Footprint Details |
Location: Freezington
As you start going through the story in the Crown Tundra, near a house in Freezington you will find some footprints. Sonia will let you know that are some mysterious footprints going around The Crown Tundra and that they're tied to certain Legendary Pokémon and say you need to collect enough data to get 100% of a reading on them and then she'll be able to track their locations. Each footprint provides 2% of the data meaning you will need to collect 50 of each kind of footprint. More than 50 footprints for each species appears and they can respawn and appear in different locations meaning it's more open for you to find them. Typically they're found around the edges of grass, walls and so forth. |
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Footprint Locations
Iron Will Footprints - Cobalion |
Location: Frigid Sea, Roaring-Sea Caves, Three-Point Pass Around Frigid Sea, Roaring-Sea Caves, Three-Point Pass, you'll be able to find Cobalion's footprints. These are prominently noticeable as they have a blue shimmer to them. These footprints typically are close together to set out a path for travel. Obtain them all and Sonia will point you towards Frigid Sea to get Cobalion
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Cavern Footprints - Terrakion |
Location: Lakeside Cave, Ballimere Lake, Dyna Tree Hill Around Lakeside Cave, Ballimere Lake & Dyna Tree Hill, you'll be able to find Terrakion footprints. These are can be harder to see as they are brown. These footprints typically are close together to set out a path for travel. Obtain them all and Sonia will point you towards Lakeside Cave to get Terrakion
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Grassland Footprints - Virizion |
Location: Frostpoint Field, Giant's Bed, Old Cemetery Around Frostpoint Field, Giant's Bed & Old Cemetery, you'll be able to find Virizion footprints. These are bright green but can blend into the grass. The footprints for Virizion aren't as close together as Cobalion & Virizion's but can often be found near foliage. Obtain them all and Sonia will point you towards Giant's Bed to get Virizion
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Keldeo |
Location: Ballimere Lake After reporting catching all three Legendary Pokémon to Sonia, there will be a lone footprint by a pot on a small island in Ballimere Lake. If you take Cobalion, Terrakion and Virizion there and make a curry, Keldeo will appear in its Resolute Form
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