Trainer Lodge

The Trainer Lodge was introduced in August 2022 as a new method of interacting with your Sync Pairs. This mode has you build up friendship with various Sync Pairs in order to obtain a variety of rewards. You can interact with them and talk with them in order to boost their Friendship

Each Sync Pair available in this feature has got a new Pokémon that you can unlock by reaching Level 100

Battle Points


You can have up to 5 Sync Pairs in the lodge at any one time and when you do, you can interact with them. This is done as a discussion where you select various subjects to talk about. Yoiu can interact with 3 Sync Pairs every 24 hours, but this can be reset using an Interaction Count obtained in the exchange.

Each Sync Pair has a Hot Topic to talk about each day and if you hit the topic, you will get more points. You can also hit Max Vibe where, for the next two interactions, the points you obtain are increased. As you talk, the trainer's attention will reduce and the lower it goes, the more likely the Sync Pair will end the conversation. You can slow this down by hitting max vibes, or through use o items

Click here for a list of all the topics and their points

Picture Name Description
Insight Specs ImageInsight SpecsReveals the hot topic of an interaction.
Boost Juice ImageBoost JuiceEnsures max vvibes when you select a topic that matches your guest's hot topic during an interaction
Dig-It Shovel ImageDig-It ShovelAttention drops are reduced by 2 during an interaction. The lowest number this drop can reach is zero
Feel Ring ImageFeel RingTopics that match your guest's hot topic will appear more often during an interaction

There are also various items you can get in the Item Exchange that you can give to the Sync Pair. These items are specific to each one and come in three levels that give a variety of bonuses.

Standard Item - When used during an interaction: Restores attention by 10, Refreshes Topics, Multiplies friendship points earned by 1.10
Good Item - When used during an interaction: Restores attention by 20, Refreshes Topics, Multiplies friendship points earned by 1.30
Awesome Item - When used during an interaction: Restores attention by 30, Refreshes Topics, Multiplies friendship points earned by 1.50
Battle Point Exchange


As there is an item exchange here to get items to help boost your Sync Pairs Friendship, or to use for other things such as powering up Sync Pairs as standard, you can send Sync Pairs on Expeditions. These Expeditions allow for you to send 3 to 6 Sync Pairs out to look for items. Each Sync Pair has got a specific focus, with some even dropping the focus of another one down, and you can collect Crystals passively that can be used to exchange for items.

You can claim them at any time and you can use items to boost the Expedition level, and it can be boosted if you have a Cheer with the Sync Pairs. Cheers appear randomly and last for 12 hours from when you activate it.

Picture Name Description
Fiery Extract ImageFiery ExtractWhen used during an expedition, raises your Fiery Crystal discovery level by 2 for 24 hours
Soothing Extract ImageSoothing ExtractWhen used during an expedition, raises your Soothing Crystal discovery level by 2 for 24 hours
Wistful Extract ImageWistful ExtractWhen used during an expedition, raises your Wistful Crystal discovery level by 2 for 24 hours
Rare Extract ImageRare ExtractWhen used during an expedition, raises your Rare Crystal discovery level by 2 for 24 hours
Omni Extract ImageOmni ExtractWhen used during an expedition, raises all discovery levels by 1 for 24 hours

Expedition Reward Rates

Every minute of an expedition, you have a chance to get rewards, storing up to 30,000 rewards at any one time. The rewards you get is dependent on the current Expedition Level for each category.

Level Fiery Soothing Wistful Rare Cache
Level 1
1 Fiery Crystal50%
1 Soothing Crystal50%
1 Wistful Crystal50%
1 1 Star Rare Cache0.15%
Level 2
1 Fiery Crystal75%
1 Soothing Crystal75%
1 Wistful Crystal75%
1 1 Star Rare Cache0.3%
Level 3
1 Fiery Crystal50%
2 Fiery Crystal25%
1 Soothing Crystal50%
2 Soothing Crystal25%
1 Wistful Crystal50%
2 Wistful Crystal25%
1 1 Star Rare Cache0.45%
Level 4
1 Fiery Crystal50%
2 Fiery Crystal25%
1 Great Fiery Crystal25%
1 Soothing Crystal50%
2 Soothing Crystal25%
1 Great Soothing Crystal25%
1 Wistful Crystal50%
2 Wistful Crystal25%
1 Great Wistful Crystal25%
1 1 Star Rare Cache0.6%
1 2 Star Rare Cache0.15%
Level 5
1 Fiery Crystal30%
2 Fiery Crystal35%
1 Great Fiery Crystal35%
1 Soothing Crystal30%
2 Soothing Crystal35%
1 Great Soothing Crystal35%
1 Wistful Crystal30%
2 Wistful Crystal35%
1 Great Wistful Crystal35%
1 1 Star Rare Cache0.75%
1 2 Star Rare Cache0.3%
Level 6
1 Fiery Crystal10%
2 Fiery Crystal45%
1 Great Fiery Crystal35%
2 Great Fiery Crystal10%
1 Soothing Crystal10%
2 Soothing Crystal45%
1 Great Soothing Crystal35%
2 Great Soothing Crystal10%
1 Wistful Crystal10%
2 Wistful Crystal45%
1 Great Wistful Crystal35%
2 Great Wistful Crystal10%
1 1 Star Rare Cache0.9%
1 2 Star Rare Cache0.45%
Level 7
2 Fiery Crystal20%
3 Fiery Crystal20%
1 Great Fiery Crystal25%
2 Great Fiery Crystal20%
1 Ultra Fiery Crystal10%
2 Soothing Crystal20%
3 Soothing Crystal20%
1 Great Soothing Crystal25%
2 Great Soothing Crystal20%
1 Ultra Soothing Crystal10%
2 Wistful Crystal20%
3 Wistful Crystal20%
1 Great Wistful Crystal25%
2 Great Wistful Crystal20%
1 Ultra Wistful Crystal10%
1 1 Star Rare Cache1.05%
1 2 Star Rare Cache0.6%
1 3 Star Rare Cache0.13%
Level 8
2 Fiery Crystal10%
3 Fiery Crystal30%
1 Great Fiery Crystal10%
2 Great Fiery Crystal30%
1 Ultra Fiery Crystal20%
2 Soothing Crystal10%
3 Soothing Crystal30%
1 Great Soothing Crystal10%
2 Great Soothing Crystal30%
1 Ultra Soothing Crystal20%
2 Wistful Crystal10%
3 Wistful Crystal30%
1 Great Wistful Crystal10%
2 Great Wistful Crystal30%
1 Ultra Wistful Crystal20%
1 1 Star Rare Cache1.2%
1 2 Star Rare Cache0.75%
1 3 Star Rare Cache0.25%
Level 9
3 Fiery Crystal40%
2 Great Fiery Crystal35%
1 Ultra Fiery Crystal15%
2 Ultra Fiery Crystal10%
3 Soothing Crystal40%
2 Great Soothing Crystal35%
1 Ultra Soothing Crystal15%
2 Ultra Soothing Crystal10%
3 Wistful Crystal40%
2 Great Wistful Crystal35%
1 Ultra Wistful Crystal15%
2 Ultra Wistful Crystal10%
1 1 Star Rare Cache1.35%
1 2 Star Rare Cache0.9%
1 3 Star Rare Cache0.38%
Level 10
3 Fiery Crystal40%
2 Great Fiery Crystal20%
3 Great Fiery Crystal15%
2 Ultra Fiery Crystal25%
3 Soothing Crystal40%
2 Great Soothing Crystal20%
3 Great Soothing Crystal15%
2 Ultra Soothing Crystal25%
3 Wistful Crystal40%
2 Great Wistful Crystal20%
3 Great Wistful Crystal15%
2 Ultra Wistful Crystal25%
1 1 Star Rare Cache1.5%
1 2 Star Rare Cache1.05%
1 3 Star Rare Cache0.5%

Available Sync Pairs

Picture Name New Pokémon
Acerola Banette
Acerola Banette
Blue Exeggutor
Blue Exeggutor
Brendan Swellow
Brendan Swellow
Calem Fennekin
Calem Fennekin
Cheren Purrloin
Cheren Purrloin
Cynthia Gastrodon
Cynthia Gastrodon
Diantha Tyrantrum
Diantha Tyrantrum
Elesa Joltik
Elesa Joltik
Giovanni Nidorino
Giovanni Nidorino
Gladion Golbat
Gladion Golbat
Lance Kingdra
Lance Kingdra
Lillie Comfey
Lillie Comfey
Professor Sycamore Bulbasaur
Professor Sycamore Bulbasaur
Rosa Dewott
Rosa Dewott
Silver Feraligatr
Silver Feraligatr
Skyla Unfezant
Skyla Unfezant
Steven Cradily
Steven Cradily
Wally Delcatty
Wally Delcatty
Leaf Clefable
Leaf Clefable
Jasmine Ampharos
Jasmine Ampharos
Dawn Wormadam
Dawn Wormadam
Serena Fletchling
Serena Fletchling
Morty Gastly
Morty Gastly
Volkner Raichu
Volkner Raichu
Gloria Thwackey
Gloria Thwackey
N Sigilyph
N Sigilyph
May Wailmer
May Wailmer
Lear Krookodile
Lear Krookodile
Marnie Toxicroak
Marnie Toxicroak
Lana Lanturn
Lana Lanturn
Raihan Gigalith
Raihan Gigalith
Shauna Delcatty
Shauna Delcatty
Adaman Vaporeon
Adaman Vaporeon
Irida Flareon
Irida Flareon
Iono Wattrel
Iono Wattrel
Volo Gible
Volo Gible
Rika Whiscash
Rika Whiscash
Kabu Torkoal
Kabu Torkoal
Arven Nacli
Arven Nacli

Friendship Rewards

Level Picture Item Quantity
Each Level Lodge Stone Image Lodge Stone 10
5 5 Star Scout Ticket Image 5 Star Scout Ticket 10
10 A Special Day Stage Image A Special Day Stage 1
15 Strike Move Candy Coin Image Strike Move Candy Coin 1
20 Friend Snapshot Image Friend Snapshot 1
25 5 Star Power-Up Image 5 Star Power-Up 5
30 A Special Day Stage Image A Special Day Stage 1
35 5 Star Scout Ticket Image 5 Star Scout Ticket 10
40 Story Snapshot Image Story Snapshot 1
45 Tech Move Candy Coin Image Tech Move Candy Coin 1
50 Certificate of Excellence Image Certificate of Excellence 2
55 5 Star Power-Up Image 5 Star Power-Up 5
60 Certificate of Excellence Image Certificate of Excellence 2
65 5 Star Scout Ticket Image 5 Star Scout Ticket 10
70 Support Move Candy Coin Image Support Move Candy Coin 1
75 5 Star Power-Up Image 5 Star Power-Up 5
80 Certificate of Excellence Image Certificate of Excellence 3
85 Move Candy Coin Image Move Candy Coin 1
90 5 Star Power-Up Image 5 Star Power-Up 5
95 Certificate of Excellence Image Certificate of Excellence 3
100 Sync Pair Image Sync Pair 1

Rare Cache Drops

Picture Item Quantity
1 Star Rare Cache
5 Star Scout Ticket Image 5 Star Scout Ticket 10
Co-op Sync Orb Image Co-op Sync Orb 200
3 Star Power-Up Image 3 Star Power-Up 1
3 Star Level-Up Manual Image 3 Star Level-Up Manual 20
Coins Image Coins 10,000
Wistful Stone Image Wistful Stone 1
Soothing Stone Image Soothing Stone 1
Fiery Stone Image Fiery Stone 1
Ultra Wistful Crystal Image Ultra Wistful Crystal 100
Great Wistful Crystal Image Great Wistful Crystal 300
Ultra Soothing Crystal Image Ultra Soothing Crystal 100
Great Soothing Crystal Image Great Soothing Crystal 300
Ultra Fiery Crystal Image Ultra Fiery Crystal 100
Great Fiery Crystal Image Great Fiery Crystal 300
Lodge Stone Image Lodge Stone 10
1 Star Friend Key Image 1 Star Friend Key 1
2 Star Rare Cache
5 Star Scout Ticket Image 5 Star Scout Ticket 20
Co-op Sync Orb Image Co-op Sync Orb 400
4 Star Power-Up Image 4 Star Power-Up 1
4 Star Level-Up Manual Image 4 Star Level-Up Manual 20
Coins Image Coins 30,000
Wistful Stone Image Wistful Stone 2
Soothing Stone Image Soothing Stone 2
Fiery Stone Image Fiery Stone 2
Ultra Wistful Crystal Image Ultra Wistful Crystal 200
Great Wistful Crystal Image Great Wistful Crystal 500
Ultra Soothing Crystal Image Ultra Soothing Crystal 200
Great Soothing Crystal Image Great Soothing Crystal 500
Ultra Fiery Crystal Image Ultra Fiery Crystal 200
Great Fiery Crystal Image Great Fiery Crystal 500
Lodge Stone Image Lodge Stone 20
2 Star Friend Key Image 2 Star Friend Key 1
3 Star Rare Cache
5 Star Scout Ticket Image 5 Star Scout Ticket 20
5 Star Power-Up Ticket Image 5 Star Power-Up Ticket 20
Co-op Sync Orb Image Co-op Sync Orb 600
5 Star Power-Up Image 5 Star Power-Up 1
4 Star Level-Up Manual Image 4 Star Level-Up Manual 30
Coins Image Coins 60,000
Wistful Stone Image Wistful Stone 3
Soothing Stone Image Soothing Stone 3
Fiery Stone Image Fiery Stone 3
Ultra Wistful Crystal Image Ultra Wistful Crystal 300
Great Wistful Crystal Image Great Wistful Crystal 700
Ultra Soothing Crystal Image Ultra Soothing Crystal 300
Great Soothing Crystal Image Great Soothing Crystal 700
Ultra Fiery Crystal Image Ultra Fiery Crystal 300
Great Fiery Crystal Image Great Fiery Crystal 700
Lodge Stone Image Lodge Stone 30
3 Star Friend Key Image 3 Star Friend Key 1