
Abilities, a feature that was introduced in the games Ruby/Sapphire have become a vital aid to every Pokémon trainer. Each of the 386 Pokémon have a special Ability
some unique to that Pokémon, others spread about through many other Pokémon. Some Pokémon even get a selection of two Abilities, however it can only have one and once it has that one, it's stuck with that one
Abilities tend to range from having certain battle effects such as Paralysis when Physical Contact is made
to allowing Wild Pokémon to appear more on the Overworld. All Pokémon games since Ruby & Sapphire have made use of these abilities. However in Pokémon Emerald
certain abilities received an extra boost and an additional
This page is to allow for an easy look at each of the different abilities including lists of the Pokémon that know the ability:
Adaptibility |
In-Battle Effect:
If this Pokémon uses an attack that has the same type as it, then the move's power is increased
Aftermath |
In-Battle Effect:
If this Pokémon was fainted by a Physical Attack, the opponent receives damage
Air Lock |
Game's Text:
Negates weather effects.
In-Battle Effect:
All weather effects are nulled while this Pokémon is on the field
Anger Point |
In-Battle Effect:
This Pokémon's attack rises when hit with a Critical Hit
Arena Trap |
Game's Text:
Prevents Fleeing
In-Battle Effect:
The opponent can niether run or switch. Flying type Pokémon and those with the Levitate Ability are unaffected. If this Pokémon switches out, the opponent is still trapped for that turn. The opponent can still switch using Baton Pass
Overworld Effect:
If the Pokémon is at the leading place in your party, the chance of encountering the wild Pokémon is increased to 200% of normal.
Bad Dreams |
In-Battle Effect:
If the opponent is alseep, it loses health every turn
Cacophony |
Game's Text:
Avoids sound-based moves.
In-Battle Effect:
Unaffected by sound moves.
Cloud Nine |
Game's Text:
Negates weather effects.
In-Battle Effect:
All weather effects are nulled while this Pokémon is on the field
Color Change |
Game's Text:
Changes type to foe's move.
In-Battle Effect:
This Pokémon's type becomes the type of the last damaging move which hit it.
Download |
In-Battle Effect:
Depending on foe's strongest stat, this Pokémon raises itself in that stat
Drizzle |
Game's Text:
Summons rain in battle.
In-Battle Effect:
Weather changes to Rain when the Pokémon enters the battle.
Drought |
Game's Text:
Summons sunlight in battle.
In-Battle Effect:
Weather changes to Sunshine when the Pokémon enters the battle.
Dry Skin |
In-Battle Effect:
If Sunny Day is in Effect, this Pokémon's HP Decreases. If Rain Dance is in effect, this Pokémon's HP increases
Filter |
In-Battle Effect:
If the opponent attacks this Pokémon with an attack that is Super Effective, the attack does half damage
Flower Gift |
In-Battle Effect:
Form Changes when Sunny Day is in effect. Stats are also raised
Forecast |
Game's Text:
Changes with the weather.
In-Battle Effect:
This Pokémon's type and figure change with the weather.
Forewarn |
In-Battle Effect:
Allows you to see all of your opponent's attacks
Frisk |
In-Battle Effect:
Allows you to see your opponent's hold items
Gluttony |
In-Battle Effect:
This Pokémon Uses Held Berries quicker
Heat Proof |
In-Battle Effect:
Fire Attacks used against this Pokémon have their damage lowered
Honey Gather |
In-Battle Effect:
Collects Sweet Honey after battle
Hydration |
In-Battle Effect:
When Rain Dance is in effect, All Status Effects on this Pokémon are Cured
Immunity |
Game's Text:
Prevents Poisoning.
In-Battle Effect:
The Pokémon cannot be Poisoned while having this ability
Iron Fist |
In-Battle Effect:
This Pokémon's Punching Attacks are increased in power
Klutz |
In-Battle Effect:
This Pokémon cannot use Hold Items
Magic Guard |
In-Battle Effect:
Only attacks that do damage work on this Pokémon
Marvel Scale |
Game's Text:
Ups Defense if suffering.
In-Battle Effect:
Defense raises to 1.5 times the normal when induced with a status (Burn, Paralyze, Sleep, Poison, Freeze)
Minus |
Game's Text:
Powers up with Plus.
In-Battle Effect:
When battling with Plus
Special Attack increases to 1.5 times the normal.
Mold Breaker |
In-Battle Effect:
The Opponent's Ability has no effect
Motor Drive |
In-Battle Effect:
When this Pokémon is hit with an Electric attack, it's speed Increases
MultiType |
In-Battle Effect:
Depending on the Plate attached, this Pokémon's type and form change
No Guard |
In-Battle Effect:
All Attacks while this Pokémon is in Battle have 100% Accuracy
Normalize |
In-Battle Effect:
All this Pokémon's moves are of Normal type
Plus |
Game's Text:
Powers up with Minus.
In-Battle Effect:
When battling with Minus
Special Attack becomes 1.5 times the normal.
Poison Heal |
In-Battle Effect:
HP Increases when afflicted with a Status Condition
Pure Power |
Game's Text:
Raises Attack.
In-Battle Effect:
The Pokémon's attack power is doubled in battle while having this ability.
Reckless |
In-Battle Effect:
All retaliatory moves have increased power
Rough Skin |
Game's Text:
Hurts to touch.
In-Battle Effect:
The opponent is hurt by 1/16th hit points of recoil when using an attack, that requires physical contact, against this Pokémon.
Scrappy |
In-Battle Effect:
Allows this Pokémon to hit Ghost Type Pokémon with Normal & Fighting type moves
Shadow Tag |
Game's Text:
Prevents the foe's escape.
In-Battle Effect:
The opponent cannot run nor switch. If this Pokémon switches, the opponent will remain trapped. The opponent may still switch by using Baton Pass.
Simple |
In-Battle Effect:
Effects from the user's Hold Items and Attacks are increased
Skill Link |
In-Battle Effect:
Raises number of hits when using moves that hit multiple times
Slow Start |
In-Battle Effect:
This Pokémon's Attack & Speed is halved for the first few turns
Snow Warning |
In-Battle Effect:
When this Pokémon is brought into battle, a Snow Storm blasts
Solar Power |
In-Battle Effect:
When Sunny Day is in effect, HP decreases but Special Attack increases
Solid Rock |
In-Battle Effect:
Any Attacks that are Super Effective on this Pokémon have their damage lowered
Stall |
In-Battle Effect:
This Pokémon always moves slower than the foe
Steadfast |
In-Battle Effect:
This Pokémon's speed increases when flinched
Storm Drain |
In-Battle Effect:
All Water Attacks are drawn to this Pokémon
Suction Cups |
Game's Text:
Firmly anchors the body.
In-Battle Effect:
This Pokémon cannot be switched if the opponent uses Roar or Whirlwind.
Overworld Effect:
When fishing, Pokémon are easier to catch.
Super Luck |
In-Battle Effect:
Higher Chance of performing a Critical Hit
Tangled Feet |
In-Battle Effect:
Evasion Increases when Confused
Tinted Lens |
In-Battle Effect:
After using an ineffective attack, the power of that attack increases
Truant |
Game's Text:
Moves only every two turns.
In-Battle Effect:
This Pokémon cannot attack consecutively while having this ability.
Unaware |
In-Battle Effect:
The foe's stat changes are ignored
Unburden |
In-Battle Effect:
If this Pokémon has no hold item, its speed increases.
White Smoke |
Game's Text:
Prevents ability reduction.
In-Battle Effect:
Opponents' moves which lower this Pokémon's stat values have no effect. However this Pokémon may lower its own stats with its own moves.
Overworld Effect:
If the Pokémon is in the leading place in your party, chance of encountering a wild Pokémon decreases to 50%.
Wonder Guard |
Game's Text:
"Super effective" hits.
In-Battle Effect:
The Pokémon is only harmed by Super Effective damage, weather effects and condition effects.