#0725 Litten
Gen VII Dex

| Ash | Professor Kukui | Special/Other Trainers | Wild |

Ash's Litten

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
964 One Journey Ends, Another Begins... It is Time for Litten to Set Off!! Pics
965 A Shivering Shovel Search! Beware of Shovels!! Pics
967 Alolan Open House! Alola! The First Visitation Day!! Pics
969 So Long, Sophocles! Farewell, Sophocles! Pics
970 A Glaring Rivalry! Come Forth, Lycanroc with the Crimson Look!! Pics
971 Pulling Out the Pokémon Base Pepper The Fierce Pokébase Match! Aim for a Home Run to Turn the Tide!! Pics
972 Lulled to La-La Land! Hey Mush, Are You Going to Sleep in the Morelull Forest Too? Pics
973 The Ol' Raise and Switch Lillie, Take Good Care of Pikachu Pics
974 The Island Whisperer! Enter Olivia! Cry and Laugh, Island Queen!! Pics
977 A Crowning Moment of Truth! A Fire Battle! Marowak Shows Up! Pics
978 Currying Favor and Flavor! A Curry-zy Beautiful Battle! The Dance of Lurantis! Pics
979 Trials and Determinations! Olivia's Grand Trial! The Hardest Pokémon Match Ever!! Pics
980 Rising from the Ruins! Rockruff and the Guardian Diety of the Ruins of Life! Pics
985 Alola, Kanto An Alola! in Kanto! Brock & Misty! Pics
986 When Regions Collide Gym Battle! Z-Move VS Mega Evolution!! Pics
987 A Dream Encounter! Ash and Nebby! A Mysterious Encounter!! Pics
988 Now You See Them, Now You Don't! Nebby's Panic! The Teleport Happened Suddenly!! Pics
990 A Masked Warning! Gladion & Silvally! The Confinement Mask!! Pics
991 Night of a Thousand Poses! Strike a Fully Powered Pose for a Sleepover! Pics
992 Mission: Total Recall! Lillie & Silvally: Memories Reborn! Pics
993 Faba's Revenge! Faba Strikes Back! Nebby Gets Abducted!! Pics
996 Rescuing the Unwilling! Hurry Up! Operation: Rescue Lusamine!! Pics
997 10,000,000 Reasons to Fight! Shine, Z-Power Ring! A Super Fully Powered 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt!! Pics
998 The Professors' New Adventure! Thank You, Solgaleo! You are Our Nebby!! Pics
999 Let Sleeping Pokémon Lie! A Strong Sleeper: Komala's Secret Pics
1000 The Dex Can't Help It! Rotom Won't Stop Undergoing Forme Change! Pics
1001 Fighting Back The Tears! Don't Cry-de, Mareanie! Pics
1002 Tasting the Bitter with the Sweet! Mallow & Lana: Bittersweet Memories! Pics
1003 Getting a Jump on the Competition! Lillie is Soaring Through The Air! The PokéSled Jump Tournament! Pics
1004 A Mission of Ultra Urgency! Set Off! You Are Our Ultra Guardians!! Pics
1005 Acting True to Form! The Dark Meowth is Alolan Meowth!? Pics
1006 Pushing the Fiery Envelope! Burn with Passion, Litten! Down with Incineroar!! Pics
1018 Some Kind of Laziness! Tapu Bulu! Intense Slacker Training!! Pics
1089 Thank You, Alola! The Journey Continues! Thank You, Alola! Respective Departures!! Pics

Professor Kukui's Litten

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
1068 A Timeless Encounter! Ash: A Timeless Encounter! Pics
1084 Exhibition Unmasked! Final Battle! Ash VS Kukui!! Pics

Special/Other Trainers's Litten

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
1043 Battling the Beast Within! The Lightning that Blocks Wind! Its name is Zeraora! Pics
1 The Pendant That Starts It All: Part One The Pendant It All Started With! (Part 1) Pics

Wild Litten

# -English Episode Name- -Jp. Episode Name- Pics
944 Alola to New Adventure! Alola! New Islands, New Pokémon!! Pics
946 Loading the Dex! Good Rotomorning, I am the Rotomdex, Roto! Pics
947 First Catch in Alola, Ketchum-style! Enter Rowlet! I Got A Pokémon in Alola!! Pics
948 Yo, Ho, Ho! Go, Popplio! Popplio, Do Your Balloonest! Pics
950 That's Why Litten is a Scamp! The Marketplace Wanderer, Litten! Pics
959 They Might Not Be Giants! A Tiny Trio on a Big Adventure!! Pics
963 Partner Promises! The Promise Between Ash and Pikachu!! Pics
964 One Journey Ends, Another Begins... It is Time for Litten to Set Off!! Pics
975 Treasure Hunt, Akala Style! We Found a Treasure! Stoutland Search!! Pics
M20 Pokémon! I Choose You! Pokémon! I Choose You! Pics
1026 Dummy, You Shrunk the Kids! Ash Becomes Tiny Pics
1051 Memories in the Mist! In Tapu Fini's Mist Pics
40 Farewell, Sprigatito? Farewell, Sprigatito Pics
87 TBC The Guidance of the Black Rayquaza Pics

<--- #724