Picture |
Trainer |
Lyra |
Support | Chikorita Bayleef Meganium |
Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4 |
Lyra (Summer 2020) |
Strike | Jigglypuff |
Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 3 |
Lyra |
Tech | Vaporeon |
Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 2 Raises the maximum HP of all allied Sync Pairs by 2 |
Lyra (Special Costume) |
Support | Phanpy |
Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4 |
Maylene |
Support | Meditite Medicham |
Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4 |
Whitney |
Tech | Miltank |
Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 2 Raises the maximum HP of all allied Sync Pairs by 2 |
Whitney (Holidays 2022) |
Tech | Sawsbuck (Winter Form) |
Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 2 Raises the maximum HP of all allied Sync Pairs by 2 |
Ethan |
Strike | Cyndaquil Quilava Typhlosion |
Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 3 |
Ethan |
Sprint | Ho-Oh |
Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 2. Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 2 |
Jasmine |
Support | Steelix Steelix (Mega Steelix) |
Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4 |
Jasmine (Special Costume) |
Support | Celesteela |
Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4 |
Jasmine (Holidays 2022) |
Support | Ampharos Ampharos (Mega Ampharos) |
Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4 |
Falkner |
Support | Swellow |
Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4 |
Falkner ( (BP)) |
Support | Pidgeot |
Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4 |
Falkner |
Support | Noctowl |
Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4 |