#0775 Komala
Gen VII Dex

| Samson Oak | Wild |

Samson Oak's Komala

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
945 The Guardian's Challenge! Enter the Guardian Deity Tapu Koko! Let Us Attempt To Master Our Z-Move! Pics
946 Loading the Dex! Good Rotomorning, I am the Rotomdex, Roto! Pics
948 Yo, Ho, Ho! Go, Popplio! Popplio, Do Your Balloonest! Pics
950 That's Why Litten is a Scamp! The Marketplace Wanderer, Litten! Pics
951 Lillie's Egg-xhilarating Challenge! Who's in Charge of the Egg? Pics
952 To Top A Totem! The Totem Pokémon is Gumshoos! Pics
956 Racing to a Big Event! The Great Alola Pancake Race! Pics
957 Getting to Know You! The Fruit of Courage: Lillie and Vulpix! Pics
958 Rocking Clawmark Hill! Scratchmark Hill, Rockruff and Lycanroc!! Pics
960 Crystal-Clear Sleuthing! Alola Detective Rotom! The Mystery of the Lost Crystal!! Pics
962 A Guardian Rematch! Intense Electric Shock Training! A Rematch with Tapu Koko!! Pics
964 One Journey Ends, Another Begins... It is Time for Litten to Set Off!! Pics
967 Alolan Open House! Alola! The First Visitation Day!! Pics
968 A Team-on-Team Tussle! The Fight Over the Crystal! Team Rocket VS Team Skull!! Pics
969 So Long, Sophocles! Farewell, Sophocles! Pics
971 Pulling Out the Pokémon Base Pepper The Fierce Pokébase Match! Aim for a Home Run to Turn the Tide!! Pics
973 The Ol' Raise and Switch Lillie, Take Good Care of Pikachu Pics
974 The Island Whisperer! Enter Olivia! Cry and Laugh, Island Queen!! Pics
982 Mallow and the Forest Teacher! Mallow the Runaway and Oranguru Pics
987 A Dream Encounter! Ash and Nebby! A Mysterious Encounter!! Pics
988 Now You See Them, Now You Don't! Nebby's Panic! The Teleport Happened Suddenly!! Pics
992 Mission: Total Recall! Lillie & Silvally: Memories Reborn! Pics
993 Faba's Revenge! Faba Strikes Back! Nebby Gets Abducted!! Pics
994 Family Determination! EffortfuLillie! A Determined Runaway Act! Pics
998 The Professors' New Adventure! Thank You, Solgaleo! You are Our Nebby!! Pics
999 Let Sleeping Pokémon Lie! A Strong Sleeper: Komala's Secret Pics
1004 A Mission of Ultra Urgency! Set Off! You Are Our Ultra Guardians!! Pics
1007 TBC Ash and Passimian! A Touchdown of Friendship!! Pics
1008 Turning Heads and Training Hard! Ilima and Eevee Have Ilimade Their Entrance!! Pics
1009 Smashing with Sketch! Smashing with Sketch! The Fierce Poké-Ping Pong Match!! Pics
1010 Love at First Twirl! Pika Pika Sparkling Love! Poipole Spins Round and Round!! Pics
1012 Rise and Shine, Starship! Shine On, Starship Celesteela! Pics
1013 The Young Flame Strikes Back! Protect the Farm! The Blue Flame Strikes Back!! Pics
1014 Dewpider Ascending! Dewpider Gets Lana!? Pics
1021 Twirling with a Bang! Ultra Beast Clash! Operation: Boom Boom Crackle!! Pics
1028 The Long Vault Home! Leap 'n' Climb: Stakataka! Pics
1030 Filling the Light with Darkness! Crisis in Alola! The Darkness that Eats Radiance!! Pics
1031 Full Moon and Many Arms! Lunala VS UB: BLACK! A Battle at Full Moon!! Pics
1036 Lillier and the Staff! The Hero Lilliel and the Alolan Cane! Pics
1037 A Haunted House for Everyone! Ghost Pokémon Everywhere! Everyone's Haunted House!! Pics
1038 Sparking Confusion! Wela Volcano: The Golem, the Graveler and the Hikers! Pics
1041 Bright Lights, Big Changes! The Duo Splits Up!? Ash & Rotom Pics
1045 Alola, Alola! An Alola! in Alola! Brock and Misty! Pics
1053 Keeping Your Eyes on the Ball! Hole in One at PokéGolf Pics
1054 Show Me the Metal! Arrival in Alola! Melty Metal Panic!! Pics
1057 Beauty is Only Crystal Deep! Beauty and the Meowth Pics
1058 The Dealer of Destruction! Guzma, Emperor of Destruction! Pics
1067 Living on the Cutting Edge! Perfect Sharpness! Kartana has Arrived! Pics
1069 Pikachu's Exciting Adventure! Pikachu's Exciting Expedition! Pics
1072 Battle Royal 151 Brawl! Battle Royal 151!! Pics
1073 Battling Besties! Mallow & Lana! A Fully Powered Battle of Friendship!! Pics
1089 Thank You, Alola! The Journey Continues! Thank You, Alola! Respective Departures!! Pics

Wild Komala

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
51 The Flower Tower A Prickly Floragato?! The Mysterious Flower Pillar Pics
52 Wattrel's High Wind Warning! Storm Warning for Wattrell! Pics
87 TBC The Guidance of the Black Rayquaza Pics

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