Sync Moves

Sync Move Details

Sync Moves are a powerful move that each trainer can unleash with their Pokémon. Each character has got a specific Sync Move with specific Pokémon that can do a significant amount of damage.

Whenever your Pokémon make a move, the Sync Move counter goes down, and when it hits 0 the Sync move can be used. The Sync Move also results in a 50% damage buff to all of your Pokémon

This page is to detail all the possible Sync Moves for each character and Pokémon.

Sync Moves Image

List of Sync Moves

NameTypeCategoryMax PowerEffectSync Pairs
All-about-Focus Avalanche Ice-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The power of this move is increased during a hailstorm Candice & Abomasnow
Aquatic Prince Hydro Pump Water-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 Its power increases if the target is trapped. Wallace & Milotic
Arm Thrust of Mighty Waves Fighting-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the opponent's Defense is lowered, the greater the power of this move. Brawly & Hariyama
Audacious Multi-Attack Normal-typePhysical Category Move 300-360 This attack's type is determined by the user's type change. Gladion & Silvally
Barefoot High Jump Kick Fighting-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Maylene & Medicham
Battle Fanatic Heat Crash Fire-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Hilda & Emboar
Beguiling Dark Pulse Dark-typeSpecial Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Houndoom Karen & Houndoom
Karen & Houndoom (Mega Houndoom)
Blissful Echo Hyper Voice Normal-typeSpecial Category Move 300-360 No additional effect Cheryl & Blissey
Bravest Brave Bird Flying-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Nate & Braviary
Broken Sleep Psychic Psychic-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Caitlin & Reuniclus
Bug Expert Twineedle Bug-typePhysical Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Beedrill Bugsy & Beedrill
Bugsy & Beedrill (Mega Beedrill)
Bug Sync Beam Bug-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 No additional effect Main Character & Venonat
Main Character & Venomoth
Main Character & Venonat
Main Character & Venomoth
Main Character & Venonat
Main Character & Venomoth
Main Character & Caterpie
Main Character & Metapod
Main Character & Butterfree
Main Character & Caterpie
Main Character & Metapod
Main Character & Butterfree
Viola & Surskit
Bug Sync Impact Bug-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 No additional effect Main Character & Scyther
Main Character & Scyther
Main Character & Scyther
Main Character & Pinsir
Main Character & Pinsir
Main Character & Pinsir
Main Character & Weedle
Main Character & Kakuna
Main Character & Beedrill
Main Character & Weedle
Main Character & Kakuna
Main Character & Beedrill
Main Character & Weedle
Main Character & Kakuna
Main Character & Beedrill
Main Character & Paras
Main Character & Parasect
Main Character & Paras
Main Character & Parasect
Main Character & Paras
Main Character & Parasect
Main Character & Caterpie
Main Character & Metapod
Main Character & Butterfree
Bump-in-the-Night Crunch Dark-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 Raises the user's critical hit rate Hilbert & Mightyena
Burn-It-All Overheat Fire-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Flint & Infernape
Card Shark Night Slash Dark-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The power of the move is increased if none of the opponent's stats are raised Grimsley & Liepard
Crashdown Aqua Jet Water-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 This move's power increases if the target is flinching Crasher Wake & Floatzel
Crazy Cool Rock Tomb Rock-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 Its power increases if the target is flinching. Grant & Aurorus
Crystalline Aqua Tail Water-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Kris & Feraligatr
Cute Factor Disarming Voice Fairy-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Lyra & Jigglypuff
Dark Authority Black Hole Eclipse Dark-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 Its power increases if the target is flinching Nanu & Persian (Alola Form)
Dark Tales of the Shadow Ball Ghost-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Shauntal & Chandelure
Dimensional Defender Draco Meteor Dragon-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 Become Mega Rayquaza until the end of battle. Zinnia & Rayquaza
Zinnia & Rayquaza (Mega Rayquaza)
Dragon Sage Outrage Dragon-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Iris & Haxorus
Earthquake of Ancient Lore Ground-typePhysical Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Garchomp until the end of battle. Cynthia & Garchomp
Cynthia & Garchomp (Mega Garchomp)
Electric Sync Beam Electric-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 No additional effect Lt. Surge & Voltorb
Main Character & Pichu
Main Character & Pikachu
Main Character & Raichu
Main Character & Pichu
Main Character & Pikachu
Main Character & Raichu
Main Character & Pichu
Main Character & Pikachu
Main Character & Raichu
Main Character & Voltorb
Main Character & Electrode
Main Character & Voltorb
Main Character & Electrode
Main Character & Voltorb
Main Character & Electrode
Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Jolteon
Emotional Void Spacial Rend Dragon-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 Critical hits land more easily. Cyrus & Palkia
Endless Possibilities Extreme Evoboost Normal-typeOther Category Move   Increases the user's move gauge by the sync move's current level. Sharply raises the Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and accuracy of all allied sync pairs. Leaf & Eevee
Endless Summer Gigavolt Havoc Electric-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Hau & Raichu (Alola Form)
ESP Prodigy Psywave Psychic-typeSpecial Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Alakazam until the end of battle Sabrina & Alakazam
Sabrina & Alakazam (Mega Alakazam)
Factory Head X-Scissor Bug-typePhysical Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Pinsir Noland & Pinsir
Noland & Pinsir (Mega Pinsir)
Fashionista Dazzling Gleam Fairy-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Valerie & Sylveon
Fierce Flames Eruption Fire-typeSpecial Category Move 300-360 No additional effect Ethan & Typhlosion
Fiery Passion Overheat Fire-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 Its power increases if the target is burned. Flannery & Torkoal
Fighting Sync Impact Fighting-typePhysical Category Move 240-288 No additional effect Brawly & Makuhita
Main Character & Mankey
Main Character & Primeape
Main Character & Mankey
Main Character & Primeape
Main Character & Mankey
Main Character & Primeape
Main Character & Machop
Main Character & Machoke
Main Character & Machamp
Main Character & Machop
Main Character & Machoke
Main Character & Machamp
Main Character & Machop
Main Character & Machoke
Main Character & Machamp
Main Character & Tyrogue
Main Character & Hitmonchan
Main Character & Tyrogue
Main Character & Hitmontop
Main Character & Tyrogue
Main Character & Hitmonlee
Maylene & Meditite
Fire Sync Beam Fire-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 No additional effect Main Character & Charmander
Main Character & Charmeleon
Main Character & Charizard
Main Character & Charmander
Main Character & Charmeleon
Main Character & Charizard
Main Character & Charmander
Main Character & Charmeleon
Main Character & Charizard
Main Character & Charmander
Main Character & Charmeleon
Main Character & Charizard
Main Character & Magby
Main Character & Magmar
Main Character & Magby
Main Character & Magmar
Main Character & Vulpix
Main Character & Ninetales
Main Character & Vulpix
Main Character & Ninetales
Main Character & Vulpix
Main Character & Ninetales
Main Character & Fuecoco
Main Character & Fuecoco
Main Character & Scorbunny
Main Character & Scorbunny
Main Character & Scorbunny
Ethan & Cyndaquil
Ethan & Quilava
Serena & Fennekin
Serena & Braixen
Fire Sync Impact Fire-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 No additional effect Blaine & Ponyta
Hilda & Tepig
Hilda & Pignite
Main Character & Torchic
Main Character & Growlithe
Main Character & Arcanine
Main Character & Growlithe
Main Character & Arcanine
Main Character & Growlithe
Main Character & Arcanine
Main Character & Magby
Main Character & Magmar
Main Character & Ponyta
Main Character & Rapidash
Main Character & Ponyta
Main Character & Rapidash
Main Character & Ponyta
Main Character & Rapidash
Main Character & Fuecoco
Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Flareon
Flyaway Air Cutter Flying-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 Its power increases if the target is flinching Winona & Pelipper
Freezing Terror Blizzard Ice-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 Its power increases if the target is frozen Lorelei & Lapras
Full-Force Challenger Moonblast Fairy-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Lillie & Clefairy
Fundamental Takedown Normal-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 Its power increases if the user is affected by a status condition. Cheren & Stoutland
Ghost Sync Impact Ghost-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 No additional effect Phoebe & Dusclops
Give-It-All-Ya-Got Power-Up Punch Fighting-typePhysical Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Lucario Korrina & Lucario
Korrina & Lucario (Mega Lucario)
Glacial Freeze-Dry Ice-typeSpecial Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Glalie. Glacia & Glalie
Glacia & Glalie (Mega Glalie)
Gourmet Octazooka Water-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 Its power increases if the target is burned. Siebold & Octillery
Grass Sync Beam Grass-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 No additional effect Lyra & Chikorita
Lyra & Bayleef
Main Character & Oddish
Main Character & Gloom
Main Character & Vileplume
Main Character & Oddish
Main Character & Gloom
Main Character & Vileplume
Main Character & Oddish
Main Character & Gloom
Main Character & Vileplume
Main Character & Sprigatito
Main Character & Sprigatito
Main Character & Sprigatito
Rosa & Snivy
Rosa & Servine
Grass Sync Impact Grass-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 No additional effect Brendan & Treecko
Brendan & Grovyle
Main Character & Bulbasaur
Main Character & Ivysaur
Main Character & Venusaur
Main Character & Bellsprout
Main Character & Weepinbell
Main Character & Victreebel
Main Character & Bellsprout
Main Character & Weepinbell
Main Character & Victreebel
Main Character & Bellsprout
Main Character & Weepinbell
Main Character & Victreebel
Main Character & Bulbasaur
Main Character & Ivysaur
Main Character & Venusaur
Main Character & Bulbasaur
Main Character & Ivysaur
Main Character & Venusaur
Main Character & Bulbasaur
Main Character & Ivysaur
Main Character & Venusaur
Main Character & Tangela
Main Character & Tangela
Main Character & Tangela
Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Leafeon
Main Character & Grookey
Main Character & Grookey
Main Character & Grookey
Ramos & Weepinbell
Dawn & Turtwig
Dawn & Grotle
Selene & Rowlet
Selene & Dartrix
Grateful Friend Flare Blitz Fire-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the user's Speed has been aised, the greater the power of this move Marley & Arcanine
Ground Sync Impact Ground-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 No additional effect Clay & Palpitoad
Main Character & Cubone
Main Character & Marowak
Main Character & Cubone
Main Character & Marowak
Main Character & Cubone
Main Character & Marowak
Main Character & Sandshrew
Main Character & Sandslash
Main Character & Sandshrew
Main Character & Sandslash
Main Character & Sandshrew
Main Character & Sandslash
Main Character & Diglett
Main Character & Dugtrio
Main Character & Diglett
Main Character & Dugtrio
Main Character & Diglett
Main Character & Dugtrio
Main Character & Rhyhorn
Main Character & Rhydon
Main Character & Rhyhorn
Main Character & Rhydon
Main Character & Rhyhorn
Main Character & Rhydon
Heart of Gold Leaf Storm Grass-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the user's stats are raised, the greater the power of this move. Lyra & Meganium
High Fashion Thunderbolt Electric-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Elesa & Rotom
High-Flying Sky Attack Flying-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the user's Speed has been raised, the greater the power of this move. Skyla & Swanna
High-Stakes Liquidation Water-typePhysical Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Sharpedo until the end of battle. Grimsley & Sharpedo
Grimsley & Sharpedo (Mega Sharpedo)
Historymaker Clanging Scales Dragon-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Cynthia & Kommo-o
Honor Student Power Gem Rock-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Roxanne & Probopass
Ice Sync Beam Ice-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 No additional effect Main Character & Lapras
Main Character & Lapras
Main Character & Lapras
Main Character & Seel
Main Character & Dewgong
Main Character & Seel
Main Character & Dewgong
Main Character & Seel
Main Character & Dewgong
Main Character & Smoochum
Main Character & Jynx
Main Character & Smoochum
Main Character & Jynx
Main Character & Smoochum
Main Character & Jynx
Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Glaceon
Pryce & Seel
Insectible Struggle Bug Bug-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Burgh & Leavanny
Island Splintered Stormshards Rock-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 Removes physical and special damage-reducing effects from the opponents' field of play. Professor Kukui & Lycanroc
Late Fee Bubble Beam Water-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Barry & Empoleon
Leaf Blade of Sundering Grass-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 Become Mega Sceptile until the end of battle Brendan & Sceptile
Brendan & Sceptile (Mega Sceptle)
Lights, Camera, Ice Shard Ice-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The power of this move is increased if not all the opponent's stats are raised Brycen & Cryogonal
Light-Up-the-World Thunderbolt Electric-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the target's Speed has been lowered, the greater the power of this move Clemont & Heliolisk
Living Legend Blast Burn Fire-typeSpecial Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Charizard X until the end of battle. Raises the user's critical-hit rate. Red & Charizard
Red & Charizard (Mega Charizard X)
Lonely Flower Shadow Punch Ghost-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Phoebe & Dusknoir
Make it Double Sludge Poison-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 Its power increases if the target is poisoned or badly poisoned. James & Weezing
Mind-Bending Psychic Psychic-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 Its power increases if the target is paralyzed Calem & Meowstic
Miracle Idol Draco Meteor Dragon-typeSpecial Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Altaria until the end of battle. This move's power increases if there are no field effects on the opponents' field of play and also no effects on the entire field of play, including weather or terrain effects. Lisia & Altaria
Lisia & Altaria (Mega Altaria)
Modern Ninja Sludge Bomb Poison-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 Its power increases if the target is poisoned or badly poisoned Koga & Crobat
Motherly Love Savage Spin-Out Bug-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Lusamine & Pheromosa
Mystery Masquerade Psychic Psychic-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 Its power increases if the target is confused Will & Xatu
Mystic Seer Phantom Force Ghost-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Morty & Drifblim
Mystical Fire of Positivity Fire-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 Its power increases if the target is asleep. Serena & Delphox
Nature-Loving Petal Dance Grass-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 Its power increases if the target is paralyzed Erika & Vileplume
Never-Ending Royal Nightmare Ghost-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the user's Defense has been raised, the greater the power of this move Acerola & Palossand
New Dawn Wood Hammer Grass-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the user's Attack has been raised, the greater the power of this move. Dawn & Torterra
Ninja Spirit Cross Poison Poison-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 Its power increases if the target is poisoned or badly poisoned Janine & Ariados
No Mercy Dragon Pulse Dragon-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Clair & Kingdra
Normal Sync Impact Normal-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 No additional effect Main Character & Tauros
Main Character & Tauros
Main Character & Tauros
Main Character & Meowth
Main Character & Persian
Main Character & Meowth
Main Character & Persian
Main Character & Meowth
Main Character & Persian
Main Character & Rattata
Main Character & Raticate
Main Character & Rattata
Main Character & Raticate
Main Character & Rattata
Main Character & Raticate
Main Character & Kangaskhan
Main Character & Kangaskhan
Main Character & Kangaskhan
Main Character & Lickitung
Main Character & Lickitung
Main Character & Lickitung
Main Character & Munchlax
Main Character & Snorlax
Main Character & Munchlax
Main Character & Snorlax
Main Character & Munchlax
Main Character & Snorlax
Main Character & Happiny
Main Character & Chansey
Old Growth Razor Leaf Grass-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 Its power increases if the target is asleep. Ramos & Victreebel
Oversplash Aqua Tail Water-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the user's Defense has been raised, the greater the power of this move Marlon & Carracosta
Pike Queen Poison Fang Poison-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 Its power increases if the target is poisoned or badly poisoned. Lucy & Seviper
Poison Sync Beam Poison-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 No additional effect Main Character & Zubat
Main Character & Golbat
Main Character & Zubat
Main Character & Golbat
Main Character & Zubat
Main Character & Golbat
Main Character & Grimer
Main Character & Muk
Main Character & Grimer
Main Character & Muk
Main Character & Grimer
Main Character & Muk
Main Character & Koffing
Main Character & Weezing
Main Character & Koffing
Main Character & Weezing
Main Character & Koffing
Main Character & Weezing
Main Character & Tentacool
Main Character & Tentacruel
Main Character & Tentacool
Main Character & Tentacruel
Main Character & Tentacool
Main Character & Tentacruel
Poison Sync Impact Poison-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 No additional effect Main Character & Nidoran♀
Main Character & Nidorina
Main Character & Nidoqueen
Main Character & Nidoran♀
Main Character & Nidorina
Main Character & Nidoqueen
Main Character & Nidoran♀
Main Character & Nidorina
Main Character & Nidoqueen
Main Character & Ekans
Main Character & Arbok
Main Character & Ekans
Main Character & Arbok
Main Character & Ekans
Main Character & Arbok
Main Character & Nidoran♂
Main Character & Nidorino
Main Character & Nidoking
Main Character & Nidoran♂
Main Character & Nidorino
Main Character & Nidoking
Main Character & Nidoran♂
Main Character & Nidorino
Main Character & Nidoking
Roxie & Whirlipede
Pokémon Professor Psychic Psychic-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Professor Oak & Mew
Professor Oak & Mew
Post-analysis Flash Cannon Steel-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 Its power increases if the target is flinching Thorton & Bronzong
Power-Chasing Giga Impact Normal-typePhysical Category Move 300-360 No additional effect Norman & Slaking
Power-Hungry Sacred Fire Fire-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Silver & Ho-Oh
Prepare for Trouble Acid Poison-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Jessie & Arbok
Psychic of Duality Psychic-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Liza & Lunatone
Psychic Sync Beam Psychic-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 No additional effect Calem & Espurr
Main Character & Exeggcute
Main Character & Exeggutor
Main Character & Exeggcute
Main Character & Exeggutor
Main Character & Exeggcute
Main Character & Exeggutor
Main Character & Slowpoke
Main Character & Slowbro
Main Character & Slowpoke
Main Character & Slowbro
Main Character & Slowpoke
Main Character & Slowbro
Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Espeon
Main Character & Drowzee
Main Character & Hypno
Main Character & Drowzee
Main Character & Hypno
Main Character & Drowzee
Main Character & Hypno
Quizmaster Flame Charge Fire-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 Its power increases if the target is trapped. Blaine & Rapidash
Radical Poison Jab Poison-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Roxie & Scolipede
Rallying Close Combat Fighting-typePhysical Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Gallade until the end of battle. Raises the user's critical-hit rate. Wally & Gallade
Wally & Gallade (Mega Gallade)
Righteous Heart Dragon Claw Dragon-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Drake & Salamence
Rock Head Smash Rock-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Roark & Rampardos
Rock Sync Beam Rock-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 No additional effect Main Character & Kabuto
Main Character & Kabutops
Main Character & Kabuto
Main Character & Kabutops
Main Character & Omanyte
Main Character & Omastar
Main Character & Omanyte
Main Character & Omastar
Roxanne & Nosepass
Rock Sync Impact Rock-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 No additional effect Grant & Amaura
Main Character & Geodude
Main Character & Graveler
Main Character & Golem
Main Character & Geodude
Main Character & Graveler
Main Character & Golem
Main Character & Geodude
Main Character & Graveler
Main Character & Golem
Main Character & Onix
Main Character & Onix
Main Character & Onix
Main Character & Kabuto
Main Character & Kabutops
Main Character & Aerodactyl
Main Character & Aerodactyl
Main Character & Aerodactyl
Main Character & Omanyte
Main Character & Omastar
Roark & Cranidos
Rock-Bottom Bulldoze Ground-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the target's Speed has been lowered, the greater the power of this move. Clay & Seismitoad
Rock-Solid Rockslide Rock-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the opponent's Speed is lowered, the greater the power of this move Brock & Onix
Shining Friendship Sunraze Smash Steel-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Main Character & Solgaleo
Shining Gem Continental Crush Rock-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Olivia & Lycanroc (Midnight Form)
Shining Knight Iron Head Steel-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the opponent's Attack is lowered, the greater the power of this move Wikstrom & Aegislash
Wikstrom & Aegislash (Blade Forme)
Shining Spotlight Wild Bolt Electric-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Elesa & Zebstrika
Shoot for the Stars Leaf Storm Grass-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Rosa & Serperior
Silver Wind Victory Shot Bug-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 Its power increases if the target is trapped. Viola & Masquerain
Solid Steel Meteor Mash Steel-typePhysical Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Metagross until the end of the battle. Steven & Metagross
Steven & Metagross (Mega Metagross)
Soulful Dancer Shadow Ball Ghost-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Fantina & Mismagius
Special Delivery Drill Peck Flying-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Rosa & Delibird
Star Shock Thunder Fang Electric-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 Its power increases if the target is paralyzed Volkner & Luxray
Steel-Clad Iron Tail Steel-typePhysical Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Steelix until the end of battle. The more the user's Defense has been raised, the greater the power of this move. Jasmine & Steelix
Jasmine & Steelix (Mega Steelix)
Supercute Rolling Tackle Normal-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 Its power increases if the target is paralyzed Whitney & Miltank
Supernova Corkscrew Crash Steel-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Molayne & Dugtrio (Alola Form)
Supersonic Skystrike Drive Flying-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Kahili & Toucannon
Surging Charge Beam Electric-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the target's Sp. Atk has been lowered, the greater the power of this move. Lt. Surge & Electrode
Sygnature Rock-Solid Stone Edge Rock-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Brock & Tyranitar
Tenacious Frenzy Plant Grass-typeSpecial Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Venusaur until the end of battle. Its power increases if the target is poisoned or badly poisoned. Leaf & Venusaur (Female)
Leaf & Venusaur (Mega Venusaur)
The True Razor Shell Water-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Hilbert & Samurott
Thunder of Newfound Passion Electric-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Main Character & Pikachu
Tomboyish Mermaid Bubble Beam Water-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the user's Sp. Def has been raised, the greater the power of this move Misty & Starmie
Too Cool Icicle Crash Ice-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Steven & Sandslash (Alola Form)
Trained-to-the-Max Dynamic Punch Fighting-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Bruno & Machamp
Trick-or-Treat Shadow Claw Ghost-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 Its power increases if the target is confused Acerola & Mimikyu
Acerola & Mimikyu (Busted Form)
Tried-and-True Hex Ghost-typeSpecial Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Gengar. This move's power increases if the opponent is asleep. Agatha & Gengar
Agatha & Gengar (Mega Gengar)
Triumphant Hydro Cannon Water-typeSpecial Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Blastoise until the end of battle. The more the user's Defense has been raised, the greater the power of this move. Blue & Blastoise
Blue & Blastoise (Mega Blastoise)
Truth-Seeking Future Sight Psychic-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the target's Sp. Def has been lowered, the greater the power of this move. Bianca & Musharna
Ultimately Worthy Tectonic Rage Ground-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Hapu & Mudsdale
Unrivaled Outrage Dragon-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Lance & Dragonite
Unstoppable Avalanche Ice-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Wulfric & Avalugg
Vivid Leaf Storm Grass-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Gardenia & Roserade
Wandering Artist Twinkle Tackle Fairy-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the opponent's Attack is lowered, the greater the power of this move Mina & Granbull
Water Pulse Du Jour Water-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Siebold & Clawitzer
Water Sync Beam Water-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 No additional effect Barry & Piplup
Barry & Prinplup
Main Character & Squirtle
Main Character & Wartortle
Main Character & Blastoise
Main Character & Squirtle
Main Character & Wartortle
Main Character & Blastoise
Main Character & Squirtle
Main Character & Wartortle
Main Character & Blastoise
Main Character & Squirtle
Main Character & Wartortle
Main Character & Blastoise
Main Character & Goldeen
Main Character & Seaking
Main Character & Goldeen
Main Character & Seaking
Main Character & Goldeen
Main Character & Seaking
Main Character & Staryu
Main Character & Starmie
Main Character & Staryu
Main Character & Starmie
Main Character & Staryu
Main Character & Starmie
Main Character & Horsea
Main Character & Seadra
Main Character & Horsea
Main Character & Seadra
Main Character & Horsea
Main Character & Seadra
Main Character & Shellder
Main Character & Cloyster
Main Character & Shellder
Main Character & Cloyster
Main Character & Magikarp
Main Character & Gyarados
Main Character & Magikarp
Main Character & Gyarados
Main Character & Magikarp
Main Character & Gyarados
Main Character & Quaxly
Main Character & Quaxly
Main Character & Quaxly
Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Vaporeon
Main Character & Sobble
Main Character & Sobble
Main Character & Sobble
Main Character & Psyduck
Main Character & Golduck
Main Character & Psyduck
Main Character & Golduck
Main Character & Psyduck
Main Character & Golduck
May & Mudkip
May & Marshtomp
Elio & Popplio
Elio & Brionne
Water Sync Impact Water-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 No additional effect Hilbert & Oshawott
Hilbert & Dewott
Kris & Totodile
Kris & Croconaw
Main Character & Shellder
Main Character & Cloyster
Way-of-the-Warrior Focus Punch Fighting-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Marshal & Conkeldurr
Whiz Kid Gigavolt Havoc Electric-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 Its power increases if the target is flinching Sophocles & Togedemaru
Wicked Enforcer Acid Downpour Poison-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Plumeria & Salazzle
Winter's Lesson Aurora Beam Ice-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Pryce & Dewgong
World Domination Psystrike Psychic-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Giovanni & Mewtwo
Giovanni & Mewtwo (Mega Mewtwo Y)
World-Swallowing Hurricane Flying-typeSpecial Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Pidgeot Blue & Pidgeot
Blue & Pidgeot (Mega Pidgeot)
Your Boy's X-Scissor Bug-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Guzma & Golisopod
Zen Headbutt of Duality Psychic-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Tate & Solrock
Psychic Sync Impact Psychic-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 No additional effect Main Character & Abra
Main Character & Kadabra
Main Character & Alakazam
Main Character & Abra
Main Character & Kadabra
Main Character & Alakazam
Main Character & Abra
Main Character & Kadabra
Main Character & Alakazam
Voyager's Bug Buzz Bug-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Alder & Volcarona
Merry and Bright Dazzling Gleam Fairy-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Erika & Comfey
Good Tidings Air Slash Flying-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 This move's power increases if the target is affected by a status condition. Skyla & Togekiss
Glorious Behemoth Blade Steel-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 This move's power increases if the target has a sync buff. Gloria & Zacian (Crowned Sword)
Bridging Bolt Strike Electric-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect N & Zekrom
Rising Dragon Flying Impact Flying-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Lance & Gyarados
Bee-autiful Bug Impact Bug-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Lillie & Ribombee
Bold-Flavored Bloom Doom Grass-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 This move's power increases if the target is confused. Mallow & Tsareena
Best Buddy Muddy Water Water-typeSpecial Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Swampert until the end of battle. This move's power increases when the weather is rainy. May & Swampert
May & Swampert (Mega Swampert)
Electric Sync Impact Electric-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 No #additional effect Main Character & Elekid
Main Character & Electabuzz
Main Character & Elekid
Main Character & Electabuzz
Main Character & Elekid
Main Character & Electabuzz
Steel Sync Impact Steel-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 No additional effect Main Character & Magnemite
Main Character & Magneton
Main Character & Meowth (Galarian Form)
Main Character & Perrserker
Main Character & Meowth (Galarian Form)
Main Character & Perrserker
Steel Sync Beam Steel-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 No additional effect Main Character & Magnemite
Main Character & Magneton
Main Character & Magnemite
Main Character & Magneton
Main Character & Meowth (Galarian Form)
Main Character & Perrserker
Whipped Cream Fairy Beam Fairy-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the target's stats have been lowered, the greater the power of this move. Dawn & Alcremie
Semisweet Fairy Beam Fairy-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 This move's power increases if the target is paralyzed. Serena & Whimsicott
Gentlemanly Geomancy Fairy-typeOther Category Move   Charges the move gauges of all allied sync pairs by two. Raises the Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed of all allied sync pairs by up to six stat ranks based on the user's move level. Professor Sycamore & Xerneas
Cleansing Oblivion Wing Flying-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Lysandre & Yveltal
No Encores Throat Chop Dark-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Piers & Obstagoon
Singularity Hyperspace Hole Psychic-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 This move's power increases when none of the target's stats are raised Lear & Hoopa
Dark Sync Impact Dark-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 No additional effect Main Character & Meowth (Alola Form)
Main Character & Persian (Alola Form)
Main Character & Meowth (Alola Form)
Main Character & Persian (Alola Form)
Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Umbreon
Champion Time Fire Blast Fire-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Leon & Charizard
Hangry Wild Charge Electric-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 When the user is in Hangry Mode, the user changes to Full Belly Mode. This move's power increases if the target is paralyzed. Marnie & Morpeko
Marnie & Morpeko (Hangry Mode)
Triple Threat Dragon Rush Dragon-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the target's stats have been lowered, the greater the power of this move. Iris & Hydreigon
Master Thespian Moonblast Fairy-typeSpecial Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Gardevoir until the end of battle. Diantha & Gardevoir
Diantha & Gardevoir (Mega Gardevoir)
Fairy Sync Impact Fairy-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 No additional effect Main Character & Igglybuff
Main Character & Jigglypuff
Main Character & Wigglytuff
Main Character & Igglybuff
Main Character & Jigglypuff
Main Character & Wigglytuff
Main Character & Igglybuff
Main Character & Jigglypuff
Main Character & Wigglytuff
Main Character & Cleffa
Main Character & Clefairy
Main Character & Clefable
Main Character & Cleffa
Main Character & Clefairy
Main Character & Clefable
Main Character & Cleffa
Main Character & Clefairy
Main Character & Clefable
Fairy Sync Beam Fairy-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 No additional effect Main Character & Eevee
Main Character & Sylveon
Normal Sync Beam Normal-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 No additional effect Main Character & Porygon
Main Character & Porygon
Main Character & Porygon
Main Character & Happiny
Main Character & Happiny
Main Character & Chansey
Color of Joy Fairy Impact Fairy-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Burgh & Togepi
Heart-Thumping Normal Impact Normal-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 Become Mega Lopunny until the end of battle. After this sync move is used for the first time, it becomes Fighting-type until the end of battle. May & Lopunny
May & Lopunny (Mega Lopunny)
Sunshine Oceanic Operetta Water-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Elio & Primarina
Moonlight Leaf Blade Grass-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 Crticial Hits land more easily Selene & Decidueye
Storm Clout Steel Beam Steel-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Raihan & Duraludon
Absolute Zero Glaciate Ice-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The move the target's Speed has been lowered, the greater the power of this move. Ghetsis & Kyurem
Flood the Stadium Liquidation Water-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 This move's power increases if the target is restrained Nessa & Drednaw
Ancient Megalith Rock Impact Rock-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Main Character & Regirock
Cobalt Justice Fighting Impact Fighting-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Main Character & Cobalion
Tales of Mystery Ghost Beam Ghost-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Morty & Mismagius
New Beginning Dragon Impact Dragon-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 This move's power increases if the target is flinching Zinnia & Salamence
Wondrous Rainbow Grass Beam Grass-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 This move's power increases if the target is trapped Erika & Tangela
Adorably Wild Dark Impact Dark-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Karen & Umbreon
Seaside Sister Hydro Vortex Water-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Lana & Araquanid
Groundbreaking Precipice Blades Ground-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Maxie & Groudon
Aqua Planet Origin Pulse Water-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Archie & Kyogre
Fire Dance Inferno Overdrive Fire-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Kiawe & Marowak (Alola Form)
Abominable Ice Hammer Ice-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Hala & Crabominable
Heel Turn Malicious Moonsault Dark-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the user's Speed has been raised, the grater the power of this move The Masked Royal & Incineroar
Zap-tastic Electric Beam Electric-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Lt. Surge & Raichu
No Brakes Drill Run Ground-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Ingo & Excadrill
Full Speed Stone Edge Rock-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Emmet & Archeops
Summer Soaking Water Beam Water-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Gloria & Inteleon
Kickback Summer Fairy Impact Fairy-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the user's stats are raised, the greater the power of this move. Marnie & Grimmsnarl
Always Researching Bug Impact Bug-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Bugsy & Scyther
Shy Sister Fire Impact Fire-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Evelyn & Entei
Hellooo Feint Attack Dark-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Rachel & Umbreon
Staunch Ally Night Slash Dark-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Sawyer & Honchkrow
Eternal Champion Dragon Beam Dragon-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Leon & Eternatus
Most Excellent Night Slash Dark-typePhysical Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Absol until the end of battle. Critical hits land more easily. This move's power increases when the target is confused Sidney & Absol
Sidney & Absol (Mega Absol)
Magnificent Winds Aerial Ace Flying-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Falkner & Swellow
Big Dreams Behemoth Bash Steel-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 This move's power increases when the target has a sync buff Hop & Zamazenta (Crowned Shield)
Flying Sync Impact Flying-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 No additional effect Main Character & Farfetch'd
Main Character & Farfetch'd
Main Character & Spearow
Main Character & Fearow
Main Character & Fearow
Main Character & Spearow
Main Character & Fearow
Flying Sync Beam Flying-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 No additional effect Main Character & Farfetch'd
Main Character & Spearow
Main Character & Pidgey
Main Character & Pidgeotto
Main Character & Pidgeot
Main Character & Pidgey
Main Character & Pidgeotto
Main Character & Pidgeot
Main Character & Pidgey
Main Character & Pidgeotto
Main Character & Pidgeot
Shining Hope Moongeist Beam Ghost-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Lillie & Lunala
Blue Flare to Change the World Fire-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the target's stats have been lowered, the greater the power of this move N & Reshiram
Triump and Glory Dragon Ascent Flying-typePhysical Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Rayquaza until the end of battle. Steven & Rayquaza (Shiny Rayquaza)
Steven & Rayquaza (Shiny Mega Rayquaza)
All-Out Offense Water Beam Water-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Misty & Psyduck
Dragon Sync Impact Dragon-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 No additional effect Main Character & Dratini
Main Character & Dragonair
Main Character & Dragonite
Dragon Sync Beam Dragon-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 No additional effect Main Character & Dratini
Main Character & Dragonair
Main Character & Dragonite
Main Character & Dratini
Main Character & Dragonair
Main Character & Dragonite
Heaviest Sleeper Normal Impact Normal-typePhysical Category Move 300-360 No additional effect Red & Snorlax
No Competition Stone Edge Rock-typePhysical Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Aerodactyl until the end of battle. Blue & Aerodactyl
Blue & Aerodactyl (Mega Aerodactyl)
Mermaid Duo Hydro Pump Water-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 This move's power increases when none of the target's stats are raised. Misty & Vaporeon
Sunny Snooze Leaf Blade Grass-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 Critical hits land more easily. This move's power increases when the weather is sunny. Erika & Leafeon
Loyal Butler Brave Bird Flying-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the target's Attack is lowered, the greater the power of this move. Darach & Staraptor
Eerie Eyes Dark Impact Dark-typePhysical Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Sableye until the end of battle. Caitlin & Sableye
Caitlin & Sableye (Mega Sableye)
Midnight Fright Ghost Impact Ghost-typePhysical Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Banette until the end of battle. This move's power increases when the target is burned. Morty & Banette
Morty & Banette (Mega Banette)
Silent Mystery Ghost Beam Ghost-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 This move's power increases when the target is restrained. Allister & Gengar
Ghost Sync Beam Ghost-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 No additional effect Main Character & Gastly
Main Character & Haunter
Main Character & Gengar
Main Character & Gastly
Main Character & Haunter
Main Character & Gengar
Main Character & Gastly
Main Character & Haunter
Main Character & Gengar
Beatdown Boss Fighting Impact Fighting-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Guzma & Buzzwole
Iron Will Steel Beam Steel-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Jasmine & Celesteela
Shining Valor Fighting Beam Fighting-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 Deals damage based on the target's Defense rather than Sp. Def. The more the user's Defense is raised, the greater the power of this move. Diantha & Keldeo (Resolute Form)
Princess Power Rock Impact Rock-typePhysical Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Diancie until the end of battle. Hilda & Diancie
Hilda & Diancie (Mega Diancie)
Coin Flip of Destiny Iron Head Steel-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the target's Defense is lowered, the greater the power of this move. Grimsley & Bisharp
Showstopping Electric Beam Electric-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the target's stats have been lowered, the greater the power of this move. Elesa & Emolga
Loving Light That Burns the Sky Psychic-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 Become Ultra Necrozma until the end of battle Lusamine & Necrozma (Dusk Mane)
Lusamine & Necrozma (Ultra Necrozma)
Crowned Champion Ice Impact Ice-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Leon & Calyrex (Ice Rider)
Naughty or Noice Ice Impact Ice-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 This move's power increases during a hailstorm. Nessa & Eiscue
Nessa & Eiscue (Noice Face)
Goodest Boy Wild Charge Electric-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Sonia & Yamper
Peace and Tranquility Psychic Beam Psychic-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Sabrina & Chingling
Illuminating Roar of Time Dragon-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 This move's power increases when the zone is Dragon Zone. Lucas & Dialga
Hope and Happiness Electric Beam Electric-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Volkner & Electivire
Renegade Shadow Force Ghost-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 This move's power increases when the zone is Ghost Zone Cynthia & Giratina
Peace and Tranquility Psychic Beam Psychic-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Sabrina & Chingling
Top Dog Fire Beam Fire-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Blue & Arcanine
Perfect World Dark Pulse Dark-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 This move's power increases when the zone is Dark Zone. Cyrus & Darkrai
Nightmares Begone Lunar Dance Psychic-typeStatus Category Move   Restores the HP of all allied sync pairs other than the user by approximately 20% of their maximum HP. The higher the user's move level, the higher this percentage is. (Each additional move level increases the amount of HP restored by 5%. The maximum HP restoration is approximately 40% of their maximum HP.) Removes all status conditions from all allied sync pairs. Removes the confused, flinching, and trapped conditions from all allied sync pairs. Charges the user's move gauge by 6. Dawn & Cresselia
Sweetheart Steel Impact Steel-typePhysical Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Mawile until the end of battle. This move's power increases when the zone is Steel Zone. Marnie & Mawile
Marnie & Mawile (Mega Mawile)
Sweet Tooth Ice Impact Ice-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Bea & Vanilluxe
Desert Spirit Dragon Beam Dragon-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 This move's power increases when weather conditions are in effect. Raihan & Flygon
Heartsoaring Hurricane Flying-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 This move's power increases when the zone is Flying Zone. Skyla & Tornadus (Therian Forme)
Friendship Forging Mist Ball Psychic-typeSpecial Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Latias until the end of battle. The more the target's Sp. Atk is lowered, the greater the power of this move. May & Latias
May & Latias (Mega Latias)
Ecosystem Core Enforcer Dragon-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 Transform into Complete Forme until the end of battle. Serena & Zygarde
Serena & Zygarde (Complete Forme)
Curious Flavor Ghost Beam Ghost-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Lillie & Polteageist (Antique Form)
Victory Joust Bug Impact Bug-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Emmet & Escavalier
Express Line Bug Impact Bug-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 This move's power increases when the target is trapped. Ingo & Accelgor
Haughty Laugh Grass Impact Grass-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Sonia & Tsareena (Shiny Tsareena)
Rainbow-Hued Sacred Fire Fire-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Morty & Ho-Oh (Shiny Ho-Oh)
Unstoppable Ambition Ground Impact Ground-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Giovanni & Nidoking
Perfect Swarm Attack Order Bug-typeOther Category Move 200-240 No additional effect Aaron & Vespiquen
Team Effort Earthquake Ground-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 This attack's power increases during a sandstorm. Bertha & Hippowdon
Psychic Epilogue Psychic-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the target's Sp. Def is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Lucian & Girafarig
Time-Transcending Magical Leaf Grass-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 This attack's power increases when the terrain is Grassy Terrain. Lyra & Celebi
Crystal Clear Surf Water-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Kris & Suicune
Shining Soul Aeroblast Flying-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Ethan & Lugia
Most Elite Fairy Beam Fairy-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 This attack's power increases when the target is confused. Bede & Hatterene
Never Give Up Fighting Impact Fighting-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Hilda & Grapploct (Shiny Grapploct)
Defender of Dreams Dark Beam Dark-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect N & Zoroark
Shadow-Shrouded Spectral Thief Ghost-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 This attack's power increases when none of the target's stats are raised. Korrina & Marshadow
Rapid Mastery Water Impact Water-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the target's Defense is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Gloria & Urshifu (Rapid Strike)
Good Times Draco Meteor Dragon-typeSpecial Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Latios until the end of battle. Brendan & Latios
Brendan & Latios (Mega Latios)
All About Us Blaze Kick Fire-typePhysical Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Blaziken until the end of battle. The more the target's Defense is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. May & Blaziken
May & Blaziken (Mega Blaziken)
Hard-Boiled Poison Jab Poison-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Looker & Croagunk
Analysis Complete Earthquake Ground-typePhysical Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Camerupt until the end of battle. The more the user's Defense is raised, the greater the power of this attack. Courtney & Camerupt (Female)
Courtney & Camerupt (Mega Camerupt)
Space Rocks Psycho Boost Psychic-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the user's stats are raised, the greater the power of this attack. Steven & Deoxys (Normal Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Normal Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Attack Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Defense Forme)
Steven & Deoxys (Speed Forme)
Perfectly Evil Normal Impact Normal-typePhysical Category Move 300-360 No additional effect Giovanni & Persian
Lightning-Fast Volt Tackle Electric-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 This attack's power increases when the terrain is Electric Terrain. Red & Pikachu
Living Relic Ground Impact Ground-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Cynthia & Gastrodon
Entirely Exuberant Water Impact Water-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the target's Defense is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Rosa & Dewott
Big Ol' Splash Water Beam Water-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect May & Wailmer
Get You Goin' Poison Beam Poison-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the target's accuracy is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Marnie & Toxicroak
Knock Ya Down Grass Impact Grass-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Blue & Exeggutor
Vibrant Fairy Beam Fairy-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the target's Attack is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Lillie & Comfey
Steadfast Memories Psychic Beam Psychic-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the target's Sp. Def is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. N & Sigilyph
Bon Voyage Grass Beam Grass-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Professor Sycamore & Bulbasaur
Whirls of Solitude Water Impact Water-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the target's Defense is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Silver & Feraligatr
Full-Throttle Electric Impact Electric-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Sophocles & Golem (Alola Form)
Shadow-Slinking Poison Beam Poison-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Janine & Crobat
Thanks to Science Electric Impact Electric-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Clemont & Magneton
Spunky Sis Ground Impact Ground-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Nita & Landorus
Spine-Chilling Frost Beam Ice-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Candice & Froslass
Best Buds 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt Electric-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 Except in certain circumstances, successful hits with this attack become critical hits. Ash & Pikachu
Learn by Battle Aura Sphere Fighting-typeSpecial Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Lucario until end of battle Cynthia & Lucario
Cynthia & Lucario (Mega Lucario)
Grass Beam of Gratitude Grass-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the target's Sp. Def is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Rosa & Shaymin (Sky Forme)
Every Emotion Psychic Beam Psychic-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Main Character & Mesprit
Must-See Ground Beam Ground-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Naomi & Sandslash
With Every Fiber Poison Beam Poison-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 This attack's power increases when the zone is a Poison Zone. Iris & Naganadel
Take on the World Dazzling Gleam Fairy-typeSpecial Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Gardevoir until the end of battle. This attack's power increases when the zone is a Fairy Zone. Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Gardevoir)
Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Mega Gardevoir)
Strategically Sound Grass Impact Grass-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Victor & Rillaboom
Stylish Hard Rock Impact Rock-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the target's Speed has been lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Gordie & Coalossal
Chilling Invitation Frost beam Ice-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Melony & Lapras
Smashing Rock Impact Rock-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Raihan & Gigalith
Scary-but-true Ghost Beam Ghost-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 This attack's power increases when the target is paralyzed. Helena & Haunter
Overflowing Curiosity Water Beam Water-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the target's Sp. Def is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Lyra & Vaporeon
Infinite Energy V-create Fire-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Hilda & Victini
Jolt of Genius Electric Beam Electric-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 This attack's power increases when the target is paralyzed. Kris & Jolteon
Aim for Victory Bug Buzz Bug-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the target's Sp. Def is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Hilbert & Genesect
World-Changing Freeze Shock Ice-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the target's Attack is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. N & Kyurem (Black Kyurem)
Dazzling Bright Electric Beam Electric-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Elesa & Joltik
Trusted Partners Head Charge Normal-typePhysical Category Move 300-360 No additional effect Hugh & Bouffalant
Red-Hot Research Fire Beam Fire-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 This attack's power increases when the target is burned. Lucas & Flareon
Potential-Surpassing Gear Grind Steel-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 This attack's power increases when the target is paralyzed. Colress & Klinklang
Shrouded Night Slash Dark-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Calem & Greninja (Shiny Greninja)
Unseen Water Shuriken Water-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Calem & Greninja (Shiny Greninja)
Vivid Water Shuriken Water-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the target's stats have been lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Serena & Greninja
Serious Night Slash Dark-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the target's stats have been lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Serena & Greninja
First Flight Flying Impact Flying-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the user's Speed has been raised, the greater the power of this attack. Serena & Fletchling
Indomitable Happiness Normal Impact Normal-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 This attack's power increases when a terrain is in effect. Whitney & Sawsbuck (Winter Form)
Snowy Night's Guide Electric Beam Electric-typeSpecial Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Ampharos until the end of battle Jasmine & Ampharos
Jasmine & Ampharos (Mega Ampharos)
Plant Power Bug Impact Bug-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Dawn & Wormadam (Plant Cloak)
Thorny Needle Arm Grass-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No Additional effect Shauna & Chesnaught
Noble Beauty Diamond Storm Rock-typePhysical Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Diancie until the end of battle. This attack's power increases when the zone is a Rock Zone Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Diancie)
Diantha & Diancie (Shiny Mega Diancie)
Dream It, Be It Fairy Impact Fairy-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Lisia & Rapidash (Galarian Form)
Elegant Celebration Ghost Beam Ghost-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 The more the user's stats are raised, the greater the power of this attack. Dawn & Oricorio (Sensu Style)
Beautiful Design Fairy Beam Fairy-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect. Kali & Azumarill
Sugary Beauty Flying Impact Flying-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Elesa & Togetic
Quality Ingredients Dragon Beam Dragon-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Mallow & Appletun
See What Others Cannot Ghost Beam Ghost-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Morty & Gastly
Case Completer Normal Impact Normal-typePhysical Category Move 300-360 No additional effect Anabel & Snorlax
Nation Creation Hydro Pump Water-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Lysandre & Volcanion
Case Closed Cross Poison Poison-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No Additional Effect Emma & Crobat
Dark Sync Beam Dark-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 No additional effect Main Character & Meowth (Alola Form)
Main Character & Persian (Alola Form)
Spice It Up Grass Impact Grass-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Gloria & Thwackey
Strongest Professor Thunderous Kick Fighting-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the target's Defense is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Hop & Zapdos (Galarian Form)
Distaste for Defeat Fiery Wrath Dark-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Marnie & Moltres (Galarian Form)
Always Winning Freezing Glare Psychic-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Bede & Articuno (Galarian Form)
Full of Surprises Poison Beam Poison-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Ball Guy & Amoonguss
Darling Deception Ground-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional Effect Lyra & Phanpy
Unbreakable Will Ice Impact Ice-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional Effect Lorelei & Cloyster
Steal the Win Dark Impact Dark-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the user's stats are raised, the greater the power of this attack. Zinnia & Thievul
Overwhelming Power Rock Impact Rock-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Bruno & Onix
Agent of the Ancient Rock Beam Rock-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 This attack's power increases when the Rock Damage Field is applied to the opponents' field of play. Steven & Cradily
Illuminating Normal Impact Normal-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 The more the target's Defense is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Steven & Stoutland (Shiny Stoutland)
Piece It Together Steel Beam Steel-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Shauna & Klefki
Say Cheese Ghost Impact Ghost-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional Effect Acerola & Banette
Gentle Warning Bloom Doom Grass-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Acerola & Tapu Bulu
Ocean Colors Twinkle Tackle Fairy-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Mina & Tapu Fini
Elder's Experience Poison Impact Poison-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Agatha & Arbok
Thundering Deity Gigavolt Havoc Electric-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 This attack's power increases when the terrain is Electric Terrain Hau & Tapu Koko
Virtually Unstoppable Dragon Beam Dragon-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 This attack's power increases when the target is paralyzed. Lance & Dragonair
Guileless Jest Shattered Psyche Psychic-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Lana & Tapu Lele
Accelerating Time Razor Leaf Grass-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the user's Attack is raised, the greater the power of this attack. Adaman & Leafeon
Come On Already Water Beam Water-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Adaman & Vaporeon
Great Wide World Ice Beam Ice-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 This attack's power increases during a hailstorm. Irida & Glaceon
Dignified Dash Hydro Pump Water-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Eusine & Suicune (Shiny Suicune)
Strong for Your Sake Triple Axel Ice-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the target's Speed has been lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Silver & Sneasel
Still Good with It Poison Impact Poison-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the target's stats are lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Oleana & Garbodor
Millennium from Now Steel Impact Steel-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Rose & Copperajah
Can't Stand the Swelter Fire Impact Fire-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 This attack's power increases when the target is burned. Irida & Flareon
Dancing Together Inferno Overdrive Fire-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 This attack's power increases when the target is burned. Kiawe & Arcanine
Strong Kick to it Bloom Doom Grass-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Mallow & Shiinotic
Friends Forever Steel Beam Steel-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the target's Attack is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Tate & Jirachi
Forever Friends Flying Impact Flying-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Liza & Celesteela
Ace of the Team Fire Impact Fire-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 This attack's power increases when the target's Type Rebuff is lowered. Gloria & Cinderace
A Taste of My Skill Flying Impact Flying-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 This attack's power increases when the target's Type Rebuff is lowered. Gloria & Cinderace
Score a Victory Fighting Impact Fighting-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 This attack's power increases when the target's Type Rebuff is lowered. Gloria & Cinderace
Rise to the Peak Dragon Impact Dragon-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the target's stats are lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Leon & Dragapult
Night Dash Ghost Beam Ghost-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Victor & Spectrier
Starlight Path Psychic Psychic-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the user's stats are raised, the greater the power of this attack. Olympia & Sigilyph
Infinite Smile Dragon Pulse Dragon-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 This attack's power increases when the target is poisoned or badly poisoned. Drasna & Dragalge
Coming to Fruition Double Shock Electric-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the user's Speed is raised, the greater the power of this attack. Nemona & Pawmot
Friendly Rivalry Fire Beam Fire-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 no additional effect Calem & Fennekin
Grow Up Right Grass Beam Grass-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Barry & Roserade
Rugged and Adorable Rock Impact Rock-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Olivia & Carbink
Name-Echoing Thunder Electric-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Blue & Zapdos
Remembering the Past Ground Impact Ground-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Giovanni & Rhydon
Rarely Seen Fairy Beam Fairy-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Leaf & Clefable
Burning Love Fire Blast Fire-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the target's stats are lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Leaf & Moltres
So Enchanting Fairy Impact Fairy-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Valerie & Mawile
Silence of the Raging Blizzard Ice-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Red & Articuno
Cherished Memories Flying Beam Flying-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the target's Speed is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Falkner & Pidgeot
Competitive Sister Frost Beam Ice-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Dana & Regice
On the Path Together Rock Impact Rock-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 This attack's power increases during a sandstorm. Paulo & Lycanroc (Dusk Form)
Warm Feelings Fire Impact Fire-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Tina & Flareon
Regaining Evil Glory Dark Impact Dark-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the target's Speed is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Archer & Houndoom
Punish the Meddlers Poison Impact Poison-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the target's stats are lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Ariana & Arbok
Deceiving Disguise Poison Beam Poison-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Petrel & Weezing
Scariest and Cruelest Flying Beam Flying-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Proton & Golbat
Towering Tower Tycoon Normal Impact Normal-typePhysical Category Move 300-360 no additional effect Palmer & Regigigas
Shining Favorite Steel Impact Steel-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 no additional effect Argenta & Skarmory
Ancient Iron Steel Impact Steel-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 no additional effect Main Character & Registeel
Menacing Memories Ground Impact Ground-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 This attack's power increases when the target is trapped. Roxanne & Runerigus
Glimmering Gold Ghost Impact Ghost-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Phoebe & Cofagrigus
One Hundred Percent Steel Beam Steel-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Thorton & Magnezone
Knowledge from Experience Bug Impact Bug-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the user's Speed is raised, the greater the power of this attack. Noland & Ninjask
Master Crafter Ceaseless Edge Dark-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Akari & Samurott (Hisuian Form)
Space-Time Traveler Triple Arrows Fighting-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the user's Speed is raised, the greater the power of this attack. Rei & Decidueye (Hisuian Form)
Museum Director Normal Impact Normal-typePhysical Category Move 300-360 No additional effect Lenora & Watchog
World-Eroding Poison Impact Poison-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Giovanni & Nidorino
Best Moves Poison Impact Poison-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Gladion & Golbat
Lightning and Blues Overdrive Electric-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Piers & Toxtricity (Low-Key Forme)
Floating High Black Hole Eclipse Dark-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the target's Defense is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Selene & Umbreon
Shining High Shattered Psyche Poison-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the target's Sp. Def is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Elio & Espeon
Fiery Spirit Dragon Beam Dragon-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the user's Sp. Atk is raised, the greater the power of this attack. Ryuki & Turtonator
Bright Hacker's Disarming Voice Fairy-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Penny & Sylveon
Partner Promenade Veevee Volley Normal-typePhysical Category Move 300-360 No additional effect Elaine & Eevee
Double Eevee Normal Beam Normal-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 The more the user's evasiveness is raised, the greater the power of this attack. Eve & Eevee
Rock Them Away Poison Beam Poison-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the target's Sp. Def is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Roxie & Toxtricity (Amped Form)
Silent Overgrowth Grass Beam Grass-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Red & Venusaur
Resonating Will Dragon Claw Dragon-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Nate & Haxorus (Shiny Haxorus)
Sepia Memories Relic Song Psychic Psychic-typeSpecial Category Move 300-360 No additional effect Rosa & Meloetta (Aria Form)
Sepia Memories Relic Song Fighting Fighting-typeSpecial Category Move 300-360 No additional effect Rosa & Meloetta (Pirouette Forme)
Gallop with Glee Grass Impact Grass-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Professor Sycamore & Gogoat
Mystical Icy Snow Dance Bug Beam Bug-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Viola & Vivillon (Icy Snow Pattern)
Hard Cold Sharp Strong Steel Impact Steel-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Jasmine & Magnemite
Thrilling Battles Electric Beam Electric-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the target's evasiveness is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Volkner & Raichu
New Year's Dance Dragon Beam Dragon-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Clair & Drampa
Beautiful Determination Fairy Beam Fairy-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the target's evasiveness is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Katherine & Slurpuff
Supercharged Streamer Zap Cannon Electric-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Iono & Bellibolt
Sub-zero Shredder Avalanche Ice-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Grusha & Cetitan
Burning Elegant Fire Beam Fire-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Wallace & Blacephalon
Gentle Souls Fleur Cannon Fairy-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Gladion & Magearna
Silent Wings Flying Beam Flying-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Falkner & Noctowl
The Joys of Cooking Normal Impact Normal-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Victor & Greedent
Running With My Partner Pika Papow Electric-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Chase & Pikachu
Double Pikachu Electric Beam Electric-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the user's Speed is raised, the greater the power of this attack. Petey & Pikachu (Female)
Aura Driven Fighting Impact Fighting-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the user's Speed is raised, the greater the power of this attack. Riley & Lucario
Flavor of Memories Ice Impact Ice-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form)
Candice & Darmanitan (Galarian Form Zen Mode)
Becoming Stronger Normal Impact Normal-typePhysical Category Move 300-360 No additional effect Wally & Delcatty
Favorite Flavor Fairy Beam Fairy-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Main Character & Alcremie (Ruby Cream - Berry Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Matcha Cream - Clover Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Mint Cream - Star Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Lemon Cream - Flower Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Salted Cream - Ribbon Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie (Caramel Swirl - Love Sweet)
Main Character & Alcremie
Moonlit Moves Ground Impact Ground-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect. Adaman & Ursaluna
Dancing to the Flute Ghost Beam Ghost-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Irida & Zoroark (Hisuian Form)
Top Champion's Guidance Mortal Spin Poison-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additioal effect Geeta & Glimmora
Best Dance Team Dark Impact Dark-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Tierno & Crawdaunt
Smiling Arcade Star Water Beam Water-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 This attack's power increases when weather conditions, a terrain, or a zone are in effect. Dahlia & Ludicolo
Sky-High Joy Flying Impact Flying-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Skyla & Unfezant (Female)
Emotional Resolve Rock Slide Rock-typePhysical Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Tyranitar until the end of battle. Silver & Tyranitar (Shiny Tyranitar)
Silver & Tyranitar (Shiny Mega Tyranitar)
Crushing Red Justice Steel Impact Steel-typePhysical Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Scizor until the end of battle. Selene & Scizor (Female)
Ruin Enthusiast Merchant Dazzling Gleam Fairy-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect. Volo & Togepi
Led By Curiosity Ground Impact Ground-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect. Volo & Gible
Laid-Back Biology Teacher Twin Beam Psychic-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the user's stats are raised, the greater the power of this attack. Jacq & Farigiraf
Master's Legacy Bug Impact Bug-typePhysical Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Heracross until the end of battle. Barry & Heracross
Barry & Heracross (Mega Heracross)
Paldea League Interviewer Earth Power Ground-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Rika & Clodsire
Testing Mind and Aptitude Ground Beam Ground-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the target's accuracy is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Rika & Whiscash
Dye This World Dark Beam Dark-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the target's Sp. Def is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Brycen-man & Zoroark
Rule the Enchanted Land Psychic Impact Psychic-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Bellelba & Swoobat
Steel-Hard Strength Gigaton Hammer Steel-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Poppy & Tinkaton
Burning Rivalry Fire Beam Fire-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Blue & Charizard
Ready to Go Acid Downpour Poison-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the user's Speed is raised, the greater the power of this attack. Plumeria & Gengar
Shake Things Up Savage Spin-Out Bug-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Guzma & Ariados
Toward My Ideals Dark Beam Dark-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the target's Sp. Def is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Cheren & Purrloin
Wall for Challengers Bleakwind Storm Flying-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 This attack's power increases when the target's Type Rebuff is lowered. Cheren & Tornadus
Ever-Burning Man Fire Impact Fire-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Kabu & Centiskorch
Exceptional Everyman Hyper Drill Normal-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 This attack's power increases when the target's Type Rebuff is lowered. Larry & Dudunsparce
Steps to a New Path Sacred Sword Fighting-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Bianca & Virizion
Courageous Strikes Ghost Beam Ghost-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 No additional effect Gardenia & Dhelmise
Mind-Skill-Body Mastery Grass Impact Grass-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the user's Speed is raised, the greater the power of this attack. Greta & Breloom
Much, Much stronger Dragon Impact Dragon-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 This attack's power increases when the target is paralyzed. Wally & Altaria
Crush 'Em All Flying Beam Flying-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the user's Speed is raised, the greater the power of this attack Hugh & Unfezant
We Aren't Givin' Up Dark Impact Dark-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Marnie & Scrafty
Happy to Go All Out Rock Impact Rock-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Nemona & Lycanroc
Full-Moon Ocean Invite Ghost Beam Ghost-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Acerola & Jellicent
Burn Upwards, Aim Higher Fire Beam Fire-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Kabu & Torkoal
Colorful, Caring, and Charismatic Poison Beam Poison-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the user's Sp. Atk is raised, the greater the power of this attack Klara & Slowbro (Galarian Form)
Elegant Psychic Beam Psychic-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Avery & Slowking (Galarian Form)
See More of the World Ice Impact Ice-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Gladion & Weavile
Stacked-Up Emotions Continental Crush Rock-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Elio & Stakataka
Cute Quirks Continental Crush Rock-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Selene & Nihilego
Beat Them All Psychic Beam Psychic-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 This attack's power increases when the target is paralyzed. Blue & Alakazam
Electrify 'Em Electric Beam Electric-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Iono & Wattrel
Chef's Spicy Comeuppance Dark-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Arven & Mabosstiff
Your Tale Unfolds Poison Impact Poison-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Professor Oak & Nidorino
Nicely Rampagey Play Rough Fairy-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Nemona & Scream Tail
Rumbling Thunder Electric Impact Electric-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Main Character & Raikou
Even More Beautiful Grass Beam Grass-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Lusamine & Lilligant
Wholesome Heart Searing Sunraze Smash Steel-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the target's Speed is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Lillie & Solgaleo
King's Golden Authority Make It Rain Steel-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 This attack's power increases when a circle applies to the allied field of play. Lear & Gholdengo
Roaming in the Dark Ghost Beam Ghost-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Rachel & Gimmighoul (Roaming Form)
Treasured Family Heirloom Ghost Beam Ghost-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Sawyer & Gimmighoul
Stand Above All Psychic Beam Psychic-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the target's Sp. Def is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Will & Slowbro
For a Prosperous Galar Steel Impact Steel-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the target's Defense is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Rose & Perrserker
Elegant Eldest Sister Grass Impact Grass-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Morgan & Virizion
Fiery Reporter Fire Impact Fire-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the user's Speed is raised, the greater the power of this attack. Malva & Talonflame
Roaring Fists Fighting Impact Fighting-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Chuck & Poliwrath
Perfect Test Scores Fairy Beam Fairy-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Trevor & Florges (Orange Flower)
Itching for a Battle Water Beam Water-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Cheryl & Wailord
Kaboom Kaboom Water Beam Water-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 no additional effect Leaf & Blastoise
Heroic Ascension Divine Outrage Dragon-typePhysical Category Move 300-360 The more the target's Sp. Def is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Lance & Dragonite
Legendary Dragon Beam Dragon-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 no additional effect Lance & Kingdra
Cataclysmic Divine Earthquake Ground-typePhysical Category Move 300-360 Become Mega Garchomp until the end of battle. Increases the user's Physical Moves ↑ Next effect by two ranks. Cynthia & Garchomp
Cynthia & Garchomp (Mega Garchomp)
Polished Steel Divine Meteor Mash Steel-typePhysical Category Move 300-360 Become Mega Metagross until the end of battle. Restores the HP of all allied sync pairs by approximately 20% of their maximum HP. Steven & Metagross
Steven & Metagross (Mega Metagross)
Believe in You More Flying Beam Flying-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Silver & Crobat
Earnest DJ Vice's Kowtow Cleave Dark-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Giacomo & Kingambit
Occasionally Strict Director's Aqua Step Water-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the user's Attack is raised, the greater the power of this attack. Clavell & Quaquaval
Buzzworthy Mystery Ghost Beam Ghost-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Iono & Flutter Mane
Lost Soul on a Snowy Mountain Frost Beam Ice-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the target's stats are lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Shauntal & Froslass
Poetic Justice Dark Impact Dark-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the user's stats are raised, the greater the power of this attack. Lear & Krookodile
I Want a Theme Song Water Impact Water-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the target's stats are lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Barry & Floatzel
Arrival at the Greatest Battle Ghost Ray Ghost-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 This attack's power increases when the target is affected by a status condition. Ingo & Chandelure
The Best, Perfect Electric Impact Electric-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Emmet & Eelektross
Traveling Together Normal Impact Normal-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 This attack's power increases when the target is affected by a status condition. Shauna & Delcatty
Can't Help Dancing Fire Beam Fire-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Tierno & Talonflame
Great Infernal Cross Chop Fighting-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Eri & Annihilape
Beautifully Beautiful Subzero Slammer Ice-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the user's Sp. Atk is raised, the greater the power of this attack. Sina & Glaceon
Pokémon-Voyage Veteran Shattered Psyche Psychic-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the user's Sp. Atk is raised, the greater the power of this attack. Dexio & Espeon
Sharp and Icy Determination Frost Beam Ice-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the target's Sp. Atk is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Hilbert & Glaceon
Sun-Grown Fighting Spirit Grass Impact Grass-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the target's Defense is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Hilda & Leafeon
Fighting Alongside You Fairy Beam Fairy-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the target's Sp. Def is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Calem & Sylveon
Fiery Determination Divine Fire Blast Fire-typeSpecial Category Move 300-360 Applies the Supereffective ↑ Next effect to the user. Leon & Charizard
Learning Who I Am Dark Beam Dark-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the user's evasiveness is raised, the greater the power of this attack. Cheren & Liepard
Serving a Salty Defeat Rock Impact Rock-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Arven & Nacli
Fighting Farmer Grass Impact Grass-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Milo & Eldegoss
Valuing Team Harmony Grass Impact Grass-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Hop & Rillaboom
Stoked by Cheers Fire Impact Fire-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Marnie & Cinderace
Sharpshooting Judgment Water Beam Water-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Bede & Inteleon
Beautiful Dancing Songstress Fairy Beam Fairy-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the user's Speed is raised, the greater the power of this attack. Lillie & Primarina ()
Conduct a Melody of Feelings Bug Impact Bug-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Bugsy & Kricketune
Snapping Up Likes Ground Impact Ground-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Raihan & Sandaconda
Emotions in the Vast Sea Water Beam Water-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Lana & Lanturn
Pin It Down Electric Impact Electric-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Hop & Pincurchin
Unshakable Determination Ground Impact Ground-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Lucas & Torterra
Solid Shiny Gold Steel Impact Steel-typePhysical Category Move 160-192 Become Mega Steelix until the end of battle. Poppy & Steelix (Shiny Steelix)
Poppy & Steelix (Shiny Mega Steelix)
Beautiful Blossoms Fairy Beam Fairy-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the target's Attack is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Blossom & Kirlia
Explosive Mystical Fire Fire-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 Activation Condition: When the user's Sp. Atk is raised.
Deactivation Condition: When the user's Sp. Atk is not raised.
Never misses. The more the user's Defense is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by two stat ranks. The power of this move is not lowered even if there are multiple targets. The more the user's Defense is lowered, the more it reduces its sync move countdown (can be reduced by up to three maximum). Returns the user's lowered stats to normal, then raises the user's same stats by the same amount.
Explosive All-Rounder Armor Cannon Fire-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the user's Sp. Atk is raised, the greater the power of this attack. Mela & Armarouge
Designer's Way of the Ninja Gunk Shot Poison-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Atticus & Revavroom
Crunch That Satisfies the Insatiable Dark-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Giovanni & Guzzlord
Shining to Eternity Rock Impact Rock-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Diantha & Tyrantrum
Really Really Exciting Battle Fairy Beam Fairy-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the target’s Sp. Def is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Shauna & Sylveon
Chilling Snowy Mountains Ice Impact Ice-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Grusha & Beartic
Rock-Hard Resolve Rock Impact Rock-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Brock & Kabutops
Director of the Academy Grass Impact Grass-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the user’s Attack is raised, the greater the power of this attack. Clavell & Sprigatito
Ripening Oranges Ancient Collision Course Fighting-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Juliana & Koraidon
Ripening Grapes Future Electro Drift Electric-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Florian & Miraidon
Soaring the Sky as One Flying Impact Flying-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Winona & Altaria
Blooming Gratitude and Courage Grass Beam Grass-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the user’s Sp. Atk is raised, the greater the power of this attack. Marley & Shaymin
Growing Vibrant Gratitude Grass Beam Grass-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the user’s Sp. Atk is raised, the greater the power of this attack. Erika & Lurantis
Shape-Shifting Divine Night Daze Dark-typeSpecial Category Move 300-360 Grants the following effect 10 times: Lowers one of the target’s following stats by one stat rank at random: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed. N & Zoroark
Storm-Summoning Seas Origin Pulse Water-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect May & Kyogre (Shiny Kyogre)
May & Kyogre (Shiny Primal Kyogre)
Hard-Trained Favorite Dark Beam Dark-typeSpecial Category Move 200-240 The more the target’s Sp. Def is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Marnie & Liepard
The Fairy King's Sword Steel Impact Steel-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the target’s Defense is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Hop & Zacian (Crowned Sword)
Soaring in the Clear Sky Flying Beam Flying-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the user’s evasiveness is raised, the greater the power of this attack. Brendan & Swellow
Raincloud-Scattering Lands Precipice Blade Ground-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Brendan & Groudon (Shiny Groudon)
Brendan & Groudon (Shiny Primal Groudon)
Flyin' High Electric Beam Electric-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Iono & Kilowattrel
Cute and Cranky Mechanic Play Rough Fairy-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Ortega & Dachsbun
Having a Blast Ice Impact Ice-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 The more the user’s Attack is raised, the greater the power of this attack. Hau & Crabominable
Blazing Heart Fire Impact Fire-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 This attack’s power increases when the weather is sunny. Ethan & Ho-Oh
Tempered Armor Steel Impact Steel-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 No additional effect Steven & Skarmory