Trainer Gym

The Trainer Gym was a new feature implemented in January 2025. It allows for you to join or establish a gym with up to 20 players so that you can earn points and complete rewards together.

As you join, you will get special bonuses for the amount of players who have logged in in the past 24 hours which includes Diamonds and special Gym Tokens.

Trainer Gym in Pokémon Masters EX

Trainer Gym Missions

In the Gym, you can get a variety of missions. These include special Solo Missions, special missions for the Season and group missions, With these missions you can earn rewards based on the Gym Rank and earn Gym Points towards your rank. At the end of the season, your rewards will be given including things such as Gym Tokens.

With the Points you obtain through Group Missions, you can earn the Rank for the Season. Earning this rank gives a variety of rewards. These then reset every season. Each Group Mission has got a variety of different levels to complete by working together as a team, logging into the gym and completing elements like Interactions and the Daily Region Rotation

Rank Required Points Reward
C Rank 0 Points 500 Gems
B Rank 1000 Points 1000 Gems
10 Gym Scout A Tickets
A Rank 3000 Points 1000 Gems
20 Gym Scout A Tickets
S Rank 5000 Points 2000 Gems
30 Gym Scout A Tickets
Trainer Gym in Pokémon Masters EX

Trainer Gym Exchange

Woith the Gym Tokens that are obtained, you can get a variety of different items including a Special Gym Scout Ticket which gives exclusive Gym Sync Pairs, as well as Superawakening Candy and more.

Trainer Gym in Pokémon Masters EX

List of Gym Exclusive Sync Pairs

Picture Name New Pokémon
Brock Kabutops
Brock Kabutops
Winona Altaria
Winona Altaria
Grusha Beartic
Grusha Beartic