Sygna Suits
Sygna Suits |
Sygna Suits are an exclusive element to Pokémon Masters EX. In the game, you will sometimes get a special story featuring an existing Sync Pair. With this story, you will be able to unlock a special Sygna Suit variant of the Sync Pair The Sygna Suit doesn't typically change a Sync Pair's Base Rarity, but does include a different Pokémon for the Sync Pair outside of the initial evolution. This means different stats, moves and weaknesses. |
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List of Sync Pairs with Sygna Suits
Picture | Trainer | Role | Pokémon | |
Acerola (Sygna Suit) | Support | Tapu Bulu | |
Blue (Sygna Suit) | Support | Blastoise Blastoise (Mega Blastoise) |
Brendan (Sygna Suit) | Support | Latios Latios (Mega Latios) |
Brock (Sygna Suit) | Tech | Tyranitar | |
Cynthia (Sygna Suit) | Strike | Kommo-o | |
Cynthia (Sygna Suit (Renegade)) | Tech | Giratina | |
Cynthia (Sygna Suit (Aura)) | Support | Lucario Lucario (Mega Lucario) |
Diantha (Sygna Suit) | Tech | Diancie (Shiny Diancie) Diancie (Shiny Mega Diancie) |
Elesa (Sygna Suit) | Support | Rotom | |
Erika (Sygna Suit) | Tech | Leafeon | |
Giovanni (Sygna Suit) | Strike | Nidoking | |
Giovanni (Sygna Suit (Alt.)) | Support | Guzzlord | |
Gladion (Sygna Suit) | Strike | Magearna | |
Grimsley (Sygna Suit) | Strike | Sharpedo Sharpedo (Mega Sharpedo) |
Hau (Sygna Suit) | Tech | Tapu Koko | |
Hilbert (Sygna Suit) | Tech | Genesect | |
Hilda (Sygna Suit) | Strike | Victini | |
Korrina (Sygna Suit) | Tech | Marshadow | |
Kris (Sygna Suit) | Support | Suicune | |
Lusamine (Sygna Suit) | Strike | Necrozma (Dusk Mane) Necrozma (Ultra Necrozma) |
Lyra (Sygna Suit) | Tech | Celebi | |
Misty (Sygna Suit) | Tech | Vaporeon | |
Red (Sygna Suit) | Strike | Charizard Charizard (Mega Charizard X) |
Red (Sygna Suit (Thunderbolt)) | Tech | Pikachu | |
Roxie (Sygna Suit) | Tech | Toxtricity (Amped Form) | |
Silver (Sygna Suit) | Tech | Sneasel | |
Steven (Sygna Suit) | Tech | Deoxys (Normal Forme) Deoxys (Normal Forme) Deoxys (Attack Forme) Deoxys (Defense Forme) Deoxys (Speed Forme) |
Wally (Sygna Suit) | Tech | Gardevoir (Shiny Gardevoir) Gardevoir (Shiny Mega Gardevoir) |
Ethan (Sygna Suit) | Strike | Lugia | |
Leaf (Sygna Suit) | Tech | Venusaur (Female) Venusaur (Mega Venusaur) |
Dawn (Sygna Suit) | Support | Cresselia | |
Serena (Sygna Suit) | Strike | Zygarde Zygarde (Complete Forme) |
Morty (Sygna Suit) | Support | Ho-Oh (Shiny Ho-Oh) | |
Cyrus (Sygna Suit) | Tech | Darkrai | |
N (Sygna Suit) | Tech | Kyurem (Black Kyurem) | |
May (Sygna Suit) | Tech | Blaziken Blaziken (Mega Blaziken) |
Lysandre (Sygna Suit) | Strike | Volcanion | |
Piers (Sygna Suit) | Strike | Toxtricity (Low-Key Forme) | |
Lear (Sygna Suit) | Sprint | Gholdengo | |
Leon (Sygna Suit) | Strike | Eternatus | |
Lana (Sygna Suit) | Strike | Tapu Lele | |
Ingo (Sygna Suit) | Sprint | Chandelure | |
Emmet (Sygna Suit) | Field | Eelektross | |
Nemona (Sygna Suit) | Strike | Scream Tail |