 Has a moderately good chance of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful. 6 72 1
Rock Throw: Power Up 5 Rock Throw: Power Up 5 3 36 1
Rock Throw: Accuracy Up 5 Rock Throw: Accuracy Up 5 4 48 2
Rock Throw: Move Gauge Refresh 3 Has a moderately good chance of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful. 6 72 2
Inertia The higher the user's Speed, the more it powers up sync moves. 8 96 2
Attack + 20 Attack + 20 7 84 3
HP + 30 HP + 30 7 84 3
HP + 10 HP + 10 2 24 1
Defense + 5 Defense + 5 2 24 1
Sp. Def + 5 Sp. Def + 5 2 24 1
Acuity Accuracy cannot be lowered. 4 48 1
Stone Edge: Move Gauge Refresh 3 Has a moderately good chance of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful. 6 72 1
Stone Edge: Power Up 2 Stone Edge: Power Up 2 4 48 1
Stone Edge: Power Up 3 Stone Edge: Power Up 3 5 60 2
Stone Edge: Accuracy Up 5 Stone Edge: Accuracy Up 5 7 84 2
Stone Edge: Power Up 3 Stone Edge: Power Up 3 5 60 2
Speed + 20 Speed + 20 7 84 3
Stone Edge: Accuracy Up 5 Stone Edge: Accuracy Up 5 7 84 3
Attack + 5 Attack + 5 2 24 1
Stone Edge: Power Up 2 Stone Edge: Power Up 2 4 48 1
X Attack: MP Refresh 2 Has a moderate chance of restoring one MP of the move used if the move is successful. 7 84 1
Stone Edge: Power Up 2 Stone Edge: Power Up 2 4 48 1
Sands of Time 3 Quickly charges the move gauge in a sandstorm. 7 84 2
Defense + 10 Defense + 10 4 48 2
Sand Blaster 5 Powers up sync moves in a sandstorm. 11 132 2
HP + 20 HP + 20 4 48 3
Surging Sand 3 Powers up moves in a sandstorm. 10 120 3
Speed + 5 Speed + 5 2 24 1
Rock Throw: Power Up 5 Rock Throw: Power Up 5 3 36 1
Hard as Diamonds!: MP Refresh 3 Has a moderately good chance of restoring one MP of the move used if the move is successful. 7 84 1
Sand Shelter Protects the Pokémon from damage from a sandstorm. 3 36 1
Stone Edge: Amped Up 2 Raises the Pokémon's Speed when it lands a critical hit. 6 72 2
Rock Throw: Power Up 5 Rock Throw: Power Up 5 3 36 2
Rock Throw: Power Up 5 Rock Throw: Power Up 5 3 36 2
Sp. Def + 20 Sp. Def + 20 7 84 3
Witty Comeback 3 Once per battle, drastically raises the user's Sp. Def in a pinch. 8 96 3
Shining Gem Continental Crush: Power Up 25 Shining Gem Continental Crush: Power Up 25 5 60 3
Shining Gem Continental Crush: Power Up 25 Shining Gem Continental Crush: Power Up 25 5 60 3

Olivia (BP)

Picture Name Role Base Rarity
Olivia Artwork Olivia Support ☆☆☆☆


Olivia (BP) Mindscape

Olivia & Carbink

Picture Name Focal Move Type Weakness
Carbink Image
English: Carbink
Japan: Melecie
French: Strassie
German: Rocara
Korean: 멜리시
Rock-type Steel-type
Passive Skills
Endurance: When the user enters battle with full HP, applies the Enduring effect to it.
Unyielding 2: When the user's Enduring effect activates and the user has 1 HP remaining, has a chance (30%) of applying the Enduring effect to the user again.
Stat's Quo 2: Has a chance (30%) of returning the user's lowered stats to normal when its move is successful.
Theme Skills
Rock Support: Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 30
Alola: Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4
Elite Four: Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4
Trial Giver: Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4
Rock Lover: Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4
Expedition Skills
Wistful + 3
Soothing -1

Standard Max Level (Lv. 150) Stats
HPAttackDefenseSp. AtkSp. DefSpeed
542 118 256 118 256 236
5 Star Stats
582 138 276 138 276 256
5 Star Max Potential Stats
622 158 296 158 296 276

NameTypeCategoryMax PowerAccuracyMove SlotsTarget
Smack Down Rock-typePhysical Category Move 20-24 100 1 (Gauge) Opponent
No additional effect
X Regen All  Other Category Move   2 (Max Uses) All allies
Makes all allied sync pairs gradually heal themselves.
Protect Normal-typeOther Category Move   2 (Gauge)
1 (Max Uses)
Applies the Damage Guard Next effect to the user.
No Introduction Needed!  Other Category Move   2 (Max Uses) All allies
Raises the Defense and Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks.

Sync Moves
NameTypeCategoryMax PowerTarget
Rugged and Adorable Rock Impact Rock-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 Opponent
No additional effect

Sync Grid

Name Effect Energy Requirement Sync Orb Requirement Sync Move Level Requirement
HP 10 HP 10 0 5 1
Attack 5 Attack 5 0 5 1
Defense 5 Defense 5 0 5 1
Attack 5 Attack 5 0 5 1
Sp. Def 5 Sp. Def 5 0 5 1
Speed 5 Speed 5 0 5 1
Defense 5 Defense 5 2 24 1
Sp. Def 5 Sp. Def 5 2 24 1
HP 10 HP 10 2 24 1
Smack Down: Power 4 Smack Down: Power Up 4 3 36 1
Smack Down: Power 4 Smack Down: Power Up 4 3 36 1
Smack Down: Flabbergast 2 Move: Smack Down Has a chance (30%) of leaving the target confused when a move targeting that opponent is successful. 8 96 2
Smack Down: Power 4 Smack Down: Power Up 4 3 36 1
Smack Down: Move Gauge Refresh 3 Move: Smack Down Has a chance (40%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful. 7 84 2
Sterner Stuff 2 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a physical attack move. 9 108 3
HP 10 HP 10 2 24 2
Sync Wall Applies the Critical-Hit Defense effect to the allied field of play the first time the user's sync move is used each battle. 10 120 3
Speed 5 Speed 5 2 24 1
Defense 5 Defense 5 2 24 1
HP 10 HP 10 2 24 1
Attack 5 Attack 5 2 24 1
Stalwart Sp. Def cannot be lowered. 5 60 2
Natural Remedy Removes all status conditions from the user the first time it is inflicted by any status condition each battle. 7 84 2
X Regen All: Move Gauge Refresh 3 Move: X Regen All Has a chance (40%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful. 7 84 2
No Introduction Needed!: Barricade 1 Move: No Introduction Needed! Raises the user's Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when its move is successful. 10 120 3
X Regen All: MP Refresh 2 Move: X Regen All Has a chance (30%) of restoring one MP of the user's move when that move is successful. 7 84 3
HP 10 HP 10 2 24 1
Sand Shelter Protects the user from damage from a sandstorm. 5 60 1
Speed 5 Speed 5 2 24 1
Sp. Def 5 Sp. Def 5 2 24 1
Defense 5 Defense 5 2 24 1
Smack Down: Power 4 Smack Down: Power Up 4 3 36 2
Smack Down: Power 4 Smack Down: Power Up 4 3 36 1
Protect: Move Gauge Refresh 9 Move: Protect Charges the user's move gauge by one when its move is successful. 7 84 2
Brain Brawn 2 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a special attack move. 9 108 3
Dragon Guard Reduces damage when the user is attacked by Dragon-type moves. 10 120 2
First Aid 4 Restores the user's HP by approximately 40% of its maximum HP the first time it is in a pinch each battle. 10 120 3
Defense 5 Defense 5 2 24 1
HP 10 HP 10 2 24 1
Sp. Def 5 Sp. Def 5 2 24 1
Speed 5 Speed 5 2 24 1
Quick Cure Removes the confused, flinching, and trapped conditions from the user the first time they are inflicted each battle. 7 84 2
Unbending Defense cannot be lowered. 5 60 2
No Introduction Needed!: Move Gauge Refresh 3 Move: No Introduction Needed! Has a chance (40%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful. 7 84 2
No Introduction Needed!: MP Refresh 2 Move: No Introduction Needed! Has a chance (30%) of restoring one MP of the user's move when that move is successful. 7 84 3
No Introduction Needed!: Shielding Strikes 1 Move: No Introduction Needed! Raises the user's Defense by 1 stat rank when its move is successful. 10 120 3
Rugged and Adorable Rock Impact: Power 25 Rugged and Adorable Rock Impact: Power Up 25 5 60 3
Rugged and Adorable Rock Impact: Power 25 Rugged and Adorable Rock Impact: Power Up 25 5 60 3