Sygna Suit
Sygna Suit


Picture Name Role Base Rarity
Wally Artwork
Standard Outfit EX Outfit
Wally Strike ☆☆☆☆☆

Obtaining Methods

Summon Location
Sync Pair ScoutingN Arc Fair Scout (March 10th 2025 - March 31st 2025) - 0.161%
Triple Feature Poke Fair Scout (March 7th 2025 - March 16th 2025) - 0.074%
Steven Master Fair Scout (March 4th 2025 - April 9th 2025) - 0.161%
Brendan Master Fair Scout (March 2nd 2025 - April 9th 2025) - 0.161%
Vol 31. Monthly Poke Fair Scout (March 1st 2025 - April 1st 2025) - 0.111%
and more...

Pokédex Entry

Flavor Text
WallyKnown as a boy who loves Pokémon, adventures, and battling, he has put everything into growing stronger as a Pokémon Trainer.
Sygna Suit
Wally's in a sygna suit and has formed a new sync pair with Gardevoir. Something about it fills him with nostalgia
Wally Mindscape

Wally's Pokémon

Wally & Gallade

Picture Name Focal Move Type Weakness
Gallade Image
English: Gallade
Japan: Erureido
French: Gallame
German: Galagladi
Korean: 엘레이드
Fighting-type Ghost-type
Passive Skills
Posthaste 9: Raises the user's Speed by two stat ranks when it is hit by an attack move.

Guaranteed Cookie Skill
Team Fast-Track 9: Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user’s Pokémon uses a move.
Theme Skills
Fighting Strike - Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 15 when using Fighting-type attacks
Hoenn: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 2
Rival: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 2
Battle Facility Foe: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 2
Passionate Spirit: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 2.
Expedition Skills
Rare + 2
Wistful -2

Standard Max Level (Lv. 150) Stats
HPAttackDefenseSp. AtkSp. DefSpeed
537 403 141 360 172 256
5 Star Max Potential Stats
637 443 181 400 212 296

NameTypeCategoryMax PowerAccuracyMove SlotsTarget
Low Sweep Fighting-typePhysical Category Move 30-36 100 2 (Gauge) Opponent
Lowers the target's Speed
Dire Hit  Other Category Move   2 (Max Uses) Self
Raises the user's critical hit rate
Focus Blast Fighting-typeSpecial Category Move 142-170 70 3 (Gauge) Opponent
Has a very small chance of lowering the target's Sp. Def.
Here I Come!  Other Category Move   2 (Max Uses) Self
Raises the user's Attack and Sp. Atk. Sharply raises the user's accuracy.

Sync Moves
NameTypeCategoryMax PowerTarget
Rallying Close Combat Fighting-typePhysical Category Move 160-192 Opponent
Become Mega Gallade until the end of battle. Raises the user's critical-hit rate.
EX Sync Effect: Move targets all Opponents

Wally & Gallade (Mega Gallade)

Picture Name Focal Move Type Weakness
Gallade Image
English: Gallade
Japan: Erureido
French: Gallame
German: Galagladi
Korean: 엘레이드
Fighting-type Ghost-type
Passive Skills
Posthaste 9: Raises the user's Speed by two stat ranks when it is hit by an attack move.
Zero In 1: Critical hits land more easily when the user's attack move is used.
Fast-Track 2: Has a chance (30%) of raising the user's Speed by one stat rank after its Pokémon uses a move.

Guaranteed Cookie Skill
Team Fast-Track 9: Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when the user’s Pokémon uses a move.
Theme Skills
Fighting Strike - Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 15 when using Fighting-type attacks
Hoenn: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 2
Rival: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 2
Battle Facility Foe: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 2
Passionate Spirit: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 2.
Expedition Skills
Rare + 2
Wistful -2

Standard Max Level (Lv. 150) Stats
HPAttackDefenseSp. AtkSp. DefSpeed
537 483 141 431 172 256
5 Star Max Potential Stats
637 531 181 479 212 296

NameTypeCategoryMax PowerAccuracyMove SlotsTarget
Close Combat Fighting-typePhysical Category Move 124-148 100 3 (Gauge) Opponent
Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def
Dire Hit  Other Category Move   2 (Max Uses) Self
Raises the user's critical hit rate
Focus Blast Fighting-typeSpecial Category Move 142-170 70 3 (Gauge) Opponent
Has a very small chance of lowering the target's Sp. Def.
Here I Come!  Other Category Move   2 (Max Uses) Self
Raises the user's Attack and Sp. Atk. Sharply raises the user's accuracy.

Sync Moves
NameTypeCategoryMax PowerTarget
Rallying Close Combat Fighting-typePhysical Category Move 160-192 Opponent
Become Mega Gallade until the end of battle. Raises the user's critical-hit rate.
EX Sync Effect: Move targets all Opponents

Sync Grid

Name Effect Energy Requirement Sync Orb Requirement Sync Move Level Requirement
HP + 10 HP + 10 0 5 1
Attack + 5 Attack + 5 0 5 1
Defense + 5 Defense + 5 0 5 1
Sp. Atk + 5 Sp. Atk + 5 0 5 1
Sp. Def + 5 Sp. Def + 5 0 5 1
Speed + 5 Speed + 5 0 5 1
Sp. Atk + 5 Sp. Atk + 5 3 36 1
Speed + 5 Speed + 5 2 24 1
Sp. Atk + 5 Sp. Atk + 5 3 36 1
Focus Blast: Power 2 Focus Blast: Power Up 2 3 36 1
Focus Blast: Move Gauge Refresh 3 Move: Focus Blast Has a moderately good chance of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful. 6 72 1
Focus Blast: Power 2 Focus Blast: Power Up 2 3 36 1
Focus Blast: Power 2 Focus Blast: Power Up 2 3 36 2
Grand Entry 1 Raises the user's Sp. Atk when the Pokémon enters a battle. 6 72 2
Focus Blast: Accuracy 10 Focus Blast: Accuracy Up 10 5 60 2
Focus Blast: Power 5 Focus Blast: Power Up 5 3 36 3
Focus Blast: Power 5 Focus Blast: Power Up 5 3 36 3
Sp. Atk + 10 Sp. Atk + 10 5 60 1
HP + 10 HP + 10 2 24 1
Close Combat: Power 5 Close Combat: Power Up 5 2 24 1
HP + 10 HP + 10 2 24 1
Close Combat: Move Gauge Refresh 3 Move: Close Combat Has a moderately good chance of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful. 6 72 1
Close Combat: Power 5 Close Combat: Power Up 5 2 24 1
Cakewalk The more the target's Speed is lowered, the more it powers up sync moves. 8 96 2
Close Combat: Power 5 Close Combat: Power Up 5 2 24 2
Attack + 10 Attack + 10 5 60 2
Fierce Entry 1 Raises the user's Attack when the Pokémon enters a battle. 6 72 3
Close Combat: Stat's Quo 4 Move: Close Combat Has a good chance of returning the user's lowered stats to normal when a move is successful. 6 72 3
Speed + 5 Speed + 5 2 24 1
Defense + 5 Defense + 5 2 24 1
Dire Hit: MP Refresh 3 Move: Dire Hit Has a moderately good chance of restoring one MP of the move used if the move is successful. 7 84 1
Speed + 5 Speed + 5 2 24 1
Ramming Speed The more the user's Speed has been raised, the more it powers up moves. 10 120 2
Here I Come!: MP Refresh 3 Move: Here I Come! Has a moderately good chance of restoring one MP of the move used if the move is successful. 7 84 2
Sp. Def + 10 Sp. Def + 10 4 48 2
Quick Cure Removes the confused, flinching, and trapped conditions from the user once during battle. 5 60 3
Critical Strike 1 Powers up attacks if they become critical hits. 10 120 3
Sp. Def + 10 Sp. Def + 10 4 48 1
Low Sweep: Power 5 Low Sweep: Power Up 5 3 36 1
Natural Remedy Once per battle, removes all status conditions from the user when the user is inflicted by any status condition. 5 60 1
Low Sweep: Power 5 Low Sweep: Power Up 5 3 36 1
Low Sweep: Power 5 Low Sweep: Power Up 5 3 36 2
Low Sweep: Move Gauge Refresh 3 Move: Low Sweep Has a moderately good chance of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful. 6 72 2
Low Sweep: Power 5 Low Sweep: Power Up 5 3 36 2
Critical Strike 1 Powers up attacks if they become critical hits. 10 120 3
Endurance If the Pokémon enters battle with full HP, allows it to endure a single overwhelming attack with 1 HP left. 10 120 3
Rallying Close Combat: Power 25 Rallying Close Combat: Power Up 25 5 60 3
Rallying Close Combat: Power 25 Rallying Close Combat: Power Up 25 5 60 3
Attack 20 Attack 20 0 5 1
Here I Come!: Ferocious Moves 9 Move: Here I Come! Raises the user's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when its move is successful. 3 36 2
Dire Hit: Critical Eye 2 Move: Dire Hit Raises the user's critical-hit rate by 2 stat ranks when its move is successful. 5 60 3
Sp. Atk 20 Sp. Atk 20 0 5 1
Speedster's Sync 5 Powers up the user's sync move when its Speed is raised. 3 36 2
HP 50 HP 50 5 60 3

Wally Sygna Suit

Picture Name Role Base Rarity
Wally Artwork
Standard Outfit EX Outfit
EX RoleSupport


Wally Sygna Suit Mindscape

Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Gardevoir)

Picture Name Focal Move Type Weakness
Gardevoir Image
English: Gardevoir
Japan: Sirnight
French: Gardevoir
German: Guardevoir
Korean: 가디안
Fairy-type Ghost-type
Passive Skills
Head Start 1: Reduces the user's sync move countdown by 1 the first time it enters a battle each battle.
Gobsmack 4: Has a chance (50%) of leaving the target confused when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Team Speedy Entry 2: Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user enters a battle.
The Prince with Green Hair (Superawakened): Powers up the user's moves when the target is confused. Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when the zone is a Fairy Zone. Turns the field of play's zone into a Fairy Zone the first time the user enters a battle each battle. (A Fairy Zone powers up Fairy-type attacks.)
Theme Skills
Fairy Tech: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 12 when using Fairy-type attacks. Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 12
Hoenn: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 1
Rival: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 1
Sygna Suit: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 1
Passionate Spirit: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 1
Expedition Skills
Rare + 2
Fiery -2

Standard Max Level (Lv. 150) Stats
HPAttackDefenseSp. AtkSp. DefSpeed
675 308 209 518 212 254
5 Star Max Potential Stats
775 348 249 558 252 294
5 Star Max Potential EX Role Stats
835 348 289 558 292 294
5 Star Max Potential EX Role & Superawakened Stats
918 382 317 613 321 323

NameTypeCategoryMax PowerAccuracyMove SlotsTarget
Disarming Voice Fairy-typeSpecial Category Move 45-54 2 (Gauge) All opponents
Never Misses
Fairy Wish  Other Category Move   2 (Gauge)
2 (Max Uses)
Turns the field of play's zone into a Fairy Zone. (A Fairy Zone powers up Fairy-type attacks.)
Ultimate Dazzling Gleam Fairy-typeSpecial Category Move 100-120 100 1 (Max Uses) All Opponents
Activation Condition: When an ally Mega Evolves.
Deactivation Condition: Cannot be deactivated.
Lowers the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 4 stat ranks. Lowers the target's Fairy Type Rebuff by 1 rank.
I Won't Fall Behind!  Other Category Move   2 (Max Uses) Self
Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 2 stat ranks. Raises the user's Sp. Def and critical-hit rate by 1 stat rank.

Sync Moves
NameTypeCategoryMax PowerTarget
Take on the World Dazzling Gleam Fairy-typeSpecial Category Move 160-192 Opponent
Become Mega Gardevoir until the end of battle. This attack's power increases when the zone is a Fairy Zone.
EX Sync Effect: Power * 1.5
EX Role Sync Effect (Support): Once per battle, the stat increase after using sync move is doubled.

Wally & Gardevoir (Shiny Mega Gardevoir)

Picture Name Focal Move Type Weakness
Gardevoir Image
English: Gardevoir
Japan: Sirnight
French: Gardevoir
German: Guardevoir
Korean: 가디안
Fairy-type Ghost-type
Passive Skills
Head Start 2: Reduces the user's sync move countdown by 2 the first time it enters a battle each battle.
Gobsmack 4: Has a chance (50%) of leaving the target confused when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Team Speedy Entry 2: Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user enters a battle.
The Prince with Green Hair (Superawakened): Powers up the user's moves when the target is confused. Powers up the moves of all allied sync pairs when the zone is a Fairy Zone. Turns the field of play's zone into a Fairy Zone the first time the user enters a battle each battle. (A Fairy Zone powers up Fairy-type attacks.)
Theme Skills
Fairy Tech: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 12 when using Fairy-type attacks. Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 12
Hoenn: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 1
Rival: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 1
Sygna Suit: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 1
Passionate Spirit: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 1
Expedition Skills
Rare + 2
Fiery -2

Standard Max Level (Lv. 150) Stats
HPAttackDefenseSp. AtkSp. DefSpeed
675 308 209 621 254 254
5 Star Max Potential Stats
775 348 249 669 302 294
5 Star Max Potential EX Role Stats
835 348 289 669 342 294
5 Star Max Potential EX Role & Superawakened Stats
918 382 317 735 376 323

NameTypeCategoryMax PowerAccuracyMove SlotsTarget
Disarming Voice Fairy-typeSpecial Category Move 45-54 2 (Gauge) All opponents
Never Misses
Fairy Wish  Other Category Move   2 (Gauge)
2 (Max Uses)
Turns the field of play's zone into a Fairy Zone. (A Fairy Zone powers up Fairy-type attacks.)
Ultimate Dazzling Gleam Fairy-typeSpecial Category Move 100-120 100 1 (Max Uses) All Opponents
Activation Condition: When an ally Mega Evolves.
Deactivation Condition: Cannot be deactivated.
Lowers the target's Attack and Sp. Atk by 4 stat ranks. Lowers the target's Fairy Type Rebuff by 1 rank.
I Won't Fall Behind!  Other Category Move   2 (Max Uses) Self
Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 2 stat ranks. Raises the user's Sp. Def and critical-hit rate by 1 stat rank.

Sync Moves
NameTypeCategoryMax PowerTarget
Take on the World Dazzling Gleam Fairy-typeSpecial Category Move 160-192 Opponent
Become Mega Gardevoir until the end of battle. This attack's power increases when the zone is a Fairy Zone.
EX Sync Effect: Power * 1.5
EX Role Sync Effect (Support): Once per battle, the stat increase after using sync move is doubled.

Sync Grid

Name Effect Energy Requirement Sync Orb Requirement Sync Move Level Requirement
HP 10 HP 10 0 5 1
Sp. Atk 5 Sp. Atk 5 0 5 1
Defense 5 Defense 5 0 5 1
Sp. Atk 5 Sp. Atk 5 0 5 1
Sp. Def 5 Sp. Def 5 0 5 1
Speed 5 Speed 5 0 5 1
Disarming Voice: Superduper Effective 5 Move: Disarming Voice Powers up moves that are super effective. 8 96 2
Discombobulate 9 Lowers the target's accuracy by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful. 10 120 4
Fairy Wish: Team Brain Gain 9 Move: Fairy Wish Increases the Special Moves Up Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank when the user's move is successful. 10 120 5
Quick Tempo Applies the Move Gauge Acceleration effect to the allied field of play the first time the user enters a battle each battle. 7 84 2
Head Start 1 Reduces the user's sync move countdown by 1 the first time it enters a battle each battle. 10 120 4
Fairy Zone Extension 3 Extends the duration of the Fairy Zone when the zone turns into a Fairy Zone while the user is on the field. 10 120 5
Sp. Atk 5 Sp. Atk 5 2 24 1
Sp. Def 5 Sp. Def 5 2 24 1
HP 10 HP 10 2 24 1
Speed 5 Speed 5 2 24 1
Disarming Voice: Power 4 Disarming Voice: Power Up 4 3 36 1
Disarming Voice: Power 4 Disarming Voice: Power Up 4 3 36 2
Disarming Voice: Power 4 Disarming Voice: Power Up 4 3 36 1
Disarming Voice: Move Gauge Refresh 3 Move: Disarming Voice Has a chance (40%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful. 7 84 2
Overpower The more the target's Sp. Atk is lowered, the more it powers up the user's moves. 10 120 3
Disarming Voice: Foul Fighting 5 Move: Disarming Voice Powers up the user's moves against targets that are flinching, confused, or trapped. 10 120 2
Sharp Entry 1 Raises the user's critical-hit rate by 1 stat rank when it enters a battle. 10 120 3
Sp. Def 5 Sp. Def 5 2 24 1
Speed 5 Speed 5 2 24 1
B Dazzling Gleam: Power 3 B Dazzling Gleam: Power Up 3 3 36 1
I Won't Fall Behind!: Ramp Up 1 Move: I Won't Fall Behind! Raises the user's Sp. Atk by 1 stat rank when its move is successful. 8 96 2
I Won't Fall Behind!: MP Refresh 2 Move: I Won't Fall Behind! Has a chance (30%) of restoring one MP of the user's move when that move is successful. 7 84 1
B Dazzling Gleam: Power 3 B Dazzling Gleam: Power Up 3 3 36 2
Team Speedy Entry 1 Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user enters a battle. 10 120 2
Devastation The more the target's Sp. Atk is lowered, the more it powers up the user's sync move. 10 120 3
Discourage 2 Lowers the Sp. Atk of all opposing sync pairs by 2 stat ranks when the user enters a battle. 10 120 3
Speed 5 Speed 5 2 24 1
Disarming Voice: Power 4 Disarming Voice: Power Up 4 3 36 1
Fairy Wish: Move Gauge Refresh 3 Move: Fairy Wish Has a chance (40%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful. 7 84 1
Sp. Def 10 Sp. Def 10 4 48 1
Disarming Voice: Power 4 Disarming Voice: Power Up 4 3 36 2
Whimsical Acceleration 2 Quickly charges the move gauge when the zone is a Fairy Zone. 8 96 2
Status Immunity Status conditions cannot be inflicted on the user. 10 120 3
Whimsical Stability The user's stats cannot be lowered when the zone is a Fairy Zone. 9 108 2
Fairy Wish: MP Refresh 2 Move: Fairy Wish Has a chance (30%) of restoring one MP of the user's move when that move is successful. 7 84 3
Sp. Atk 5 Sp. Atk 5 2 24 1
Defense 5 Defense 5 2 24 1
Speed 5 Speed 5 2 24 1
Dauntless Sp. Atk cannot be lowered. 5 60 1
B Dazzling Gleam: Power 3 B Dazzling Gleam: Power Up 3 3 36 1
B Dazzling Gleam: Power 3 B Dazzling Gleam: Power Up 3 3 36 1
B Dazzling Gleam: Power 3 B Dazzling Gleam: Power Up 3 3 36 2
Gobsmack 2 Has a chance (30%) of leaving the target confused when the user's attack move against it is successful. 7 84 2
Sp. Atk 20 Sp. Atk 20 7 84 2
Interference Sync 5 Powers up the user's sync move against targets that are flinching, confused, or trapped. 9 108 3
Mind Boggler 9 Lowers the target's Sp. Def by one stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a flinching, confused, or trapped opponent. 10 120 3
Take On the World Dazzling Gleam: Power 25 Take On the World Dazzling Gleam: Power Up 25 5 60 3
Take On the World Dazzling Gleam: Power 25 Take On the World Dazzling Gleam: Power Up 25 5 60 3

Wally (Lodge)

Picture Name Role Base Rarity
Wally Artwork Wally Support ☆☆☆☆


Wally (Lodge) Mindscape

Wally & Delcatty

Picture Name Focal Move Type Weakness
Delcatty Image
English: Delcatty
Japan: Enekororo
French: Delcatty
German: Enekoro
Korean: 델케티
Normal-type Fighting-type
Passive Skills
Look Alive 4: Has a chance (50%) of raising the user's evasiveness by one stat rank when it is hit by an attack move.
Natural Remedy: Removes all status conditions from the user the first time it is inflicted by any status condition each battle.
Healthy Buffer 5: Reduces damage when the user is hit by an attack move when its HP is full.
Theme Skills
Normal Support: Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 30
Hoenn: Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4
Rival: Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4
Battle Facility Foe: Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4
Passionate Spirit: Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4
Expedition Skills
Rare + 2
Fiery -2

Standard Max Level (Lv. 150) Stats
HPAttackDefenseSp. AtkSp. DefSpeed
643 148 241 138 241 294
5 Star Stats
683 168 261 158 261 314
5 Star Max Potential Stats
723 188 281 178 281 334

NameTypeCategoryMax PowerAccuracyMove SlotsTarget
Tackle Normal-typePhysical Category Move 25-30 100 1 (Gauge) Opponent
No additional effect
Mini Potion All  Other Category Move   2 (Max Uses) All allies
Restores the HP of all allied sync pairs by approximately 20% of their maximum HP.
Growl Normal-typeOther Category Move   1 (Gauge) All opponents
Lowers the target's Attack by 1 stat rank.
Let's Win For Sure!  Other Category Move   2 (Max Uses) All allies
Raises the Defense and Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks.

Sync Moves
NameTypeCategoryMax PowerTarget
Becoming Stronger Normal Impact Normal-typePhysical Category Move 300-360 Opponent
No additional effect
EX Sync Effect: Once per battle, the stat increase after using sync move is doubled.

Sync Grid

Name Effect Energy Requirement Sync Orb Requirement Sync Move Level Requirement
HP 10 HP 10 0 5 1
Attack 5 Attack 5 0 5 1
Defense 5 Defense 5 0 5 1
Attack 5 Attack 5 0 5 1
Sp. Def 5 Sp. Def 5 0 5 1
Speed 5 Speed 5 0 5 1
Sp. Def 5 Sp. Def 5 2 24 1
HP 10 HP 10 2 24 1
Speed 5 Speed 5 2 24 1
Attack 5 Attack 5 2 24 1
Tackle: Power 4 Tackle: Power ? 4 3 36 1
Tackle: Power 4 Tackle: Power ? 4 3 36 2
Tackle: Power 4 Tackle: Power ? 4 3 36 1
Sp. Def 10 Sp. Def 10 4 48 2
Mini Potion All: MP Refresh 2 Move: Mini Potion All Has a chance (30%) of restoring one MP of the user's move when that move is successful. 7 84 3
On the Ropes 2 Reduces damage when the user is hit by a physical attack move while it is in a pinch. 7 84 2
Mini Potion All: Master Healer 1 Move: Mini Potion All Increases the amount of HP restored by the user's healing moves. 10 120 3
Defense 5 Defense 5 2 24 1
Attack 5 Attack 5 2 24 1
Speed 5 Speed 5 2 24 1
HP 10 HP 10 2 24 1
Escape Artist Prevents the user from becoming trapped. 5 60 2
Growl: Move Gauge Refresh 2 Move: Growl Has a chance (30%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful. 7 84 2
Ridicure 1 Has a chance (20%) of restoring the user's HP by approximately 20% of its maximum HP when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses. 7 84 2
Let's Win For Sure!: Berserk Bunch 1 Move: Let's Win For Sure! Raises the Attack of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's move is successful. 10 120 3
Group Slapdash 9 Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by one stat rank when an opponent's attack move targeting the user misses. 10 120 3
Sp. Def 5 Sp. Def 5 2 24 1
Defense 5 Defense 5 2 24 1
Attack 5 Attack 5 2 24 1
Speed 5 Speed 5 2 24 1
Fast Runner Evasiveness cannot be lowered. 5 60 1
Quick Cure Removes the confused, flinching, and trapped conditions from the user the first time they are inflicted each battle. 7 84 2
Unbending Defense cannot be lowered. 5 60 1
Defense 10 Defense 10 4 48 2
Let's Win For Sure!: MP Refresh 2 Move: Let's Win For Sure! Has a chance (30%) of restoring one MP of the user's move when that move is successful. 7 84 3
Revenge Boost 2 Has a chance (30%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when the user is hit by an attack move. 7 84 2
Let's Win For Sure!: Hit and Heal 9 Move: Let's Win For Sure! Applies the Gradual Healing effect to the user when its move is successful. 10 120 3
Defense 5 Defense 5 2 24 1
HP 10 HP 10 2 24 1
Sp. Def 5 Sp. Def 5 2 24 1
Tackle: Power 4 Tackle: Power ? 4 3 36 1
Tackle: Move Gauge Refresh 2 Move: Tackle Has a chance (30%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful. 7 84 2
Tackle: Power 4 Tackle: Power ? 4 3 36 2
Tackle: Flabbergast 2 Move: Tackle Has a chance (30%) of leaving the target confused when a move targeting that opponent is successful. 7 84 2
Enfeeble 1 Lowers the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user enters a battle. 10 120 3
Catalytic Acceleration Applies the Move Gauge Acceleration effect to the allied field of play after using the user's sync move. 10 120 3
Becoming Stronger Normal Impact: Power 25 Becoming Stronger Normal Impact: Power ? 25 5 60 3
Becoming Stronger Normal Impact: Power 25 Becoming Stronger Normal Impact: Power ? 25 5 60 3

Wally (Variety)

Picture Name Role Base Rarity
Wally Artwork
Standard Outfit EX Outfit
Wally Sprint ☆☆☆☆☆


Wally (Variety) Mindscape

Wally & Altaria

Picture Name Focal Move Type Weakness
Altaria Image
English: Altaria
Japan: Tyltalis
French: Altaria
German: Altaria
Korean: 파비코리
Dragon-type Ice-type
Passive Skills
Head Start 1: Reduces the user's sync move countdown by 1 the first time it enters a battle each battle.
Hostile Environment 3: Raises the chance of inflicting status conditions with the additional effects of moves.
Hit Paralyzed Opp: Defense ↓ & Sp. Def ↓ 9: Lowers the target's Defense and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when the user's attack move is successful against a paralyzed opponent.
Theme Skills
Dragon Sprint: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 12 when using Dragon-type attacks. Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 12
Hoenn: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1
Rival: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1
Battle Facility Foe: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1
Passionate Spirit: Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1
Expedition Skills
Rsare + 2
Soothing -2

Standard Max Level (Lv. 150) Stats
HPAttackDefenseSp. AtkSp. DefSpeed
628 446 180 446 198 368
5 Star Max Potential Stats
728 486 220 486 238 408

NameTypeCategoryMax PowerAccuracyMove SlotsTarget
Dragon Claw Dragon-typePhysical Category Move 50-60 100 2 (Gauge) Opponent
No additional effect
Dire Hit +  Other Category Move   2 (Max Uses) Self
Sharply raises the user's critical hit rate
Dragon Breath Dragon-typeSpecial Category Move 42-50 100 2 (Gauge) Opponent
Has a moderate chance of leaving the target paralyzed.
Please Watch Me!  Other Category Move   1 (Max Uses) Self
Reduces the user's sync move countdown by one. Raises the user's Attack and Sp. Atk by four stat ranks

Sync Moves
NameTypeCategoryMax PowerTarget
Much, Much stronger Dragon Impact Dragon-typePhysical Category Move 200-240 Opponent
This attack's power increases when the target is paralyzed.
EX Sync Effect: The first time the user's sync move is used each battle, the sync move countdown is reduced by three.

Sync Grid

Name Effect Energy Requirement Sync Orb Requirement Sync Move Level Requirement
HP 10 HP 10 0 5 1
Attack 5 Attack 5 0 5 1
Defense 5 Defense 5 0 5 1
Sp. Atk 5 Sp. Atk 5 0 5 1
Sp. Def 5 Sp. Def 5 0 5 1
Speed 5 Speed 5 0 5 1
Attack 5 Attack 5 2 24 1
Speed 5 Speed 5 2 24 1
Dragon Claw: Power 4 Dragon Claw: Power ↑ 4 3 36 1
Dragon Claw: Power 4 Dragon Claw: Power ↑ 4 3 36 1
Dragon Claw: Power 4 Dragon Claw: Power ↑ 4 3 36 2
Dragon Claw: Move Gauge Refresh 3 Move: Dragon Claw Has a chance (40%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful. 7 84 2
Natural Remedy Removes all status conditions from the user the first time it is inflicted by any status condition each battle. 7 84 2
Dragon Claw: Overwhelm 9 Move: Dragon Claw Lowers the target's Attack by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful. 10 120 3
Ferocious Entry 1 Raises the user's Attack and Sp. Atk by one stat rank when it enters a battle. 10 120 3
Sp. Atk 5 Sp. Atk 5 2 24 1
Speed 5 Speed 5 2 24 1
Dragon Breath: Power 4 Dragon Breath: Power ↑ 4 3 36 1
Dragon Breath: Power 4 Dragon Breath: Power ↑ 4 3 36 1
Dragon Breath: Power 4 Dragon Breath: Power ↑ 4 3 36 2
Dragon Breath: Move Gauge Refresh 3 Move: Dragon Breath Has a chance (40%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful. 7 84 2
Quick Cure Removes the confused, flinching, and trapped conditions from the user the first time they are inflicted each battle. 7 84 2
Rejuvenate 6 Charges the user's move gauge by six after using a sync move. 10 120 3
Relentless The more the target's Defense is lowered, the more it powers up the user's sync move. 10 120 3
HP 10 HP 10 2 24 1
Defense 5 Defense 5 2 24 1
Sp. Def 5 Sp. Def 5 2 24 1
Sp. Atk 5 Sp. Atk 5 2 24 1
Dragon Breath: Power 4 Dragon Breath: Power ↑ 4 3 36 1
Dragon Breath: Power 4 Dragon Breath: Power ↑ 4 3 36 1
Speed 10 Speed 10 4 48 2
Healthy Healing Applies the Gradual Healing effect to the user when its HP is full when it enters a battle. 7 84 2
Please Watch Me!: Slippery 1 Move: Please Watch Me! Raises the user's evasiveness by one stat rank when its move is successful. 7 84 2
Dragon Breath: Satisfied Snicker 9 Move: Dragon Breath Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful. 10 120 3
Please Watch Me!: MP Refresh 2 Move: Please Watch Me! Has a chance (30%) of restoring one MP of the user's move when that move is successful. 7 84 3
Attack 5 Attack 5 2 24 1
Haste Speed cannot be lowered. 5 60 1
HP 10 HP 10 2 24 1
Dragon Claw: Power 4 Dragon Claw: Power ↑ 4 3 36 1
Dragon Claw: Power 4 Dragon Claw: Power ↑ 4 3 36 1
Speed 5 Speed 5 2 24 1
Unflappable Prevents the user from flinching. 5 60 2
Dire Hit +: Fleet Feet 1 Move: Dire Hit + Raises the user's Speed by one stat rank when its move is successful. 7 84 2
Dire Hit +: MP Refresh 2 Move: Dire Hit + Has a chance (30%) of restoring one MP of the user's move when that move is successful. 7 84 2
Trip Up 9 Lowers the target's Speed by one stat rank when the user's attack move against it is successful. 10 120 3
Paralysis Synergy 5 Powers up the user's moves when the target is paralyzed. 10 120 3
Much, Much Stronger Dragon Impact: Power 25 Much, Much Stronger Dragon Impact: Power ↑ 25 5 60 3
Much, Much Stronger Dragon Impact: Power 25 Much, Much Stronger Dragon Impact: Power ↑ 25 5 60 3