Hometown: Veilstone City, Sinnoh
First Appearence In Episode: Two Degrees of Seperation!
Paul is a rather arrogant trainer. From Veilstone City, he headed to Sandgem to get his starter, he has since travelled through Kanto, Johto & Hoenn. However, he is not a caring trainer, what he wants from his Pokémon is pure power and the trainers he faces to be strong. When he first meets Ash, he demands a 3 on 3 Battle, however since Ash was still looking for Pikachu, Ash couldn't battle, this warranted some aggrivation on Paul's part. Paul is also known to release his Pokémon if he deems them weak or useless.
Paul has competed in the Kanto, Johto & Hoenn leagues and has obtained several Sinnoh gym badges. After his journeys through Sinnoh, he became a Gym Leader
Pokémon Rotated in Team
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Torterra Torterra, evolved from the Turtwig that he obtained as a starter is one of Paul's strongest Pokémon whom Paul has used in his many league battles. It knows many strong attacks such as Frenzy Plant, it manages to hold its own in battle. However, it was defeated easily by Cynthia's Garchomp. This was a one off loss however as Paul used it in a variety of battles where it won easily. Despite its trainer being harsh, Torterra itself was eager to help Ash's Grotle get to terms with its new physique and loss of speed Evolved from Grotle prior to episode: Top-Down Training! |
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Electivire Having evolved into Electivire in preparation for the Sinnoh League, Electivire became the true powerhouse of Paul's team. It has many amazingly powerful attacks including Thunder and Giga Impact that allow it to inflict serious damage on its foes and has the moves Protect and Light Screen to allow it to be more defensive. Evolved from Electabuzz prior to episode: Casting a Paul on Barry! |
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Magmortar Shortly after it's loss against Brandon's Regirock, Paul evolved his Magmar into Magmortar. Magmortar now has signifcantly enhanced strength and with its powerful attacks such as Flamethrower, it is truely one of the biggest powerhouses of Paul's Team. It was used in battle against Ash's Pikachu. Evolved from Magmar prior to episode: Pedal to the Mettle |
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Ursaring While stuck in a forest, Ash & Co. got attacked by an Ursaring that chased them out. Deciding it was worthy of testing, Paul used his Chimchar to capture it. Paul was happy with the strength of the Ursaring and has thus kept it on his team. After its capture, Paul has used it in many battles and has managed to prove that the Ursaring is strong and Paul has used it in numerous battles. Normally, it ends up having its Guts ability activated to allow it to defeat its foes with ease. Obtained in episode: Different Strokes for Different Blokes |
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Weavile Paul's Weavile was first used in battle against Cynthia's Garchomp. It has a variety of Ice attacks at its disposal such as Blizzard as well as some strong physical attacks including Metal Claw. However, in both of the battles it has been seen in, against Cynthia's Garchomp and Ash's Staraptor, it has lost despite having the type advantage. Obtained prior to episode: Top-Down Training! |
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Honchkrow Before getting to the Veilstone Gym, Paul evolved his Murkrow into Honchkrow. Unlike Murkrow, Honchkrow is powerful and can hold its own in battle with attacks such as it's powerful Sky Attack and Dark Pulse. Using these attacks, it managed to defeat Ash's Grotle with little difficulty. It was also used in a PokéRinger contest where it managed to get to the final round, only to be beaten by Ash's newly evolved Staraptor Evolved from Murkrow prior to episode: Lost Leader Strategy |
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Aggron Aggron was the first of Paul's Pokémon that he used during his Sinnoh League battle against Ash. Aggron is a very strong Pokémon and has a powerful Metal Sound attack that even managed to incapacitate Pokémon in the stands. In addition to that, it has powerful Metal Claw, Double-Edge and Flash Cannon attacks which allowed it to hold its own against Ash's Pikachu. However, it eventually fell to Ash's Infernape Evolved from Lairon prior to episode: Familiarity Breeds Strategy! |
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Gastrodon Paul's next Pokémon during the Sinnoh League battle against Ash was Gastrodon. Gastrodon is a very strong Pokémon and managed to trap Ash's Staraptor in battle with a strategy that involved using Water Pulse and Body Slam. In addition to that, it has a powerful Ice Beam attack. It was soon defeated by Ash's Buizel's Ice Punch Obtained prior to episode: Familiarity Breeds Strategy! |
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Drapion Paul's third Pokémon during the Sinnoh League battle against Ash was Drapion. Not much has been seen about Drapion's battle strengths yet, but it manages to use all its pincers defensively against fast Pokémon like Ash's Buizel. In addition to that, it has powerful Cross Poison and Poison Sting attacks that let it attack its foes. It also has and used the Toxic Spikes attack in order to poison any foe who comes in contact with the ground. It used this strategy to poison 5 of Ash's Pokémon. Obtained prior to episode: Familiarity Breeds Strategy! |
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Ninjask Paul captured Ninjask just before he met with Chimchar. He then later used it in his battle against Ash. Using its incredibly speed, it managed to evade most of the attacks from Ash's Gliscor. It has some powerful tackling attacks which it used to knock Gliscor to the ground, thus poisoning it. In addition to that, it has a Giga Drain attack which it used against Infernape, in combination with its Speed. However, Infernape managed to defeat it Obtained in Flashback in episode: Glory Blaze |
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Froslass Froslass was the fifth of Paul's Pokémon seen during his battle with Ash. Shortly after sending it out, it used the move Hail, which coupled with its Snow Cloak ability, it managed to evade the attacks by Ash's Pikachu. However, Pikachu soon got the upper hand. It used its powerful attacks such as Ice Ball and Ice Beam to try and freeze Pikachu, but eventually fell in battle. Obtained prior to episode: Intense Fighting Full Battle! Ash VS Paul! |
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Gliscor Paul encountered Gliscor in a town near Veilstone City. It had become trapped in the town after being blown there by the wind and started causing trouble with a fleet of Gligar. In stopping it, Paul captured the Gliscor and after checking its stats, decided to keep it on his team. Gliscor has a range of powerful attacks including X-Scissor Captured in episode: Riding the Winds of Change |
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Nidoking Paul utilised his Nidoking in his battle against the Pyramid King Brandon. Sending it against Registeel, Paul managed to get in a few attacks with Nidoking, including the use of it's powerful Earth Power attack, before it ended up being defeated. Obtained prior to episode: A Pyramiding Rage |
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Hariyama Paul also utilised his Hariyama in his battle against the Pyramid King Brandon. Sending it against Regirock, Hariyama utilised a variety of fighting type volleys in order to try and defeat it. However, it wasn't too long before Hariyama was defeated Obtained prior to episode: A Pyramiding Rage |
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Gyarados Paul used Gyarados during a training battle with Ash at Professor Oak's laboratory. It faced off against Ash's Lucario. It has the moves Loquidation and Hyper Beam at its disposal. It eventually fell in battle to Ash's Lucario Obtained prior to episode: Fire Training Battle! Ash VS Paul!! |
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Garchomp Paul used Garchomp during a training battle with Ash at Professor Oak's laboratory. It faced off against Ash's Dragonite. It has the moves Draco Meteor, Stone Edge and Dragon Claw at its disposal which it used to defeat Ash's Dragonite. Obtained prior to episode: Fire Training Battle! Ash VS Paul!! |
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Metagross Paul used Metagross during a training battle with Ash at Professor Oak's laboratory. It faced off against Ash's Gengar. It has the moves Psychic and Meteor Mash at its disposal Obtained prior to episode: Fire Training Battle! Ash VS Paul!! |
Pokémon Previously Owned
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Lairon Lairon was the last of the new Pokémon of Pauls seen in his battle against Brandon. Not much about Lairon's strengths are known as it was quickly attacked and defeated by Regice freezing it. It later evolved prior to the Sinnoh League
Obtained prior to episode: A Pyramiding Rage |
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Electabuzz Newly evolved in the Tag Battles, Electabuzz has re-asserted itself as a main powerhouse of Paul's Team. With powerful attacks such as Thunder and Protect, it has the ability to vanquish its foes easily and defend itself when the need arises. It also has a variety of non-electric attacks including Brick Break
Evolved from Elekid in episode: Smells Like Team Spirit |
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Magmar Paul obtained a Magmar prior to getting to Veilstone City and successfully used it in his gym battle against Maylene. It has a variety of powerful attacks including Fire Spin & Fire Punch. Paul later used it in his battle against Brandon where it had troubles fighting Registeel before being defeated by Regirock. It evolved into Magmortar not long after this loss
Obtained prior to episode: Lost Leader Strategy |
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Turtwig Turtwig was Paul's starter Pokémon. Not much is known about it's strengths, weaknesses or attacks but it was present when Paul watched his brother Reggie battle Brandon
Obtained prior to flashback in episode: A Pyramiding Rage |
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Murkrow Murkrow's first appearance was in battle against Cynthia and her Garchomp. It used some strong Sky Attacks to try and defeat the Land Shark, but it, like Paul's other Pokémon, lost quickly. It evolved before Paul went to Veilstone
Obtained prior to episode: Top-Down Training! |
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Elekid Elekid is Paul's powerhouse Pokémon. Often seen outside of battle travelling with Paul, it has a variety of electric attacks and attacks such as Protect which helped it draw a major battle against Ash's Pikachu. Using this power, it became a vital part of Paul's team in the Tag Battles and evolved during the final. Obtained prior to episode: When Pokémon Worlds Collide! Evolved into Electabuzz in episode: Smells Like Team Spirit |
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Chimchar Chimchar is one of Paul's Weaker Pokémon. Knowing many fire attacks, Paul set it out against Ash's Aipom with whom it put up a decent fight. However it eventually got defeated, however this defeat did not disuade Paul's faith in Chimchar. After its defeat at the hands of Cynthia, Paul is worried that Chimchar is not striking its potential which continues into the Tag Battle Paul Enters. When it seems its not fulfilling its potential more, Paul decides to release it after leaving it in battle for Ash to command. Soon after it is released, Ash asks Chimchar to join him
Obtained prior to episode: When Pokémon Worlds Collide! |
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Azumarill It is unknown where Paul obtained his Azumarill, however Paul did use it in his battle against the Rock Gym Leader of Sinnoh, Hyouta. With a powerful Hydro Pump, Paul hoped it'ld help make quick work of Hyouta's team. However, Hyouta's Geodude made quick work of it. After it's pitiful defeat during the Gym Battle with Hyouta, Paul gave his Azumarill to a passing trainer. Obtained prior to & released in episode: A Shape Of Things To Come! |
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Stantler While stuck in a forest, Paul discovered a Wild Stantler. Battling it with Chimchar, he capturesd it and decided, like usual, to check its strength with his Pokédex, he decided that Stantler was too weak to be on his team and thus released it back to the wild Obtained in & released in episode: Different Strokes for Different Blokes |
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Starly This Starly was the Starly that Paul kept, due to it knowing Aerial Ace. It is a powerful Starly that was able to defeat Ash's Starly in a quick battle. However despite this win, Paul decided to let Starly go. Obtained prior to episode: When Pokémon Worlds Collide! |
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Starly (Two) Paul caught these two Starly with the other one. However after learning that these two did not know Aerial Ace, Paul quickly released these two and kept the other one, for a short time. Obtained prior to episode: When Pokémon Worlds Collide! |