Gen IX Dex Gen VIII Dex Gen VII Dex Gen VI Dex Gen V Dex
Gen IV Dex Gen III Dex Gen II Dex Gen I Dex

Hit Points Attack Defense Speed Special Attack Special Defense All Totals Back to the Pokédex

This listing is for the Generation III games. Click here for the Pokémon X, Y, Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire listings.
Rank Nat No. Pic Name Type Abilities Base Stat Maximum Hit Points Stat
HP Att Def S.Att S.Def Spd
1 / 200 #242
Blissey Natural Cure
Serene Grace
25510107513555 714
2 / 200 #113
Chansey Natural Cure
Serene Grace
250553510550 704
3 / 200 #202
Wobbuffet Shadow Tag 1903358335833 584
4 / 200 #321
Wailord Water Veil
1709045904560 544
5 / 200 #143
Snorlax Immunity
Thick Fat
160110656511030 524
6 / 200 #289
Slaking Truant 1501601009565100 504
7 / 200 #297
Hariyama Thick Fat
14412060406050 492
8 / 200 #040
Wigglytuff Cute Charm 1407045755045 484
9 / 200 #131
Lapras Water Absorb
Shell Armor
1308580859560 464
10 / 200 #134
Vaporeon Water Absorb 13065601109565 464
11 / 200 #320
Wailmer Water Veil
1307035703560 464
12 / 200 #171
Lanturn Volt Absorb
1255858767667 454
13 / 200 #039
Jigglypuff Cute Charm 1154520452520 434
14 / 200 #244
Entei Pressure 115115859075100 434
15 / 200 #340
Whiscash Oblivious
1107873767160 424
16 / 200 #365
Walrein Thick Fat
Ice Body
1108090959065 424
17 / 200 #150
Mewtwo Pressure 1061109015490130 416
18 / 200 #249
Lugia Pressure 1069013090154110 416
19 / 200 #250
Ho-oh Pressure 1061309011015490 416
20 / 200 #089
Muk Stench
Sticky Hold
105105756510050 414
21 / 200 #112
Rhydon Lightningrod
Rock Head
105130120454540 414
22 / 200 #115
Kangaskhan Early Bird
1059580408090 414
23 / 200 #384
Rayquaza Air Lock 105150901509095 414
24 / 200 #295
Exploud Soundproof 1049163916368 412
25 / 200 #151
Mew Synchronize 100100100100100100 404
26 / 200 #164
Noctowl Insomnia
Keen Eye
1005050769670 404
27 / 200 #184
Azumarill Thick Fat
Huge Power
1005080508050 404
28 / 200 #206
Dunsparce Serene Grace
Run Away
1007070656545 404
29 / 200 #221
Piloswine Oblivious
Snow Cloak
10010080606050 404
30 / 200 #245
Suicune Pressure 100751159011585 404
31 / 200 #248
Tyranitar Sand Stream 1001341109510061 404
32 / 200 #251
Celebi Natural Cure 100100100100100100 404
33 / 200 #260
Swampert Torrent 10011090859060 404
34 / 200 #317
Swalot Liquid Ooze
Sticky Hold
1007383738355 404
35 / 200 #369
Relicanth Swift Swim
Rock Head
10090130456555 404
36 / 200 #382
Kyogre Drizzle 1001009015014090 404
37 / 200 #383
Groudon Drought 1001501401009090 404
38 / 200 #385
Jirachi Serene Grace 100100100100100100 404
39 / 200 #357
Tropius Chlorophyll
Solar Power
996883728751 402
40 / 200 #036
Clefable Cute Charm
Magic Guard
957073859060 394
41 / 200 #080
Slowbro Oblivious
Own Tempo
95751101008030 394
42 / 200 #103
Exeggutor Chlorophyll 9595851256555 394
43 / 200 #130
Gyarados Intimidate 95125796010081 394
44 / 200 #195
Quagsire Damp
Water Absorb
958585656535 394
45 / 200 #197
Umbreon Synchronize 95651106013065 394
46 / 200 #199
Slowking Oblivious
Own Tempo
95758010011030 394
47 / 200 #241
Miltank Thick Fat
95801054070100 394
48 / 200 #350
Milotic Marvel Scale 95607910012581 394
49 / 200 #360
Wynaut Shadow Tag 952348234823 394
50 / 200 #373
Salamence Intimidate 951358011080100 394
51 / 200 #149
Dragonite Inner Focus 911349510010080 386
52 / 200 #031
Nidoqueen Poison Point
908287758576 384
53 / 200 #059
Arcanine Intimidate
Flash Fire
90110801008095 384
54 / 200 #062
Poliwrath Water Absorb
908595709070 384
55 / 200 #068
Machamp Guts
No Guard
9013080658555 384
56 / 200 #079
Slowpoke Oblivious
Own Tempo
906565404015 384
57 / 200 #087
Dewgong Thick Fat
907080709570 384
58 / 200 #108
Lickitung Own Tempo
905575607530 384
59 / 200 #144
Articuno Pressure 90851009512585 384
60 / 200 #145
Zapdos Pressure 90908512590100 384
61 / 200 #146
Moltres Pressure 90100901258590 384
62 / 200 #174
Igglybuff Cute Charm 903015402015 384
63 / 200 #181
Ampharos Static 9075751159055 384
64 / 200 #186
Politoed Water Absorb
9075759010070 384
65 / 200 #210
Granbull Intimidate
Quick Feet
9012075606045 384
66 / 200 #217
Ursaring Guts
Quick Feet
9013075757555 384
67 / 200 #231
Phanpy Pickup 906060404040 384
68 / 200 #232
Donphan Sturdy 90120120606050 384
69 / 200 #243
Raikou Pressure 908575115100115 384
70 / 200 #275
Shiftry Chlorophyll
Early Bird
9010060906080 384
71 / 200 #364
Sealeo Thick Fat
Ice Body
906070757045 384
72 / 200 #346
Cradily Suction Cups 8681978110743 376
73 / 200 #097
Hypno Insomnia
8573707311567 374
74 / 200 #160
Feraligatr Torrent 85105100798378 374
75 / 200 #162
Furret Run Away
Keen Eye
857664455590 374
76 / 200 #169
Crobat Inner Focus 8590807080130 374
77 / 200 #233
Porygon2 Trace
8580901059560 374
78 / 200 #294
Loudred Soundproof 847143714348 372
79 / 200 #018
Pidgeot Keen Eye
Tangled Feet
838075707091 370
80 / 200 #034
Nidoking Poison Point
819277857585 366
81 / 200 #003
Venusaur Overgrow 80828310010080 364
82 / 200 #055
Golduck Damp
Cloud Nine
808278958085 364
83 / 200 #067
Machoke Guts
No Guard
8010070506045 364
84 / 200 #071
Victreebel Chlorophyll 80105651006070 364
85 / 200 #073
Tentacruel Clear Body
Liquid Ooze
80706580120100 364
86 / 200 #076
Golem Rock Head
80110130556545 364
87 / 200 #088
Grimer Stench
Sticky Hold
808050405025 364
88 / 200 #111
Rhyhorn Lightningrod
Rock Head
808595303025 364
89 / 200 #119
Seaking Swift Swim
Water Veil
809265658068 364
90 / 200 #142
Aerodactyl Rock Head
80105656075130 364
91 / 200 #154
Meganium Overgrow 80821008310080 364
92 / 200 #214
Heracross Swarm
8012575409585 364
93 / 200 #257
Blaziken Blaze 80120701107080 364
94 / 200 #272
Ludicolo Swift Swim
Rain Dish
8070709010070 364
95 / 200 #288
Vigoroth Vital Spirit 808080555590 364
96 / 200 #326
Grumpig Thick Fat
Own Tempo
8045659011080 364
97 / 200 #330
Flygon Levitate 80100808080100 364
98 / 200 #362
Glalie Inner Focus
Ice Body
808080808080 364
99 / 200 #376
Metagross Clear Body 80135130959070 364
100 / 200 #377
Regirock Clear Body 801002005010050 364
101 / 200 #378
Regice Clear Body 805010010020050 364
102 / 200 #379
Registeel Clear Body 80751507515050 364
103 / 200 #380
Latias Levitate 808090110130110 364
104 / 200 #381
Latios Levitate 809080130110110 364
105 / 200 #009
Blastoise Torrent 79831008510578 362
106 / 200 #006
Charizard Blaze 78847810985100 360
107 / 200 #157
Typhlosion Blaze 78847810985100 360
108 / 200 #264
Linoone Pickup
7870615061100 360
109 / 200 #028
Sandslash Sand Veil 75100110455565 354
110 / 200 #042
Golbat Inner Focus 758070657590 354
111 / 200 #045
Vileplume Chlorophyll 7580851009050 354
112 / 200 #128
Tauros Intimidate
Anger Point
75100954070110 354
113 / 200 #170
Chinchou Volt Absorb
753838565667 354
114 / 200 #182
Bellossom Chlorophyll 7580859010050 354
115 / 200 #189
Jumpluff Chlorophyll
Leaf Guard
7555705585110 354
116 / 200 #192
Sunflora Chlorophyll
Solar Power
7575551058530 354
117 / 200 #205
Forretress Sturdy 7590140606040 354
118 / 200 #208
Steelix Rock Head
7585200556530 354
119 / 200 #224
Octillery Suction Cups
75105751057545 354
120 / 200 #229
Houndoom Early Bird
Flash Fire
7590501108095 354
121 / 200 #230
Kingdra Swift Swim
759595959585 354
122 / 200 #334
Altaria Natural Cure 7570907010580 354
123 / 200 #348
Armaldo Battle Armor 75125100708045 354
124 / 200 #038
Ninetales Flash Fire 73767581100100 350
125 / 200 #234
Stantler Intimidate
739562856585 350
126 / 200 #335
Zangoose Immunity 7311560606090 350
127 / 200 #336
Seviper Shed Skin 73100601006065 350
128 / 200 #296
Makuhita Thick Fat
726030203025 348
129 / 200 #030
Nidorina Poison Point
706267555556 344
130 / 200 #035
Clefairy Cute Charm
Magic Guard
704548606535 344
131 / 200 #049
Venomoth Shield Dust
Tinted Lens
706560907590 344
132 / 200 #066
Machop Guts
No Guard
708050353535 344
133 / 200 #123
Scyther Swarm
70110805580105 344
134 / 200 #139
Omastar Swift Swim
Shell Armor
70601251157055 344
135 / 200 #168
Ariados Swarm
709070606040 344
136 / 200 #180
Flaaffy Static 705555806045 344
137 / 200 #183
Marill Thick Fat
Huge Power
702050205040 344
138 / 200 #185
Sudowoodo Sturdy
Rock Head
70100115306530 344
139 / 200 #203
Girafarig Inner Focus
Early Bird
708065906585 344
140 / 200 #212
Scizor Swarm
70130100558065 344
141 / 200 #247
Pupitar Shed Skin 708470657051 344
142 / 200 #254
Sceptile Overgrow 70856510585120 344
143 / 200 #259
Marshtomp Torrent 708570607050 344
144 / 200 #262
Mightyena Intimidate
Quick Feet
709070606070 344
145 / 200 #274
Nuzleaf Chlorophyll
Early Bird
707040604060 344
146 / 200 #284
Masquerain Intimidate 706062808260 344
147 / 200 #301
Delcatty Cute Charm
706565555570 344
148 / 200 #306
Aggron Sturdy
Rock Head
70110180606050 344
149 / 200 #310
Manectric Static
70756010560105 344
150 / 200 #316
Gulpin Liquid Ooze
Sticky Hold
704353435340 344
151 / 200 #319
Sharpedo Rough Skin 7012040954095 344
152 / 200 #323
Camerupt Magma Armor
Solid Rock
70100701057540 344
153 / 200 #324
Torkoal White Smoke 7085140857020 344
154 / 200 #332
Cacturne Sand Veil 70115601156055 344
155 / 200 #337
Lunatone Levitate 705565958570 344
156 / 200 #338
Solrock Levitate 709585556570 344
157 / 200 #351
Castform Forecast 707070707070 344
158 / 200 #363
Spheal Thick Fat
Ice Body
704050555025 344
159 / 200 #282
Gardevoir Synchronize
68656512511580 340
160 / 200 #345
Lileep Suction Cups 664177618723 336
161 / 200 #015
Beedrill Swarm 658040458075 334
162 / 200 #022
Fearow Keen Eye 6590656161100 334
163 / 200 #053
Persian Limber
6570606565115 334
164 / 200 #057
Primeape Vital Spirit
Anger Point
6510560607095 334
165 / 200 #061
Poliwhirl Water Absorb
656565505090 334
166 / 200 #070
Weepinbell Chlorophyll 659050854555 334
167 / 200 #078
Rapidash Run Away
Flash Fire
65100708080105 334
168 / 200 #086
Seel Thick Fat
654555457045 334
169 / 200 #110
Weezing Levitate 6590120857060 334
170 / 200 #114
Tangela Chlorophyll
Leaf Guard
65551151004060 334
171 / 200 #124
Jynx Oblivious
6550351159595 334
172 / 200 #125
Electabuzz Static 6583579585105 334
173 / 200 #126
Magmar Flame Body 6595571008593 334
174 / 200 #127
Pinsir Hyper Cutter
Mold Breaker
65125100557085 334
175 / 200 #135
Jolteon Volt Absorb 65656011095130 334
176 / 200 #136
Flareon Flash Fire 65130609511065 334
177 / 200 #137
Porygon Trace
656070857540 334
178 / 200 #159
Croconaw Torrent 658080596358 334
179 / 200 #178
Xatu Synchronize
Early Bird
657570957095 334
180 / 200 #193
Yanma Speed Boost
656545754595 334
181 / 200 #196
Espeon Synchronize 65656013095110 334
182 / 200 #207
Gligar Hyper Cutter
Sand Veil
6575105356585 334
183 / 200 #211
Qwilfish Poison Point
Swift Swim
659575555585 334
184 / 200 #226
Mantine Swift Swim
Water Absorb
6540708014070 334
185 / 200 #227
Skarmory Keen Eye
6580140407070 334
186 / 200 #313
Volbeat Illuminate
657355477585 334
187 / 200 #314
Illumise Oblivious
Tinted Lens
654755737585 334
188 / 200 #358
Chimecho Levitate 655070958065 334
189 / 200 #359
Absol Pressure
Super Luck
6513060756075 334
190 / 200 #372
Shelgon Rock Head 6595100605050 334
191 / 200 #293
Whismur Soundproof 645123512328 332
192 / 200 #354
Banette Insomnia
6411565836365 332
193 / 200 #017
Pidgeotto Keen Eye
Tangled Feet
636055505071 330
194 / 200 #342
Crawdaunt Hyper Cutter
Shell Armor
6312085905555 330
195 / 200 #033
Nidorino Poison Point
617257555565 326
196 / 200 #148
Dragonair Shed Skin 618465707070 326
197 / 200 #291
Ninjask Speed Boost 6190455050160 326
198 / 200 #002
Ivysaur Overgrow 606263808060 324
199 / 200 #012
Butterfree Compoundeyes 604550808070 324
200 / 200 #024
Arbok Intimidate
Shed Skin
608569657980 324