Special Costume
Special Costume


Picture Name Role Base Rarity
Shauna Artwork
Standard Outfit EX Outfit
Shauna Support ☆☆☆☆☆

Obtaining Methods

Summon Location
Sync Pair ScoutingSygna Suit Lyra Master Fair Scout (July 25th 2024 - August 25th 2024) - 0.161%
Double Feature Poke Fair Scout (July 19th 2024 - August 2nd 2024) - 0.112%
Greta Poke Fair Scout (July 16th 2024 - August 7th 2024) - 0.112%
Avery Poke Fair Scout (July 14th 2024 - August 7th 2024) - 0.112%
Klara Poke Fair Scout (July 12th 2024 - August 7th 2024) - 0.112%
and more...

Pokédex Entry

Flavor Text
ShaunaThis Trainer from Kalos loves Pokémon and fashion. She's usually cheerful and upbeat, but when a battle starts, her demeanor shifts, revealing her calm, serious side.
Special Costume
Shauna is wearing a special outfit. Her attentive nature and partnership with Klefki may be the key to solving the mystery game!
Shauna Mindscape

Shauna's Pokémon

Shauna & Chesnaught

Picture Name Focal Move Type Weakness
Chesnaught Image
English: Chesnaught
Japan: Brigarron
French: Blindépique
German: Brigaron
Korean: 브리가론
Grass-type Psychic-type
Passive Skills
Team Dauntless Defender 9: Raises the Defense and Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Block and Charge 3: Charges the user's move gauge by 3 when it nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture.
Sync Burst 1: Restores 1 MP for the user the first time its sync move is used each battle.
Theme Skills
Grass Support - Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 30
Kalos: Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4
Rival: Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4
Pigtails: Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4.
Expedition Skills
Rare + 2
Fiery -2

Standard Max Level (Lv. 150) Stats
HPAttackDefenseSp. AtkSp. DefSpeed
767 238 268 354 268 255
5 Star Max Potential Stats
867 278 308 394 308 295

NameTypeCategoryMax PowerAccuracyMove SlotsTarget
Vine Whip Grass-typePhysical Category Move 20-24 100 2 (Gauge) Opponent
No additional effect
Mini Potion All  Other Category Move   2 (Max Uses) All allies
Restores the HP of all allied sync pairs by approximately 20% of their maximum HP.
Spiky Shield Grass-typeOther Category Move   2 (Gauge)
2 (Max Uses)
The user takes up a defensive posture. Using this move again will make the user leave this defensive posture. No other actions can be taken when in this defensive posture. Nullifies moves when hit while in this defensive posture, then the user leaves the defensive posture. If the move was a physical attack move, deals damage to the opponent that used it.
Off We Go!  Other Category Move   2 (Max Uses) Self
Raises the Attack of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks. Raises the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank.

Sync Moves
NameTypeCategoryMax PowerTarget
Thorny Needle Arm Grass-typePhysical Category Move 250-300 Opponent
No Additional effect
EX Sync Effect: Once per battle, the stat increase after using sync move is doubled.

Shauna & Klefki

Picture Name Focal Move Type Weakness
Klefki Image
English: Klefki
Japan: Cleffy
French: Trousselin
German: Clavion
Korean: 클레피
Steel-type Ground-type
Passive Skills
Team Stat Steal 9: Lowers one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed. Raises this stat for all allied sync pairs by the same amount.
Retaliatory Stat Steal 9: Lowers one of the following stats of an opponent that attacked the user by 1 stat rank at random when the user is hit by an attack move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed. Raises the user's stat by the same amount.
Full-Bracing Command 9: Raises the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1 stat rank when its Trainer uses a move.
Theme Skills
Steel Support - Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 30
Kalos: Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4
Rival: Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4
Pigtails: Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4.
Expedition Skills

Standard Max Level (Lv. 150) Stats
HPAttackDefenseSp. AtkSp. DefSpeed
613 210 298 220 290 284
5 Star Max Potential Stats
713 250 338 260 330 324

NameTypeCategoryMax PowerAccuracyMove SlotsTarget
Tackle Normal-typePhysical Category Move 25-30 100 1 (Gauge) Opponent
No additional effect
Potion  Other Category Move   2 (Max Uses) Ally
Restores an ally's HP by approximately 40% of its maximum HP
Mirror Shot Steel-typeSpecial Category Move 57-68 85 2 (Gauge) Opponent
Has a moderate chance of lowering the target's accuracy.
I Think I've Got It!  Other Category Move   2 (Max Uses) Allied Side
Applies the Status Move Defense effect to the allied field of play. Applies the Stat Reduction Defense effect to the allied field of play. Raises the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs by 2 stat ranks.

Sync Moves
NameTypeCategoryMax PowerTarget
Piece It Together Steel Beam Steel-typeSpecial Category Move 250-300 Opponent
No additional effect
EX Sync Effect: Once per battle, the stat increase after using sync move is doubled.

Sync Grid

Name Effect Energy Requirement Sync Orb Requirement Sync Move Level Requirement
HP 10 HP 10 0 5 1
Attack 5 Attack 5 0 5 1
Defense 5 Defense 5 0 5 1
Attack 5 Attack 5 0 5 1
Sp. Def 5 Sp. Def 5 0 5 1
Speed 5 Speed 5 0 5 1
Defense 5 Defense 5 2 24 1
Sp. Def 5 Sp. Def 5 2 24 1
Speed 5 Speed 5 2 24 1
Attack 5 Attack 5 2 24 1
Vine Whip: Power 4 Vine Whip: Power Up 4 3 36 1
Vine Whip: Power 4 Vine Whip: Power Up 4 3 36 2
Vine Whip: Power 4 Vine Whip: Power Up 4 3 36 1
Vine Whip: Move Gauge Refresh 3 Move: Vine Whip Has a chance (40%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful. 7 84 2
Rejuvenate 6 Charges the user's move gauge by 6 after using a sync move. 10 120 3
Vine Whip: Attack Trap 2 Move: Vine Whip Has a chance (30%) of leaving the target trapped when the user's attack move against it is successful. 9 108 2
Vigilance Protects the user against critical hits. 10 120 3
Defense 5 Defense 5 2 24 1
HP 10 HP 10 2 24 1
HP 10 HP 10 2 24 1
Vine Whip: Power 4 Vine Whip: Power Up 4 3 36 1
Power Reserves 5 Powers up the user's moves when in a pinch. 8 96 2
Vine Whip: Power 4 Vine Whip: Power Up 4 3 36 2
Spiky Shield: MP Refresh 2 Move: Spiky Shield Has a chance (30%) of restoring one MP of the user's move when that move is successful. 7 84 2
Team Def. Posture Physical Up 9 Increases the Physical Moves ? Next effect of all allied sync pairs by 1 rank when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture. This effect can activate only once per battle. 10 120 3
Brisk Bulwark 9 Reduces the user's sync move countdown by 1 when the user nullifies an opponent's move while in a defensive posture. This effect can activate only once per battle. 10 120 3
Speed 5 Speed 5 2 24 1
Unbending Defense cannot be lowered. 5 60 1
Sp. Def 5 Sp. Def 5 2 24 1
Defense 5 Defense 5 2 24 1
HP 10 HP 10 2 24 1
Verdant Recovery 1 Restores the user's HP whenever its Pokémon takes an action when the terrain is Grassy Terrain. 8 96 2
Defense 10 Defense 10 4 48 1
Off We Go!: MP Refresh 2 Move: Off We Go! Has a chance (30%) of restoring one MP of the user's move when that move is successful. 7 84 2
Endurance When the user enters battle with full HP, applies the Enduring effect to it. 10 120 3
Turbo Turf 2 Quickly charges the move gauge when the terrain is Grassy Terrain. 9 108 2
Off We Go!: Shielded 1 Move: Off We Go! Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user's move is successful. 10 120 3
Escape Artist Prevents the user from becoming trapped. 5 60 1
Attack 5 Attack 5 2 24 1
Sp. Def 5 Sp. Def 5 2 24 1
Sp. Def 5 Sp. Def 5 2 24 1
Team Sentry Entry 1 Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user enters a battle. 8 96 2
Team Wise Entry 1 Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user enters a battle. 8 96 2
Natural Remedy Removes all status conditions from the user the first time it is inflicted by any status condition each battle. 7 84 2
Mini Potion All: MP Refresh 2 Move: Mini Potion All Has a chance (30%) of restoring one MP of the user's move when that move is successful. 7 84 3
Mini Potion All: Master Healer 1 Move: Mini Potion All Increases the amount of HP restored by the user's healing moves. 10 120 3
Thorny Needle Arm: Power 25 Thorny Needle Arm: Power Up 25 5 60 3
Thorny Needle Arm: Power 25 Thorny Needle Arm: Power Up 25 5 60 3

Shauna Special Costume

Picture Name Role Base Rarity
Shauna Artwork
Standard Outfit EX Outfit
Shauna Support


Shauna Special Costume Mindscape

Sync Grid

Name Effect Energy Requirement Sync Orb Requirement Sync Move Level Requirement
HP 10 HP 10 0 5 1
Attack 5 Attack 5 0 5 1
Defense 5 Defense 5 0 5 1
Sp. Atk 5 Sp. Atk 5 0 5 1
Sp. Def 5 Sp. Def 5 0 5 1
Speed 5 Speed 5 0 5 1
Speed 5 Speed 5 2 24 1
Attack 5 Attack 5 2 24 1
Attack 5 Attack 5 2 24 1
Tackle: Power 4 Tackle: Power Up 4 3 36 1
Tackle: Power 4 Tackle: Power Up 4 3 36 1
Tackle: Move Gauge Refresh 3 Move: Tackle Has a chance (40%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful. 7 84 2
Tackle: Power 4 Tackle: Power Up 4 3 36 1
Attack Trap 4 Has a chance (50%) of leaving the target trapped when the user's attack move against it is successful. 10 120 2
Team Stat Steal 4 Has a chance (50%) of lowering one of the target's following stats by 1 stat rank at random when the user's attack move against it is successful: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed. Raises this stat for all allied sync pairs by the same amount. 10 120 3
Team Grand Entry 1 Raises the Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user enters a battle. 7 84 2
Endurance When the user enters battle with full HP, applies the Enduring effect to it. 10 120 3
Defense 5 Defense 5 2 24 1
Sp. Def 5 Sp. Def 5 2 24 1
HP 10 HP 10 2 24 1
Tackle: Power 4 Tackle: Power Up 4 3 36 1
Potion: MP Refresh 2 Move: Potion Has a chance (30%) of restoring one MP of the user's move when that move is successful. 7 84 2
Tackle: Power 4 Tackle: Power Up 4 3 36 2
Potion: Master Healer 1 Move: Potion Increases the amount of HP restored by the user's healing moves. 10 120 2
Potion: MP Refresh 2 Move: Potion Has a chance (30%) of restoring one MP of the user's move when that move is successful. 7 84 3
Potion: Master Healer 1 Move: Potion Increases the amount of HP restored by the user's healing moves. 10 120 3
HP 10 HP 10 2 24 1
Unbending Defense cannot be lowered. 5 60 1
Sp. Atk 5 Sp. Atk 5 2 24 1
Mirror Shot: Accuracy 5 Mirror Shot: Accuracy Up 5 3 36 1
Mirror Shot: Power 4 Mirror Shot: Power Up 4 3 36 1
Mirror Shot: On a Roll 1 Move: Mirror Shot Raises the chance of lowering stat values with the additional effects of moves. 7 84 2
Mirror Shot: Power 4 Mirror Shot: Power Up 4 3 36 1
Mirror Shot: Move Gauge Refresh 3 Move: Mirror Shot Has a chance (40%) of charging the user's move gauge by one when a move is successful. 7 84 2
Team Gimme Five 1 Raises the Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank the first time the user's sync move is used each battle. 10 120 3
Mirror Shot: Accuracy 10 Mirror Shot: Accuracy Up 10 5 60 2
HP 40 HP 40 7 84 3
Sand Shelter Protects the user from damage from a sandstorm. 5 60 1
Mirror Shot: Power 4 Mirror Shot: Power Up 4 3 36 1
Mirror Shot: Power 4 Mirror Shot: Power Up 4 3 36 1
Mirror Shot: Power 4 Mirror Shot: Power Up 4 3 36 1
Debut Regen Applies the Gradual Healing effect to the user the first time the user enters a battle each battle. 7 84 2
Team Fierce Entry 1 Raises the Attack of all allied sync pairs by 1 stat rank when the user enters a battle. 7 84 2
I Think I've Got It!: MP Refresh 2 Move: I Think I've Got It! Has a chance (30%) of restoring one MP of the user's move when that move is successful. 7 84 2
Retaliatory Stat Steal 9 Lowers one of the following stats of an opponent that attacked the user by 1 stat rank at random when the user is hit by an attack move: Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed. Raises the user's stat by the same amount. 10 120 3
I Think I've Got It!: Physical Damage Reducer 9 Move: I Think I've Got It! Applies the Physical Damage Reduction effect to the allied field of play when the user's move is successful. 10 120 3
Piece It Together Steel Beam: Power 25 Piece It Together Steel Beam: Power Up 25 5 60 3
Piece It Together Steel Beam: Power 25 Piece It Together Steel Beam: Power Up 25 5 60 3