Item Printer

The Item Printer is a machine that is added into the League Club shortly after your arrival in the Terarium. This machine works akin to the Cram-o-matic in that you use it to basically 3D print items from scratch. However, unlike the Cram-o-matic, rather than putting in various other items, you put in Pokémon materials and use Blueberry Points. Each material has a weight to it that goes up to the value you need. For each Item Print, the maximum value is 100 but you can do 10 prints at a time to get 1000.

Each Pokémon Material can be used for the Printer but some Pokémon Materials will have higher rates than others with Pokémon such as Beldum having the most efficient materials while Gimmighoul has the least efficient.

Item Printer

Item Printer Upgrades

After using the Item Printer a certain number of times, you will be able to improve it. This is done in exchange for Blueberry Points and it makes the Item Printer more efficient while also unlocking more features.

RankBP Cost per ItemSpecial BonusesRequirementsTotal Print Jobs to UpgradeSpecial Mode Odds Per Print
Standard5 BPNoneNoneNoneNone
Great4 BPItem Drop x2200 BP25 Prints2% Item Bonus
Ultra3 BPPoké Ball Lotto500 BP75 Prints1% Item Bonus
1% Poké Ball Bonus
Master3 BPCan Print Stellar Tera Shards
Can receive multiple of the same item
1000 BP
Terapagos Captured
175 Prints1% Item Bonus
1% Poké Ball Bonus

As you upgrade the machine, it looks more like a Great Ball, Ultra Ball and then Master Ball.

Item Printer

Item Printer Rewards

Based on the amount of points you get for all of the materials you put in, the game goes through the table of rewards to pick out the rewards you can get. If it succeeds then it removes that value from the total and keeps going until the total is 0.

After upgrading, for each item you print, you have got a 1% chance of getting double item drops for your next Item Print meaning for every 1 item it gets, you can get 2 of the item.

After upgrading a second time, for each item you print, you get a 1% chance of getting the special Poke Ball Lotto feature. This feature makes it so rather than use the general item pool, it will use the Poké Ball one

Chance of Triggering Set Per JobExpected Sets of Print Jobs to Trigger
Item Bonus: Great2%9.08%18.29%5010.415.47
Item Bonus: Ultra/Master1%4.54%9.15%10020.8210.93
Ball Bonus: Ultra/Master1%4.54%9.15%10020.8210.93
Item Printer

Anchors Standard Items Poké Ball Lotto Material Rates

List of Standard Printer items

Picture Item Colour Rarity Amount
Big Nugget Big Nugget Gold 1.4% 2-5
Ability Patch Ability Patch Gold 0.5% 1-2
Gold Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap Gold 0.6% 1-2
Masterpiece Teacup Masterpiece Teacup Gold 0.5% 1-2
Star Sweet Star Sweet Gold 0.4% 1-2
Ribbon Sweet Ribbon Sweet Gold 0.4% 1-2
Lucky Egg Lucky Egg Gold 0.6% 1-2
Amulet Coin Amulet Coin Gold 0.6% 1-2
Normal Tera Shard Normal Tera Shard Silver 0.9% 5-20
Fire Tera Shard Fire Tera Shard Silver 0.9% 5-20
Water Tera Shard Water Tera Shard Silver 0.9% 5-20
Electric Tera Shard Electric Tera Shard Silver 0.9% 5-20
Grass Tera Shard Grass Tera Shard Silver 0.9% 5-20
Ice Tera Shard Ice Tera Shard Silver 0.9% 5-20
Fighting Tera Shard Fighting Tera Shard Silver 0.9% 5-20
Poison Tera Shard Poison Tera Shard Silver 0.9% 5-20
Ground Tera Shard Ground Tera Shard Silver 0.9% 5-20
Flying Tera Shard Flying Tera Shard Silver 0.9% 5-20
Psychic Tera Shard Psychic Tera Shard Silver 0.9% 5-20
Bug Tera Shard Bug Tera Shard Silver 0.9% 5-20
Rock Tera Shard Rock Tera Shard Silver 0.9% 5-20
Ghost Tera Shard Ghost Tera Shard Silver 0.9% 5-20
Dragon Tera Shard Dragon Tera Shard Silver 0.9% 5-20
Dark Tera Shard Dark Tera Shard Silver 0.9% 5-20
Steel Tera Shard Steel Tera Shard Silver 0.9% 5-20
Fairy Tera Shard Fairy Tera Shard Silver 0.9% 5-20
Stellar Tera Shard Stellar Tera Shard Silver 0.5% 3-15
Exp. Candy L Exp. Candy L Silver 0.75% 3-10
Exp. Candy XL Exp. Candy XL Silver 0.75% 1-5
Big Pearl Big Pearl Silver 0.75% 3-7
Nugget Nugget Silver 0.75% 3-7
Star Piece Star Piece Silver 0.75% 3-7
Balm Mushroom Balm Mushroom Silver 0.75% 3-7
Pearl String Pearl String Silver 0.75% 2-5
Comet Shard Comet Shard Silver 0.75% 2-5
Ability Capsule Ability Capsule Silver 0.3% 1-3
Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Silver 0.3% 1-3
Chipped Pot Chipped Pot Silver 0.2% 1-2
Clover Sweet Clover Sweet Silver 0.5% 1-2
Flower Sweet Flower Sweet Silver 0.5% 1-2
Electirizer Electirizer Silver 0.5% 1-2
Magmarizer Magmarizer Silver 0.5% 1-2
Protector Protector Silver 0.5% 1-2
Dragon Scale Dragon Scale Silver 0.5% 1-2
Metal Alloy Metal Alloy Silver 0.5% 1-2
Upgrade Upgrade Silver 0.5% 1-2
Dubious Disc Dubious Disc Silver 0.5% 1-2
HP Up HP Up Bronze 1% 1-3
Protein Protein Bronze 1% 1-3
Iron Iron Bronze 1% 1-3
Carbos Carbos Bronze 1% 1-3
Calcium Calcium Bronze 1% 1-3
Zinc Zinc Bronze 1% 1-3
PP Up PP Up Bronze 1% 1-5
PP Max PP Max Bronze 0.2% 1-3
Exp. Candy S Exp. Candy S Bronze 1.6% 5-15
Exp. Candy M Exp. Candy M Bronze 1.6% 5-15
Pearl Pearl Bronze 1.6% 5-10
Stardust Stardust Bronze 1.6% 5-10
Big Bamboo Shoot Big Bamboo Shoot Bronze 1.6% 5-10
Big Mushroom Big Mushroom Bronze 1.6% 5-10
Rare Bone Rare Bone Bronze 1.6% 5-10
Metal Coat Metal Coat Bronze 0.4% 1-2
King's Rock King's Rock Bronze 0.5% 1-2
Razor Claw Razor Claw Bronze 0.5% 1-2
Cracked Pot Cracked Pot Bronze 0.5% 1-2
Unremarkable Teacup Unremarkable Teacup Bronze 0.5% 1-2
Prism Scale Prism Scale Bronze 0.5% 1-2
Razor Fang Razor Fang Bronze 0.5% 1-2
Reaper Cloth Reaper Cloth Bronze 0.5% 1-2
Strawberry Sweet Strawberry Sweet Bronze 0.9% 1-2
Love Sweet Love Sweet Bronze 0.9% 1-2
Berry Sweet Berry Sweet Bronze 0.9% 1-2
Fairy Feather Fairy Feather Bronze 0.5% 1-2
Black Sludge Black Sludge Bronze 0.5% 1-2
Scope Lens Scope Lens Bronze 0.5% 1-2
Toxic Orb Toxic Orb Bronze 0.5% 1-2
Flame Orb Flame Orb Bronze 0.5% 1-2
Metronome Metronome Bronze 0.5% 1-2
Air Balloon Air Balloon Bronze 0.5% 1-2
Leftovers Leftovers Bronze 0.5% 1-2
Light Clay Light Clay Bronze 0.5% 1-2
Safety Goggles Safety Goggles Bronze 0.5% 1-2
Heavy-Duty Boots Heavy-Duty Boots Bronze 0.5% 1-2
Covert Cloak Covert Cloak Bronze 0.5% 1-2
Loaded Dice Loaded Dice Bronze 0.5% 1-2
Focus Band Focus Band Bronze 0.5% 1-2
Full Restore Full Restore Normal 1% 1-5
Max Potion Max Potion Normal 1% 1-5
Hyper Potion Hyper Potion Normal 1% 1-5
Super Potion Super Potion Normal 1% 1-5
Full Heal Full Heal Normal 1% 1-5
Revive Revive Normal 1% 1-5
Max Revive Max Revive Normal 1% 1-5
Ether Ether Normal 1% 1-5
Max Ether Max Ether Normal 1% 1-5
Elixir Elixir Normal 1% 1-5
Max Elixir Max Elixir Normal 1% 1-5
Exp. Candy XS Exp. Candy XS Normal 2% 5-15
Honey Honey Normal 2% 5-10
Tiny Mushroom Tiny Mushroom Normal 2% 5-10
Tiny Bamboo Shoot Tiny Bamboo Shoot Normal 2% 5-10
Pretty Feather Pretty Feather Normal 2% 5-10
Sun Stone Sun Stone Normal 0.5% 1-3
Moon Stone Moon Stone Normal 0.5% 1-3
Fire Stone Fire Stone Normal 0.5% 1-3
Thunder Stone Thunder Stone Normal 0.5% 1-3
Water Stone Water Stone Normal 0.5% 1-3
Leaf Stone Leaf Stone Normal 0.5% 1-3
Shiny Stone Shiny Stone Normal 0.5% 1-3
Dusk Stone Dusk Stone Normal 0.5% 1-3
Dawn Stone Dawn Stone Normal 0.5% 1-3
Ice Stone Ice Stone Normal 0.5% 1-3
Everstone Everstone Normal 0.5% 1-3
Oval Stone Oval Stone Normal 0.5% 1-3
Silver Powder Silver Powder Normal 0.5% 1-2
Soft Sand Soft Sand Normal 0.5% 1-2
Hard Stone Hard Stone Normal 0.5% 1-2
Miracle Seed Miracle Seed Normal 0.5% 1-2
Black Glasses Black Glasses Normal 0.5% 1-2
Black Belt Black Belt Normal 0.5% 1-2
Magnet Magnet Normal 0.5% 1-2
Mystic Water Mystic Water Normal 0.5% 1-2
Sharp Beak Sharp Beak Normal 0.5% 1-2
Poison Barb Poison Barb Normal 0.5% 1-2
Never-Melt Ice Never-Melt Ice Normal 0.5% 1-2
Spell Tag Spell Tag Normal 0.5% 1-2
Twisted Spoon Twisted Spoon Normal 0.5% 1-2
Charcoal Charcoal Normal 0.5% 1-2
Dragon Fang Dragon Fang Normal 0.5% 1-2
Silk Scarf Silk Scarf Normal 0.5% 1-2

List of Poké Ball Lotto Printer items

Picture Item Colour Rarity Amount
Master Ball Master Ball Rainbow 0.75% 1
Safari Ball Safari Ball Rainbow 1.75% 1
Fast Ball Fast Ball Rainbow 1.75% 1
Level Ball Level Ball Rainbow 1.75% 1
Lure Ball Lure Ball Rainbow 1.75% 1
Heavy Ball Heavy Ball Rainbow 1.75% 1
Love Ball Love Ball Rainbow 1.75% 1
Friend Ball Friend Ball Rainbow 1.75% 1
Moon Ball Moon Ball Rainbow 1.75% 1
Sport Ball Sport Ball Rainbow 1.75% 1
Dream Ball Dream Ball Rainbow 1.75% 1
Beast Ball Beast Ball Rainbow 1.75% 1
Luxury Ball Luxury Ball Gold 10% 5
Ultra Ball Ultra Ball Silver 2.05% 5
Net Ball Net Ball Silver 1.85% 5
Dive Ball Dive Ball Silver 1.85% 5
Nest Ball Nest Ball Silver 1.85% 5
Repeat Ball Repeat Ball Silver 1.85% 5
Timer Ball Timer Ball Silver 1.85% 5
Dusk Ball Dusk Ball Silver 1.85% 5
Quick Ball Quick Ball Silver 1.85% 5
Great Ball Great Ball Bronze 12.5% 5
Heal Ball Heal Ball Bronze 12.5% 5
Poke Ball Poke Ball Normal 15% 5
Premier Ball Premier Ball Normal 15% 5

List of Pokémon Material Print Efficiency

Picture Item Value
Poke Ball Great Ultra/Master
Beldum Claw Beldum Claw 45% 54% 68%
Ditto Goo Ditto Goo 45% 54% 68%
Happiny Dust Happiny Dust 45% 54% 68%
Magby Hair Magby Hair 45% 54% 68%
Delibird Parcel Delibird Parcel 36% 43% 54%
Drilbur Claw Drilbur Claw 36% 43% 54%
Duraludon Tarnish Duraludon Tarnish 36% 43% 54%
Lapras Teardrop Lapras Teardrop 36% 43% 54%
Porygon Fragment Porygon Fragment 36% 43% 54%
Rhyhorn Fang Rhyhorn Fang 36% 43% 54%
Spiritomb Fragment Spiritomb Fragment 36% 43% 54%
Axew Scales Axew Scales 30% 36% 45%
Bagon Scales Bagon Scales 30% 36% 45%
Bombirdier Feather Bombirdier Feather 30% 36% 45%
Carbink Jewel Carbink Jewel 30% 36% 45%
Deino Scales Deino Scales 30% 36% 45%
Dratini Scales Dratini Scales 30% 36% 45%
Dreepy Powder Dreepy Powder 30% 36% 45%
Eevee Fur Eevee Fur 30% 36% 45%
Elekid Fur Elekid Fur 30% 36% 45%
Exeggcute Shell Exeggcute Shell 30% 36% 45%
Frigibax Scales Frigibax Scales 30% 36% 45%
Gible Scales Gible Scales 30% 36% 45%
Horsea Ink Horsea Ink 30% 36% 45%
Jangmo-o Scales Jangmo-o Scales 30% 36% 45%
Klawf Claw Klawf Claw 30% 36% 45%
Larvesta Fuzz Larvesta Fuzz 30% 36% 45%
Larvitar Claw Larvitar Claw 30% 36% 45%
Orthworm Tarnish Orthworm Tarnish 30% 36% 45%
Rotom Sparks Rotom Sparks 30% 36% 45%
Sableye Gem Sableye Gem 30% 36% 45%
Tatsugiri Scales Tatsugiri Scales 30% 36% 45%
Tentacool Stinger Tentacool Stinger 30% 36% 45%
Trapinch Shell Trapinch Shell 30% 36% 45%
Blitzle Mane Hair Blitzle Mane Hair 24% 29% 36%
Charcadet Soot Charcadet Soot 24% 29% 36%
Cranidos Spike Cranidos Spike 24% 29% 36%
Dondozo Whisker Dondozo Whisker 24% 29% 36%
Duskull Fragment Duskull Fragment 24% 29% 36%
Gligar Fang Gligar Fang 24% 29% 36%
Luvdisc Scales Luvdisc Scales 24% 29% 36%
Mienfoo Claw Mienfoo Claw 24% 29% 36%
Milcery Cream Milcery Cream 24% 29% 36%
Munchlax Fang Munchlax Fang 24% 29% 36%
Nosepass Fragment Nosepass Fragment 24% 29% 36%
Riolu Fur Riolu Fur 24% 29% 36%
Shieldon Claw Shieldon Claw 24% 29% 36%
Comfey Flower Comfey Flower 21% 25% 32%
Feebas Scales Feebas Scales 21% 25% 32%
Goomy Goo Goomy Goo 21% 25% 32%
Oddish Leaf Oddish Leaf 21% 25% 32%
Poliwag Slime Poliwag Slime 21% 25% 32%
Shellder Pearl Shellder Pearl 21% 25% 32%
Solosis Gel Solosis Gel 21% 25% 32%
Spoink Pearl Spoink Pearl 21% 25% 32%
Swinub Hair Swinub Hair 21% 25% 32%
Torkoal Coal Torkoal Coal 21% 25% 32%
Tropius Leaf Tropius Leaf 21% 25% 32%
Veluza Fillet Veluza Fillet 21% 25% 32%
Vullaby Feather Vullaby Feather 21% 25% 32%
Vulpix Fur Vulpix Fur 21% 25% 32%
Yanma Spike Yanma Spike 21% 25% 32%
Zorua Fur Zorua Fur 21% 25% 32%
Aipom Hair Aipom Hair 18% 22% 27%
Alomomola Mucus Alomomola Mucus 18% 22% 27%
Cottonee Fluff Cottonee Fluff 18% 22% 27%
Cramorant Down Cramorant Down 18% 22% 27%
Cyclizar Scales Cyclizar Scales 18% 22% 27%
Dewpider Thread Dewpider Thread 18% 22% 27%
Dunsparce Scales Dunsparce Scales 18% 22% 27%
Eiscue Down Eiscue Down 18% 22% 27%
Falinks Sweat Falinks Sweat 18% 22% 27%
Geodude Fragment Geodude Fragment 18% 22% 27%
Glimmet Crystal Glimmet Crystal 18% 22% 27%
Golett Shard Golett Shard 18% 22% 27%
Indeedee Fur Indeedee Fur 18% 22% 27%
Inkay Ink Inkay Ink 18% 22% 27%
Litwick Soot Litwick Soot 18% 22% 27%
Oranguru Fur Oranguru Fur 18% 22% 27%
Passimian Fur Passimian Fur 18% 22% 27%
Pikipek Feather Pikipek Feather 18% 22% 27%
Poltchageist Powder Poltchageist Powder 18% 22% 27%
Scraggy Sweat Scraggy Sweat 18% 22% 27%
Seviper Fang Seviper Fang 18% 22% 27%
Stantler Hair Stantler Hair 18% 22% 27%
Stonjourner Stone Stonjourner Stone 18% 22% 27%
Timburr Sweat Timburr Sweat 18% 22% 27%
Wattrel Feather Wattrel Feather 18% 22% 27%
Zangoose Claw Zangoose Claw 18% 22% 27%
Applin Juice Applin Juice 15% 18% 22%
Bellsprout Vine Bellsprout Vine 15% 18% 22%
Bruxish Tooth Bruxish Tooth 15% 18% 22%
Clauncher Claw Clauncher Claw 15% 18% 22%
Cleffa Fur Cleffa Fur 15% 18% 22%
Combee Honey Combee Honey 15% 18% 22%
Crabrawler Shell Crabrawler Shell 15% 18% 22%
Cryogonal Ice Cryogonal Ice 15% 18% 22%
Cutiefly Powder Cutiefly Powder 15% 18% 22%
Dedenne Fur Dedenne Fur 15% 18% 22%
Finizen Mucus Finizen Mucus 15% 18% 22%
Girafarig Fur Girafarig Fur 15% 18% 22%
Grubbin Thread Grubbin Thread 15% 18% 22%
Hawlucha Down Hawlucha Down 15% 18% 22%
Heracross Claw Heracross Claw 15% 18% 22%
Klefki Key Klefki Key 15% 18% 22%
Koffing Gas Koffing Gas 15% 18% 22%
Komala Claw Komala Claw 15% 18% 22%
Murkrow Bauble Murkrow Bauble 15% 18% 22%
Oricorio Feather Oricorio Feather 15% 18% 22%
Pachirisu Fur Pachirisu Fur 15% 18% 22%
Pawmi Fur Pawmi Fur 15% 18% 22%
Pichu Fur Pichu Fur 15% 18% 22%
Pincurchin Spines Pincurchin Spines 15% 18% 22%
Scyther Claw Scyther Claw 15% 18% 22%
Seel Fur Seel Fur 15% 18% 22%
Skarmory Feather Skarmory Feather 15% 18% 22%
Skrelp Kelp Skrelp Kelp 15% 18% 22%
Swablu Fluff Swablu Fluff 15% 18% 22%
Tauros Hair Tauros Hair 15% 18% 22%
Toedscool Flaps Toedscool Flaps 15% 18% 22%
Arrokuda Scales Arrokuda Scales 12% 14% 18%
Basculin Fang Basculin Fang 12% 14% 18%
Bergmite Ice Bergmite Ice 12% 14% 18%
Bonsly Tears Bonsly Tears 12% 14% 18%
Bounsweet Sweat Bounsweet Sweat 12% 14% 18%
Bramblin Twig Bramblin Twig 12% 14% 18%
Bronzor Fragment Bronzor Fragment 12% 14% 18%
Buizel Fur Buizel Fur 12% 14% 18%
Cacnea Needle Cacnea Needle 12% 14% 18%
Capsakid Seed Capsakid Seed 12% 14% 18%
Cetoddle Grease Cetoddle Grease 12% 14% 18%
Chewtle Claw Chewtle Claw 12% 14% 18%
Chingling Fragment Chingling Fragment 12% 14% 18%
Croagunk Poison Croagunk Poison 12% 14% 18%
Cubchoo Fur Cubchoo Fur 12% 14% 18%
Cufant Tarnish Cufant Tarnish 12% 14% 18%
Diglett Dirt Diglett Dirt 12% 14% 18%
Drifloon Gas Drifloon Gas 12% 14% 18%
Fidough Fur Fidough Fur 12% 14% 18%
Finneon Scales Finneon Scales 12% 14% 18%
Flabebe Pollen Flabebe Pollen 12% 14% 18%
Flamigo Down Flamigo Down 12% 14% 18%
Flittle Down Flittle Down 12% 14% 18%
Fomantis Leaf Fomantis Leaf 12% 14% 18%
Foongus Spores Foongus Spores 12% 14% 18%
Gastly Gas Gastly Gas 12% 14% 18%
Gothita Eyelash Gothita Eyelash 12% 14% 18%
Greavard Wax Greavard Wax 12% 14% 18%
Grimer Toxin Grimer Toxin 12% 14% 18%
Growlithe Fur Growlithe Fur 12% 14% 18%
Gulpin Mucus Gulpin Mucus 12% 14% 18%
Hatenna Dust Hatenna Dust 12% 14% 18%
Hippopotas Sand Hippopotas Sand 12% 14% 18%
Houndour Fang Houndour Fang 12% 14% 18%
Impidimp Hair Impidimp Hair 12% 14% 18%
Litleo Tuft Litleo Tuft 12% 14% 18%
Lotad Leaf Lotad Leaf 12% 14% 18%
Magnemite Screw Magnemite Screw 12% 14% 18%
Makuhita Sweat Makuhita Sweat 12% 14% 18%
Mankey Fur Mankey Fur 12% 14% 18%
Mareanie Spike Mareanie Spike 12% 14% 18%
Maschiff Fang Maschiff Fang 12% 14% 18%
Meditite Sweat Meditite Sweat 12% 14% 18%
Meowth Fur Meowth Fur 12% 14% 18%
Minun Fur Minun Fur 12% 14% 18%
Misdreavus Tears Misdreavus Tears 12% 14% 18%
Mudbray Mud Mudbray Mud 12% 14% 18%
Nacli Salt Nacli Salt 12% 14% 18%
Noibat Fur Noibat Fur 12% 14% 18%
Numel Lava Numel Lava 12% 14% 18%
Pawniard Blade Pawniard Blade 12% 14% 18%
Phanpy Nail Phanpy Nail 12% 14% 18%
Phantump Twig Phantump Twig 12% 14% 18%
Pineco Husk Pineco Husk 12% 14% 18%
Plusle Fur Plusle Fur 12% 14% 18%
Qwilfish Spines Qwilfish Spines 12% 14% 18%
Ralts Dust Ralts Dust 12% 14% 18%
Rellor Mud Rellor Mud 12% 14% 18%
Rockruff Rock Rockruff Rock 12% 14% 18%
Rolycoly Coal Rolycoly Coal 12% 14% 18%
Rookidee Feather Rookidee Feather 12% 14% 18%
Rufflet Feather Rufflet Feather 12% 14% 18%
Salandit Gas Salandit Gas 12% 14% 18%
Sandile Claw Sandile Claw 12% 14% 18%
Sandygast Sand Sandygast Sand 12% 14% 18%
Seedot Stem Seedot Stem 12% 14% 18%
Sewaddle Leaf Sewaddle Leaf 12% 14% 18%
Shellos Mucus Shellos Mucus 12% 14% 18%
Shroodle Ink Shroodle Ink 12% 14% 18%
Shroomish Spores Shroomish Spores 12% 14% 18%
Shuppet Scrap Shuppet Scrap 12% 14% 18%
Silicobra Sand Silicobra Sand 12% 14% 18%
Sinistea Chip Sinistea Chip 12% 14% 18%
Skiddo Leaf Skiddo Leaf 12% 14% 18%
Slowpoke Claw Slowpoke Claw 12% 14% 18%
Slugma Lava Slugma Lava 12% 14% 18%
Smoliv Oil Smoliv Oil 12% 14% 18%
Sneasel Claw Sneasel Claw 12% 14% 18%
Snom Thread Snom Thread 12% 14% 18%
Snorunt Fur Snorunt Fur 12% 14% 18%
Squawkabilly Feather Squawkabilly Feather 12% 14% 18%
Stunky Fur Stunky Fur 12% 14% 18%
Tadbulb Mucus Tadbulb Mucus 12% 14% 18%
Tandemaus Fur Tandemaus Fur 12% 14% 18%
Teddiursa Claw Teddiursa Claw 12% 14% 18%
Tinkatink Hair Tinkatink Hair 12% 14% 18%
Toxel Sparks Toxel Sparks 12% 14% 18%
Tynamo Slime Tynamo Slime 12% 14% 18%
Varoom Fume Varoom Fume 12% 14% 18%
Venonat Fang Venonat Fang 12% 14% 18%
Voltorb Sparks Voltorb Sparks 12% 14% 18%
Wiglett Sand Wiglett Sand 12% 14% 18%
Azurill Fur Azurill Fur 9% 11% 14%
Barboach Slime Barboach Slime 9% 11% 14%
Chinchou Sparks Chinchou Sparks 9% 11% 14%
Deerling Hair Deerling Hair 9% 11% 14%
Drowzee Fur Drowzee Fur 9% 11% 14%
Ducklett Feather Ducklett Feather 9% 11% 14%
Ekans Fang Ekans Fang 9% 11% 14%
Espurr Fur Espurr Fur 9% 11% 14%
Fletchling Feather Fletchling Feather 9% 11% 14%
Hoothoot Feather Hoothoot Feather 9% 11% 14%
Hoppip Leaf Hoppip Leaf 9% 11% 14%
Igglybuff Fluff Igglybuff Fluff 9% 11% 14%
Lechonk Hair Lechonk Hair 9% 11% 14%
Mareep Wool Mareep Wool 9% 11% 14%
Minccino Fur Minccino Fur 9% 11% 14%
Morpeko Snack Morpeko Snack 9% 11% 14%
Nymble Claw Nymble Claw 9% 11% 14%
Petilil Leaf Petilil Leaf 9% 11% 14%
Poochyena Fang Poochyena Fang 9% 11% 14%
Psyduck Down Psyduck Down 9% 11% 14%
Shinx Fang Shinx Fang 9% 11% 14%
Skwovet Fur Skwovet Fur 9% 11% 14%
Slakoth Fur Slakoth Fur 9% 11% 14%
Snover Berries Snover Berries 9% 11% 14%
Snubbull Hair Snubbull Hair 9% 11% 14%
Starly Feather Starly Feather 9% 11% 14%
Sunkern Leaf Sunkern Leaf 9% 11% 14%
Surskit Syrup Surskit Syrup 9% 11% 14%
Tarountula Thread Tarountula Thread 9% 11% 14%
Tyrogue Sweat Tyrogue Sweat 9% 11% 14%
Wingull Feather Wingull Feather 9% 11% 14%
Wooper Slime Wooper Slime 9% 11% 14%
Yungoos Fur Yungoos Fur 9% 11% 14%
Corphish Shell Corphish Shell 6% 7% 9%
Doduo Down Doduo Down 6% 7% 9%
Illumise Fluid Illumise Fluid 6% 7% 9%
Joltik Thread Joltik Thread 6% 7% 9%
Kricketot Shell Kricketot Shell 6% 7% 9%
Magikarp Scales Magikarp Scales 6% 7% 9%
Mimikyu Scrap Mimikyu Scrap 6% 7% 9%
Minior Shell Minior Shell 6% 7% 9%
Sandshrew Claw Sandshrew Claw 6% 7% 9%
Scatterbug Powder Scatterbug Powder 6% 7% 9%
Sentret Fur Sentret Fur 6% 7% 9%
Smeargle Paint Smeargle Paint 6% 7% 9%
Spinarak Thread Spinarak Thread 6% 7% 9%
Volbeat Fluid Volbeat Fluid 6% 7% 9%
Gimmighoul Coin Gimmighoul Coin 3% 4% 5%

Thanks to Kurt for the working out the mechanics.