Weezing, The Poison Gas Pokémon. It grows by feeding on gases released by garbage. Though very rare, triplets have been found. Top-grade perfume is made using its internal poison gases by diluting them to the highest level. If one of the twin Koffing inflates, the other one deflates. It constantly mixes its poisonous gases.
Weezing has always been a sort of fan favorite. Not at the levels of Pikachu or Charizard, but being owned by James of Team Rocket gave Weezing it's place in Pokemon history. Sure its Smokescreens failed probably 200 times in a row at being useful against Ash and friends but that could be more to blame on Team Rocket's incompetence. In the actual games Weezing is a completely usable Pokemon even in standard play. No it's not perfect but it does have a few niche uses.
Levitate: Makes Weezing immune to Ground type moves effectively giving it a lone weakness to Psychic types. Incredible ability on something with the defenses Weezing has. It has a single downside though. While it makes you immune to Spikes and ground moves it makes you immune to Toxic Spikes. This prevents Weezing from automatically sucking up Toxic Spikes when it switches in. Otherwise Levitate is the perfect ability.
Kick Gas
- Will-O-Wisp
- Flamethrower
- Pain Split
- Thunderbolt / Hidden Power Ice / Hidden Power Ground
Item Attached: Black Sludge
Ability: Levitate
EVs and Nature:
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
The most well known set is still the best. With the defensive EVs Weezing can safely counter Gyarados, Lucario, Landorus, Breloom, Scizor, some Terrakion and many other Pokemon. Will-O-Wisp is the backbone of the set allowing Weezing to seriously damage the offensive output of physical attackers. It also slows down Weezing's counters like Latios and Rotom Wash. Flamethrower is the next move as it lets Weezing incinerate Ferrothorn, Scizor, and Skarmory while doing something useful to Espeon. It also lets you handle some Venusaur. Pain Split isn't perfect for healing but it can keep Weezing around a few turns longer than it would otherwise. It's also one of your best weapons against Heatran as it can take a decent amount of HP off the magma Pokemon The last slot is dependent on what your team needs. Thunderbolt is almost exclusively for Gyarados and Cloyster. While it does hit Politoed, Tentacruel, Jellicent, and Starmie hard it doesn't really do enough damage to beat any of them. Hidden Power Ice is a good move to take on Gliscor and Landorus with as you are either immune or otherwise tough enough to take anything they have. Hidden Power Ice also takes a solid chunk off the common dragons of OU, though you will not usually take those dragons out without being crippled yourself. The last attack option is Hidden Power Ground. It is your best option to take out opposing Heatran. It also help against annoying Toxicroak and does a bit more to Terrakion.
Offensive Tank
- Pain Split
- Fire Blast
- Sludge Bomb
- Thunderbolt / Hidden Power Ice / Hidden Power Ground
Item Attached: Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs and Nature:
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
Most of the time people use Weezing its in a defensive roll. Weezing has a good Special movepool though and decent Special Attack. 295 Special Attack isn't massive but Weezing's roll isn't to sweep. Its to hang around a while and do damage to whatever it can hit. Pain Split keeps Weezing alive and does reasonable damage to anything at high HP. Fire Blast OHKOs Scizor and Ferrothorn while at least 2HKOing any other Steel not named Heatran. Sludge Bomb is a great STAB move. It hits with moderate power but the kicker is the 30% Poison chance. Get a bit of luck and even your best counters will watch their life tick away as Poison takes them out. The last move is again, up to preference. The Kick Gas set explains why you would want any of them but due to this set running a more offensive spread you might find a bit more use for Thunderbolt. With life Orb and Special Attack EVs it will make Politoed and Starmie pay a big price if they think you can't hurt them. The problem with this set is the lack of Black Sludge and Defense EVs really hurt Weezing's ability to take hits. I won't lie, this set isn't very good. Chances are if you are using Weezing and not using the "Kick Gas" set you aren't using Weezing to the best of its ability. You can also drop Pain Split for Hidden Power Ice and use Choice Specs.. but then come on you're using a Choice Specs Weezing. If you want a levitating Special Attacker that resists fighting just use a Latios or Gengar.
EVs & Natures
On defensive sets run max HP and Defense. This allows Weezing to take on hard hitting Pokemon like Gyarados without being easily worn down. Another EV spread is to just run max HP and Special Defense. Running a Specially Defensive spread lets Weezing survive Leaf Storms and Focus Blasts a little better though neither are particularly common in standard play. Offensive sets want max HP and Special Attack. You can also run some speed to outpace Tyranitar or Scizor. You need 12 EVs to outrun Tyranitar and 44 to outrun Scizor.
Other Options
Haze, Explosion, Destiny Bond, Memento, Toxic.
Haze is worth mentioning as it can clear out boosts and unlike Clear Smog it can wipe away any hope a Baton Pass team has of winning. Its not easy to find a free slot for it however.
Explosion is weak now that its defense halving mechanics no longer work. Its worth mentioning because Exploding is sort of what Weezing does.
Destiny Bond is awful. Weezing is too slow to use it well. You can run Choice Scarf for the hilarious moment when your Scarf Weezing KOs something.. but no, don't ever use Destiny Bond (or Choice Scarf).
Memento is the only remotely usable suicide move Weezing has. Giving another sweeper a free setup can be invaluable. Sadly Weezing is stressed for move slots already and Memento is better done by Latios or Dugtrio.
While not mentioned on the other sets Toxic is a usable option on all of them. It doesn't affect nearly as many Pokemon as Will-O-Wisp but it does have higher accuracy.
Double & Triple Battle Options
Virtually none. Weezing is immune to ground moves so you can pair it with a Landorus or Garchomp, but Weezing itself doesn't do much outside of singles. It doesn't even learn Sludge Wave.
Blissey and Chansey are the number one partners for Weezing. They take on Special Attacks Weezing can't handle while keeping it alive with Wish and Heal Bell support. Skarmory also does well with Weezing as it can take powerful Outrages that neither Blissey nor Weezing can survive. Ferrothorn does nicely as it takes on Politoed and Rotom Wash well enough. Psychic is Weezing's only weakness so you can use Steels like Jirachi or Bronzong to wall them, however most steels can not take on Drizzle boosted Surfs or Drought Fire Blasts at all.
Countering Weezing
Not hard at all. Heatran is a big one. Heatran easily laughs at any move Weezing learns besides Hidden Power Ground (which it easily survives) and devastates Weezing with Fire Blast. Politoed OHKOs with Drizzle Surf while Weezing can only sort of hurt it with Thunderbolt. Special Attacking Dragons like Latios or Hydreigon destroy the gas balloon without much fear. ANY strong special attack will pop Weezing. Its only method of healing is Pain Split so if you aren't afraid of letting something get low on health it won't be very hard to wear down.

Pre-Evolution Corner
Little Cup
- Will-O-Wisp
- Flamethrower
- Thunderbolt / Clear Smog
- Pain Split
Item Attached: Eviolite
Ability: Levitate
EVs and Nature:
EVs: 196 HP / 236 Def / 76 SDef
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
Koffing has good defenses that allow it to survive in Little Cup. It does fantastically against Mienfoo and Croagunk while usually holding its own against physical Steel types like Aron. This functions much like Weezing does in OU. Tank hits from fighting and ground types while decimating them with Will-O-Wisp. Flamethrower hits steel types, particularly Ferroseed. Thunderbolt lets you not be complete setup bait against Shell Smash sweepers like Clamperl, Omanyte and Shellder. However Clear Smog lets Koffing beat Scraggy, Drilbur, and Timburr by clearing their boosts as burn whittles their HP away.
Locations in Games
Evolve Koffing .
Pokemon Mansion Floors 1, 2, 3 & 4 (FireRed)
Evolve Koffing (LeafGreen).
Trade from Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald/FireRed/LeafGreen .
Route 227, Stark Mountain
Safari Zone
Evolve Koffing
Evolve Koffing
Transfer from Diamond/Pearl/Platinum/HeartGold/SoulSilver
Animé Appearences
Weezing has made a number of appearances. In almost all of its appearances, it was under the control of the Team Rocket member: James
# |
-English Episode Name- |
-Jp. Episode Name- |
Pics |
31 |
Dig Those Diglett |
Full of Diglett | Pics |
32 |
The Ninja Poke-Showdown |
Fuchsia Ninja Battle! | Pics |
33 |
The Flame Pokémon-athon |
Blazing Pokémon Race | Pics |
37 |
Ditto's Mysterious Mansion |
Ditto and Duplica | Pics |
38 |
Not Aired |
Electric Soldier Porygon | Pics |
40 |
The Battling Eevee Brothers |
Four Eevee Brothers | Pics |
41 |
Wake up Snorlax |
Get Up! Snorlax | Pics |
42 |
Showdown at Dark City |
Showdown! Pokemon Gym! | Pics |
44 |
The Problem with Paras |
Paras And Parasect | Pics |
45 |
The Song of Jigglypuff |
Sing! Jigglypuff! | Pics |
46 |
Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon |
Resurrection!? Fossil Pokemon! | Pics |
47 |
A Chansey Operation |
Chansey's Clinical Records | Pics |
50 |
Who Gets to Keep Togepi? |
Whose is Togepi? | Pics |
52 |
Princess Versus Princess |
Fierce Fighting! Pokemon Girls' Festival | Pics |
53 |
The Purr-fect Hero |
It's Children's Day! Mass Approval | Pics |
56 |
The Ultimate Test |
Pokemon League Certification Test!? | Pics |
61 |
The Misty Mermaid |
Cerulean Gym! Battling in Water | Pics |
63 |
The Battle of the Badge |
Viridian Gym! The Last Badge! | Pics |
65 |
Holiday Hi-Jynx |
Jynx and Christmas | Pics |
68 |
The Evolution Solution |
Slowpoke Evolving Into Slowbro | Pics |
M1 |
Mewtwo Strikes Back |
Mewtwo's Counterattack | Pics |
P1 |
Pikachu's Vacation |
Pikachu's Summer Vacation | Pics |
70 |
Make Room for Gloom |
Gloom of the Botanical Garden | Pics |
71 |
Lights, Camera, Quacktion! |
Pokémon: The Movie | Pics |
72 |
Go West, Young Meowth |
Why Meowth Can Speak | Pics |
75 |
Bad to the Bone |
Marowak's Bone Club | Pics |
76 |
All Fired Up |
Moltres! Declaring the Pokémon League! | Pics |
80 |
A Friend In Deed |
New Rival | Pics |
82 |
Friends to the End |
Pokémon League! The Final Battle! | Pics |
84 |
A Scare in the Air |
Airship Mishap!? | Pics |
86 |
The Lost Lapras |
Lapras In Bonds! | Pics |
87 |
Fit to be Tide |
Orange League! Mikan Gym! | Pics |
88 |
Pikachu Re-Volts |
Mystery of the Disappearing Pokémon! | Pics |
90 |
In the Pink |
The Island of Pink Pokémon! | Pics |
92 |
Stage Fight |
Dance! Pokémon Showboat! | Pics |
99 |
Tracey Gets Bugged |
Scyther - Soldier's Pride | Pics |
100 |
A Way Off, Day Off |
It's the Southern Islands! Everyone Gather! | Pics |
104 |
The Mystery Menace |
Phantom of the Underwater Tunnel | Pics |
106 |
Bound For Trouble |
Pikachu Vs. Meowth!? | Pics |
M2 |
The Power of One |
Revelation Lugia | Pics |
108 |
Pokémon Water War |
Fire Extinguishing Showdown! Squirtle Vs. Wartortle! | Pics |
110 |
Pokémon Double Trouble |
Tag Match! The Last Gym! | Pics |
112 |
The Stun Spore Detour |
Poliwag and Misty | Pics |
119 |
Dont Touch That 'Dile |
New Bark Town! Where Winds of New Beginnings Blow! | Pics |
126 |
Snubbull Snobbery |
Snubbull's Magnificent Life!? | Pics |
128 |
Chikorita Rescue |
Stubborn Chikorita!! | Pics |
132 |
A Bout With Sprout |
Pokemon School and Bellsprout's Tower! | Pics |
134 |
For Crying Out Loud |
Crybaby Marill! | Pics |
137 |
Grin to Win |
Big Panic! Sunflora Contest!! | Pics |
141 |
Mild'n Wooley |
Mareep Meadow's Girl!! | Pics |
142 |
Wired For Battle |
Battle! Heracross vs. Scizor!! | Pics |
147 |
A Farfetch'd Tale |
Ilex Forest! Search for Farfetch'd! | Pics |
150 |
No Big Woop |
Lots of Wooper! | Pics |
152 |
Hour of the Houndour |
The Dark Pokémon Houndour! | Pics |
153 |
The Totodile Duel |
Who Gets to Keep Totodile?! Ash Versus Misty! | Pics |
155 |
Love, The Totodile Style |
Dancing Totodile! Steps of Love!! | Pics |
161 |
A Dairy Tale Ending |
Miltank! Revenge Battle! | Pics |
164 |
Type Casting |
Where is Sudowoodo!? | Pics |
165 |
Fossil Fools |
Fossil Pokémon Park! Ruins of Alph! | Pics |
167 |
Hassle In The Castle |
Zubat Mansion! Dangerous Labyrinth! | Pics |
168 |
Two Hits and a Miss |
Bulbasaur Vs. Hitmontop! Fighting Match! | Pics |
171 |
Beauty and the Breeder |
Sayonara Vulpix! Beauty Contest! | Pics |
172 |
A Better Pill to Swallow |
Bellsprout Vs. Shuckle | |
174 |
Mountain Time |
Ledian! Cross Through The Windy Valley! | |
175 |
Wobbu-palooza |
Wobbuffet Village! | |
176 |
Imitation Confrontation |
I Wanna Be A Ditto Master! Return of Duplica | Pics |
177 |
Trouble With Snubbull |
Snubbull, Meowth And Granbull!? | |
182 |
Howl Of The Houndoom |
Houndoom and Togepi! | |
183 |
A Ghost Of A Chance |
Burnt Tower! Morty Appears! | Pics |
184 |
From Ghost to Ghost |
Ecruteak Gym! A Ghost Battle! | Pics |
185 |
Trouble's Brewing |
The 5 Eevee Sisters! Tea Party Battle! | |
188 |
UnBEARable |
Teddiursa's Secret! | Pics |
190 |
Spring Fever |
Swinub! Search for the Hot Springs! | |
191 |
Freeze Frame |
Articuno Vs. Jigglypuff! In The Snowstorm! | Pics |
194 |
The Wayward Wobbuffet |
Wobbuffet! Disaster? | Pics |
195 |
Sick Daze |
Brock's Breakdown! Dangerous Camp! | Pics |
200 |
The Heartbreak of Brock |
Nidorina, Nidorino! Brock's Color is Rose! | |
203 |
Doin' What Comes Natu-rally! |
Fortune-Telling Natu! Foreshadow Future's Mystery! | |
204 |
The Big Balloon Blow-Up |
Pokémon Balloon Race! Pass Through The Storm! | Pics |
205 |
The Screen Actor's Guilt |
Smoochum is Daydreaming! Pokémon Superstar In Love? | |
207 |
The Kecleon Caper! |
Kecleon Is Somewhere! Pokémon That Cannot Be Seen | Pics |
M4 |
Celebi: Voice of the Forest |
Celebi: A Timeless Encounter | Pics |
209 |
Got Miltank! |
Mother Miltank! Desert Secret!! | Pics |
210 |
Fight for the Light |
Lighthouse Radiance! Olivine City Battle!! | Pics |
212 |
Around the Whirlpool |
Whirl Islands! Reaching a New Challenge! | Pics |
214 |
Takin' It On The Chinchou! |
Trip to the Beach! Chinchou Possession! | Pics |
215 |
The Corsola Caper |
A Friend Hereafter in Corsola! Showdown at Yellow Rock Island! | Pics |
217 |
Octillery The Outcast! |
Octillery Vs. Remoraid! Whirlpool Cup Qualifying Round! | Pics |
221 |
Hi Ho Silver...Away! |
Legend of the Silver Feather! Silver Rock Island!! | Pics |
231 |
An Egg-Sighting Adventure! |
The Great Police Detective! Mystery Of The Egg That Vanished! | Pics |
232 |
Hatching a Plan! |
The Egg....Hatches | Pics |
233 |
Due's and Don'ts |
Team Rocket and Delibird! | Pics |
235 |
A Tyrogue Full of Trouble |
Tyrogue And The Karate King Nobuhiko! | Pics |
236 |
Xatu the Future |
The Great Prediction of Xatu! | Pics |
239 |
Cold as Pryce! |
Piloswine and Pryce Of Winter! | Pics |
243 |
Hocus Pokémon |
A Great Transformation in Pokémon Magic!? | Pics |
244 |
As Clear As Crystal |
Zapdos and the Crystal! Secret of the Lake! | Pics |
245 |
Same Old Song & Dance |
Igglybuff Twins Vs. Jigglypuff! Pokemon Singing Concert! | Pics |
247 |
Will the Real Oak Please Stand Up? |
Imposter Professor Oak!? Comic Haiku Showdown!! | Pics |
252 |
Not Aired |
The Ice Cave! | Pics |
253 |
Beauty is Skin Deep |
Clair & Dratini! | Pics |
259 |
Lapras of Luxury |
The Song of Lapras! | Pics |
262 |
A Crowning Achievement |
Slowking! King's Rock! | Pics |
263 |
Here's Lookin' at You, Elekid! |
Casey and Elekid! | Pics |
264 |
You're A Star, Larvitar |
Try Your Best Larvitar! | Pics |
275 |
Gotta Catch Ya Later! |
Farewell...and then Setting Off! | Pics |
276 |
Hoenn Alone! |
The Parting with Pikachu! | Pics |
278 |
A Ruin With A View |
Ancient Pokémon and Mysterious Teams! | Pics |
279 |
There's No Place Like Hoenn |
Petalburg Gym! VS. Vigoroth! | Pics |
C7 |
We're No Angels |
Tough Battle! Enter Team Rocket! | Pics |
281 |
In The Knicker Of Time! |
Zigzagoon and Youngster! May's First Battle!! | Pics |
282 |
A Poached Ego! |
Team Rocket! Goodbye to the Trouble Makers!! | Pics |
M7 |
Destiny Deoxys |
Visitor of the Space Fissure - Deoxys | Pics |
M11 |
Giratina & The Sky Warrior |
Giratina & The Bouquet of the Sky - Shaymin | Pics |
881 |
Lights! Camera! Pika! |
Pikachu Becomes a Star!? Its Movie Debut!! "How to Pikachu the Movie! Ready! Action!!" The Thunderclap Hero! Super Pikachu!! Pikachu's Thrilling Blooper Award | Pics |
1135 |
Getting More Than You Battled For! |
Battling & Getting! Mewtwo Comes Back | Pics |
1142 |
Healing the Healer! |
Getting a Legend?! Search for Suicune, the Guardian Deity of Water!! | Pics |
1225 |
These Could be the Start of Something Big! |
Ash and Goh! Setting Off Anew!! | Pics |
1234 |
Rocket Revengers! |
Team Rocket's Counterattack! | Pics |
19 |
The Bittersweet Truth |
The Truth About Alcremie | Pics |
29 |
Orla and the Poké Ball Smith |
Orla & The Poké Ball Craftsman | Pics |
30 |
Slip and Crash! A Mystery Pokémon?! |
The Mystery Pokémon Behind the Slipping and Clanging?! | Pics |