
EffectStrike: Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 2
Tech: Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Raises the maximum HP of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Support: Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4

List of Sync Pairs with the Galar Theme Skill

Picture Trainer Role Pokémon Effect
Gloria StrikeZacian (Crowned Sword) Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 2
Gloria (Summer 2021) StrikeInteleon Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 2
Gloria (Dojo Uniform) TechUrshifu (Rapid Strike) Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Raises the maximum HP of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Gloria SupportThwackey Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4
Gloria (Alt. 2) TechCinderace
Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Raises the maximum HP of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Piers SupportObstagoon Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4
Piers (Sygna Suit) StrikeToxtricity (Low-Key Forme) Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 2
Leon StrikeCharizard Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 2
Leon (Sygna Suit) StrikeEternatus Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 2
Leon (Holidays 2021) StrikeCalyrex (Ice Rider) Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 2
Leon (Alt. ) TechDragapult Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Raises the maximum HP of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Leon (Arc Suit) MultiCharizard
Marnie TechMorpeko
Morpeko (Hangry Mode)
Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Raises the maximum HP of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Marnie (Summer 2021) TechGrimmsnarl Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Raises the maximum HP of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Marnie (Palentine's 2022) TechMawile
Mawile (Mega Mawile)
Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Raises the maximum HP of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Marnie TechToxicroak Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Raises the maximum HP of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Marnie (Neo Champion) StrikeMoltres (Galarian Form) Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 2
Marnie ((Variety)) FieldCinderace Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 1. Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1
Raihan StrikeDuraludon Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 2
Raihan (Anniversary 2022) TechFlygon Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Raises the maximum HP of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Raihan SupportGigalith Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4
Raihan (New Years 2025) SupportSandaconda Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4
Nessa TechDrednaw Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Raises the maximum HP of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Nessa (Holidays 2021) TechEiscue
Eiscue (Noice Face)
Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Raises the maximum HP of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Bea StrikeSirfetch'd Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 2
Bea (Palentine's 2022) SupportVanilluxe Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4
Hop SupportZamazenta (Crowned Shield) Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4
Hop (Neo Champion) TechZapdos (Galarian Form) Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Raises the maximum HP of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Hop ((Variety)) FieldRillaboom Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 1. Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1
Hop ((Damage Challenge)) FieldPincurchin Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 1. Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1
Hop SprintZacian (Crowned Sword) Raises allies's Attack and Sp. Atk by 1. Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1
Allister TechGengar Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Raises the maximum HP of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Allister (Fall 2022) SupportGourgeist (Super Size) Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4
Sonia SupportYamper Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4
Sonia (Special Costume) StrikeTsareena (Shiny Tsareena) Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 2
Bede TechHatterene Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Raises the maximum HP of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Bede (Neo Champion) SupportArticuno (Galarian Form) Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4
Victor StrikeRillaboom Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 2
Victor ( (Extra)) FieldSpectrier Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 1. Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1
Victor (Palentine's 2024) SupportGreedent Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4
Gordie TechCoalossal Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Raises the maximum HP of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Melony SupportLapras Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4
Ball Guy
Ball Guy SupportAmoonguss Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4
Rose StrikeCopperajah Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 2
Rose ((BP)) TechPerrserker Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Raises the maximum HP of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Oleana TechGarbodor Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Raises the maximum HP of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Eve TechEevee Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Raises the maximum HP of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Petey TechPikachu (Female) Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Raises the maximum HP of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Kabu SupportCentiskorch Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4
Kabu ((Lodge)) SupportTorkoal Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4
Klara TechSlowbro (Galarian Form) Raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Raises the maximum HP of all allied Sync Pairs by 1
Avery FieldSlowking (Galarian Form) Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 1. Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by 1
Milo SupportEldegoss Raises the maximum HP of all allied sync pairs by 4