
Picture Name Role Base Rarity
Darach Artwork
Standard Outfit EX Outfit
Darach Tech ☆☆☆☆☆

Obtaining Methods

Summon Location
Sync Pair ScoutingNate Master Fair Scout (March 25th 2025 - April 25th 2025) - 0.161%
Ortega Poke Fair Scout (March 20th 2025 - April 20th 2025) - 0.111%
Team Star Assemble! Super Spotlight Poke Fair Scout (March 20th 2025 - April 20th 2025) - 0.111%
Special Collaboration Ethan Variety Scout (March 14th 2025 - March 28th 2025) - 0.067%
N Arc Fair Scout (March 10th 2025 - March 31st 2025) - 0.161%
and more...
Darach Mindscape

Darach's Pokémon

Darach & Staraptor

Picture Name Focal Move Type Weakness
Staraptor Image
English: Staraptor
Japan: Mukuhawk
French: Étouraptor
German: Staraptor
Korean: 찌르호크
Flying-type Electric-type
Passive Skills
Ripple Effect 9: When a move used by the user's Pokémon lowers an opponent's stat, lowers the same stat for all opposing sync pairs instead.
Power Posture: The more the target's Attack is lowered, the more it powers up the user's moves.
Standfast 7: Reduces recoil damage received from using moves that have recoil in the effect tag.
Theme Skills
Flying Tech - Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 12 when using Flying-type attacks. Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 12
Sinnoh: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 1
Battle Facility Foe: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 1
Glasses: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 1
Undella Town: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 1.
Expedition Skills
Rare + 2
Fiery -1
Wistful -1

Standard Max Level (Lv. 150) Stats
HPAttackDefenseSp. AtkSp. DefSpeed
824 308 177 138 177 420
5 Star Max Potential Stats
924 348 217 178 217 460

NameTypeCategoryMax PowerAccuracyMove SlotsTarget
Brave Bird Flying-typePhysical Category Move 134-160 100 3 (Gauge) Opponent
The user also takes 25% of the damage it dealt to the target.
Defog Flying-typeOther Category Move   2 (Gauge)
2 (Max Uses)
Clears the entire field of terrain effects. Clears all field effects from the opponents' field of play. Lowers the target's evasiveness.
Feather Dance Flying-typeOther Category Move 100-120 2 (Gauge) Opponent
Lowers the target's Attack by 2 stat ranks.
Have at You!  Other Category Move   1 (Max Uses) All allies
Raises the user's Attack by 3 stat ranks. Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 3 stat ranks. Applies the Gradual Healing effect to the user.

Sync Moves
NameTypeCategoryMax PowerTarget
Loyal Butler Brave Bird Flying-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 Opponent
The more the target's Attack is lowered, the greater the power of this move.
EX Sync Effect: Power * 1.5

Sync Grid

Name Effect Energy Requirement Sync Orb Requirement Sync Move Level Requirement
HP 10 HP 10 0 5 1
Attack 5 Attack 5 0 5 1
Defense 5 Defense 5 0 5 1
Attack 5 Attack 5 0 5 1
Sp. Def 5 Sp. Def 5 0 5 1
Speed 5 Speed 5 0 5 1
Defense 5 Defense 5 2 24 1
Sp. Def 5 Sp. Def 5 2 24 1
Speed 5 Speed 5 2 24 1
Attack 10 Attack 10 4 48 1
Brave Bird: Power 3 Brave Bird: Power Up 3 4 48 1
Brave Bird: Power 3 Brave Bird: Power Up 3 4 48 2
Brave Bird: Power 3 Brave Bird: Power Up 3 4 48 1
Brave Bird: Move Gauge Refresh 3 Move: Brave Bird Has a chance (40%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful. 7 84 2
Standfast 5 Reduces recoil damage received from using moves that have recoil in the effect tag. 8 96 3
Terrify 1 Lowers the Attack of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user enters a battle. 6 72 2
Wide Open The more the target's evasiveness is lowered, the more it powers up the user's moves. 10 120 3
Speed 5 Speed 5 2 24 1
Defense 10 Defense 10 4 48 1
Brave Bird: Power 3 Brave Bird: Power Up 3 4 48 1
Brave Bird: Power 3 Brave Bird: Power Up 3 4 48 2
HP 20 HP 20 4 48 1
Defog: MP Refresh 2 Move: Defog Has a chance (30%) of restoring one MP of the user's move when that move is successful. 7 84 2
Demobilize 1 Lowers the evasiveness of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank after using the user's sync move. 6 72 2
Easy Target The more the target's evasiveness is lowered, the more it powers up the user's sync move. 9 108 3
Weigh Down 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering the evasiveness of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when the user's move targeting an opponent is successful. 10 120 3
Speed 5 Speed 5 2 24 1
Attack 5 Attack 5 2 24 1
HP 10 HP 10 2 24 1
Sp. Def 10 Sp. Def 10 4 48 1
Haste Speed cannot be lowered. 5 60 2
Feather Dance: Move Gauge Refresh 3 Move: Feather Dance Has a chance (40%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful. 7 84 2
Feather Dance: Slo-mo 9 Move: Feather Dance Lowers the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by one stat rank when user's move targeting an opponent is successful. 9 108 3
Pecking Order The more the target's Attack is lowered, the more it powers up the user's sync moves. 9 108 2
Power Flux 3 The fuller the move gauge when moves are selected, the more this powers up moves. 10 120 3
HP 10 HP 10 2 24 1
Sp. Def 5 Sp. Def 5 2 24 1
Defense 5 Defense 5 2 24 1
Attack 5 Attack 5 2 24 1
Have at You!: Move Gauge Refresh 3 Move: Have at You! Has a chance (40%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful. 7 84 1
Speed 20 Speed 20 7 84 1
Have at You!: Pep Rally 1 Move: Have at You! Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's move is successful. 6 72 2
Have at You!: MP Refresh 2 Move: Have at You! Has a chance (30%) of restoring one MP of the user's move when that move is successful. 7 84 2
Lithe Prevents the user from getting paralyzed. 5 60 2
Pinch Hitter 3 Raises the user's Attack by 3 stat ranks the first time its HP drops to half or below each battle. 10 120 3
First Aid 4 Restores the user's HP by approximately 40% of its maximum HP the first time it is in a pinch each battle. 8 96 3
Loyal Butler Brave Bird: Power 25 Loyal Butler Brave Bird: Power Up 25 5 60 3
Loyal Butler Brave Bird: Power 25 Loyal Butler Brave Bird: Power Up 25 5 60 3