Battle Stadium

Battle Stadium Description

The Battle Stadium is the successor to the Battle Spot and is where various battles will take place. This includes how to battle with many players online. This is accessed through the main menu and gives you four options when you get to the index: Casual Battles, Ranked Battles, Online Competitions and Rental Teams

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Casual Battle

Casual Battle is the Friendly ladder on the Battle Stadium. It allows for you to play in Single or Double Battles with up to 6 Pokémon. Here, you can use Legendary and Mythical Pokémon that you wouldn't be able to use in Ranked Battles

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Ranked Battle

Ranked Battles are the standard Ranked Battle options in Battle Stadium. These run in Single and Double Battles with rules that cycle through every season. For example, Season 1 blocks you using Legendary Pokémon .

You are placed into various tiers based upon your success or failures in battle and you typically only get paired with other players in the other tier. If you win the battle, you will work towards the next tier but if you lose the battle, your position in the tier decreases.

You will get rewards at the end of each season based on your placement.

Click here for full details on Ranked Battle

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Rental Pokémon

Introduced in Generation 7, rental teams are a new way for players to share the team that they have created and can use them in a variety of battles

To download a Rental Team, all you have to do is go to the Battle Stadium and go to Rental Teams, enter a code for a Rental Team and you can put it in one of the five slots. Alternatively, you can share your own teams and get a code to share it out. This makes it publicly online so anyone can use the team if they have the code

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